biological clock: biological clock:

Setting back your Biological Clock by freezing your eggs.
An Asian friend of mine just froze her eggs a few months ago, and that is all she can talk about. It is a very interesting and practical concept in my opinion, although I think natural is still the best way to go.
Basics: Biological Clock
Since the science bloggers started writing the 'basic concepts and terms' posts recently, I've been thinking about the best way to define 'biological clock' and it is not easy! Let me try, under the fold:. Read the rest of this post.
Respect Our Biological Clock
All of us has a biological clock that our body keeps such that our internal organs function in routine, from waking up to eating to shitting to sleeping. The most obvious effects of our biological clock is during jet lag when you travel
Men Have A Biological Clock, Too By: Judy Foreman, 07/03/2001
A man, or more accurately his sperm, also has a biological clock. And it's ticking can be just as spooky as a woman's, perhaps even more so because its virtually impossible to do prenatal tests to pick up all the possible genetic
That Old Biological Clock
Megan of From the Archives wrote a sweet, honest post about being 35, desperately wanting kids, and worrying that her biological clock will turn off her dates. Crooked Timber picked up the post and some male commenters sneered.
The Male Biological Clock
A man's genes, coupled with the facts of his life, set the limits of his ual biological clock. But men can still do a lot to improve their fertility and their ual performance. Channel: Love & Personals Tags: Men biological clock
Researchers figure out what makes a simple biological clock tick
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Vanderbilt University have analyzed the simplest known biological clock and figured out what makes it tick. The results of their analysis are published in the March 27 issue of the journal
(a NYC police officer) inject her with fertility drugs, to her day-to-day job as a 4th grade theatre teacher in a Brooklyn private school, this primal rush to beat the biological clock is not your ordinary view of conception.
Tick, Tock the Biological Clock
Researchers have recently elucidated the details of biological clocks
Researchers figure out what makes a simple biological clock tick
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Vanderbilt University has analyzed the simplest known biological clock and figured out what makes it tick
biological+clock: biological+clock:

Tick, Tock the Biological Clock
Researchers have recently elucidated the details of biological clocks.
Biological clock more influenced by temperature than light
Erik Herzog, Ph.D., and graduate student Rachel Huckfeldt attach electrodes to a multielectrode array.Getting over jet lag may be as simple as changing the
It Seems the Fertility Clock Ticks for Men, Too - New York Times
When it comes to fertility and the prospect of having normal babies, it has always been assumed that men have no biological clock -- that unlike women,
ScienceDaily: The Brain's 'Timex': Biological Clock More
Getting over jet lag may be as simple as changing the temperature --your brain temperature, that is. That's a theory proposed by Erik Herzog,
Purdue researchers discover basis for biological clock
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The biological clock – timekeeper for virtually every activity within living things, from sleep patterns to respiration – is a single
The biological clock also ticks for fathers | Science | Guardian
The biological clock ticks for men as well as women, suggesting it is not just females who should be aware of the consequences of starting families later in
How good is your biological clock
A traveler experiences jet lag when his or her internal clock becomes out-of-synch with the environment. Seasonal Affective Disorder, some types of
Male Biological Clock In Focus, More Information About Paternity
The biological clock has always been seen as a woman's problem, but mounting research shows the clock is ticking for men. While fertility doesn't decrease
biological clock from Online Medical Dictionary
<biology, physiology> An internal biological mechanism which controls certain biological rhythms and biocycles, such as metabolism, sleep cycles,
Circadian rhythm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ability of light to reset the biological clock depends on the phase response curve (to light). Depending on the phase of sleep, the light can advance or
biological+clock: biological+clock: