Salon Brilliant Careers: Stan Lee
Profile of Lee's career, and the cultural significance of superheroes in the 1960s.
Heroes Wanted: Stan Lee Media Struggles to Stay Afloat
By Brett Rogers. [Animation World Magazine]
CineFile: Hulk
Recensione del film di Ang Lee. A cura di Alberto Cassani.
CineFile: Spider-Man
Recensione del film, a cura di Alberto Cassani.
Photo by
Introduzione a Moebius, biografia, bibliografia e il rapporto col cinema.
Wolverine Arma X
Recensione del volume disegnato da Smith.
Comics2Film: Stiperella
News and stories about the show.
Scheda dell'autore e alcuni link utili.
News From Me, By Mark Evanier
"A weblog about TV, movies, comics, theater, news, politics, and other forms of
fantasy." Forum
ATV forum: Official home of Team Emerson.
ZaBrisKIe pOInt: X-Men - Conflitto finale
Valerio Sammarco recensisce il film di Brett Ratner.
Film Rotation
Film and entertainment news, movie and DVD reviews, editorials, and links.
Boing Boing
A directory of wonderful things.
Hollywood Jesus: Spider-Man (2002)
Visual film analysis linking and explaining Biblical themes found in the movie.