City of Port Arthur, Texas Includes sections on city administration, departments, projects, budget, and officials.
Copyright 2002 City of Port Arthur Texas
Powered by: PO Box 1089 | Port Arthur, TX 77641 444 4th St | Port Arthur, TX 77640
Port of Port Arthur
The port is equipped to handle any type of break-bulk general cargo.
Port Arthur News Online
Includes local news, weather, sports, entertainment, and editorials and opinions.
Fri, Aug 25 2006 Currently 79 F Port Arthur, TX High 90 F Low 76 F | Classifieds Vrooman enjoys the spice of life ARCHIVES: SEARCH THE NEWS Local News | National News | State News | The Port Arthur News Citizen of the Year | No panic among Bulldogs ..
Southeast Texas Interfaith Organization, prayer breakfast, Ramada Inn, Port Arthur Thursday, Aug
Contact a sales rep today at 409-721-2440 ...>MORE © 2006, The Port Arthur News 3501 Turtle Creek Drive; Port Arthur, TX 77642 (409) 729-6397; • • Associated Press content © 2006
Port Arthur
Fyns Grønne Spejdercenter. Information om centeret, lejre og udlejning.
(19/2-2006) Så er det igen tid til en spændende spejderweekend på Port Arthur
(2/10-2005) Hjemmesiden er nu blevet opdateret med information om alt det spændende der sker på Port Arthur i 2006
(18/3-2005) Nu kan du og din patrulje tage på weekend på Port Arthur lige når det passer jer, og alligevel få mulighed for at benytte jer af centerets aktiviteter

Photo by www.battlefieldanomalies.com
The Port Arthur Region Information and bookings for the area.
Port Arthur News Archive A collection of news articles about the event.
Port Arthur News Archive 'I love you Mum and Dad, and I know you love me
Love Alannah' - written in her diary by Alannah Mikac, 6 The Seascape Cottage If you'd like to ask a question or two about what happened at Port Arthur, to save you time wandering around reading articles, you can
Walter lost his wife, Nanette, and two daughters, six-year-old Alannah and three-year-old Madeline, at Port Arthur
Port Arthur Motor Inn
Details of accommodation and facilities in moter inn overlooking Port Arthur.
Port Arthur Independent School District
PK-12th grades. Includes contact information, intranet, links to each school,
and district map.
The PAISD's new website is located at 2003 Port Arthur Independent School District Site designed for 1024 X 768 pixels or higher

Photo by img1.travelblog.org
Port Arthur Yacht Club. Includes club news, racing and cruising news, schedules, social calendar, photo
galleries, and complete membership information.
Port Arthur Yacht Club CLUB PROGRAMS MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT WEATHER LINKS PAYC - The Fun Spot of Southeast Texas Port Arthur Yacht Clubs mission is to encourage yachting in a safe and sporting manner
Port Arthur Yacht Club, Incorporated | 560 Pleasure Island Blvd
#79 | Port Arthur, TX 77640 | Phone 409-985-3751 Page Last Updated on 09/27/2005
Australia's Port Arthur Massacre
Young, handsome Martin Bryant goes on a murder rampage in Tasmania.
You are in: NOTORIOUS MURDERS/ MASS & SPREE MURDERS MARTIN BRYANT By Suddenly One Sunday For the owners of the numerous shops and cafés at the Port Arthur Historical site in Tasmania, fine weather usually meant good crowds and Sunday April 28, 1996 was no exception
Once the site of one of Australia's most brutal penal settlements, Port Arthur had become the premiere tourist attraction in Tasmania
Another vehicle, approaching along the Arthur Highway, saw the man standing on the road with a gun and rapidly changed direction
Only minutes after the shooting began at Port Arthur, the first police were summoned to the scene
Police would later establish that Pears had been murdered sometime during the negotiations and Bryant killed the Martins prior to his arrival at Port Arthur
Port Arthur Rotary
The site lists history, committees and member's e-mail directory.
Port Arthur Retriever Club
PARC was organized in 1950 club and membership information, calendar of events,
and hunting related links. Port Arthur, Texas.AKC.
Port Arthur Retriever Club Dedicated to the Retriever Owner and their Best Friends! TEACH * TRAIN * TEST | The Port Arthur Retriever Club was established in 1950 as a club for the advancement of the retriever breeds through the avenue of competitive field trials
L'Escale du Port Arthur
Hôtel restaurant au bord de la rivière le Loiret. Service en terrasse l'été ou
feu de cheminée l'hiver. Saint-Hilaire Saint-Mesmin.
Hôtel Restaurant blotti dans le feuillage tendre des rives du Loiret, l’Escale du Port Arthur vit au fil de l’eau dans le silence d’une nature préservée
205 rue de l'Église - 45160 St Hilaire St Mesmin Tel : +33 (0)2 38 76 30 36 - Fax : +33 (0)2 38 76 37 67 E-mail : © 2005 - Réalisation et Conception L'Escale du Port Arthur
Port Arthur Clinic
Health Center features scheduled appointments as well as walk in services.
Information on service delivery, referrals, appointment information, history of the ...
WELCOME TO THE PORT ARTHUR HEALTH CENTRE …health care professionals dedicated to meeting the medical needs of the community
The staff of the Port Arthur Health Centre are a team of competent health care professionals dedicated to meeting the medical needs of the community
Please note: the Walk in Clinic is only open to patients who have a primary care physician at the Port Arthur Health Centre
Port Arthur News
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Search Over 1 Year of Results! Enter topic, city or ZIP or try our » » » Port Arthur Port Arthur News Local news for Port Arthur, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web
Wednesday Sep 6 | KBTV Beaumont Some Port Arthur residents are finding out that the war on crime can be a double-edged sword
Wednesday Sep 6 | KRCM-AM Beaumont Orange County Sheriff's Office received a call at 3:31 pm today concerning a traffic accident involving a Tuesday Sep 5 | KBTV Beaumont The city of Port Arthur is fighting to get its budget under control, without putting a financial burden on residents
Friday Sep 1 | Afjournal.yellowbrix.com Mitchell White flings his nets into the murky water off Pleasure Island in Port Arthur, hoping for a succulent catch
Tourist Map - Port Arthur
Local area map. No street index available.
Prince Arthur Hotel
Full service downtown waterfront hotel.
Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel and Suites · 17 North Cumberland Street · Thunder Bay, Ontario · Canada · Toll Free: 1-800-267-2675 Welcome to Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites The Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites overlooks beautiful Lake Superior
Whether it's a quiet walk along the harbour front or taking in Thunder Bay's Charity Casino or walking through the old downtown of Port Arthur browsing through shops or going to Magnus Theatre, you'll find the Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel the ideal location
Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites (in background) overlooks Thunder Bay's beautiful marina park
Few hotels in the world can bring you the majesty, charm, hospitality and scenery of Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel
Kids Eat Free Program Now
At the Prince Arthur WaterfrontHotel & SuitesOverlooking ..
Beaumont's NBC affiliate has News, Weather, Sports, and a community calendar of events.
Convict Trail - Port Arthur Historic Site
Government information on Tasmania's most famous convict settlement area.
The home of Port Arthur Historic Site and Richmond Village, the region encompasses a kaleidoscope of history, heritage, boutique wineries, clifftop walks, world class diving, deep sea fishing and kayaking
The Convict Trail Highlights include: CONVICT TRAIL Port Arthur Historic Site Spend a day at least at Port Arthur, Australia’s premier historic site
Port Arthur is a truly unforgettable experience in a beautiful setting
Home Page -St Paul UMC Port Arthur Texas
Includes news and guide to its bible study, charity, and ministries.
"CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY" 2005 Homecoming The Who's Who in Black Port Arthurans Banquet Pastor King's Speech - "Shelter from the Storm: A Time for Healing and Wholeness" The Southeast Texas Interfaith Organization is planning a commemorative event for Southeast Texans affected by Hurricane Rita
Jefferson County Bookmobile Schedule St Paul UMC 821 Texas Avenue Port Arthur, Texas 77641 Sept
Paul United Methodist Church Port Arthur Texas™
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