US Army Military History Online resources, documents, artwork and links. Includes Medal of Honor Citations.
Military History Magazine Sample articles and the chance to subscribe to the paper version.
US Army Military History Institute Provides searchable databases of bibliographical and biographical holdings and
unit histories; online...
Flash Player 6 is required to view this page, if you do not have flash player 6 USAMHI Links: - - - Inquiries: - - - Programs: Veterans Questionnaires: Upcoming Events: Educational Programs: Weekend Living History Programs: AHEC Links: Related Army Links: Ridgway Hall - The U.S
Army Military History Institute ( USAMHI) is an institute of the U.S
- Our mission is to preserve the Army’s history and ensure access to historical research materials
We serve as the primary facility where researchers study Army history
Society for Military History
Devoted to stimulating and advancing the study of military history in the United
States. Site describes...
Welcome to the Society for Military History web page
Established in 1933 as the American Military History Foundation, renamed in 1939 the American Military Institute, and renamed again in 1990 the Society for Military History, the Society is devoted to stimulating and advancing the study of military history
Its membership (today more than 2300) has included many of the nation's most prominent scholars, soldiers, and citizens interested in military history
UPDATED: For the last several months, the Society has had an arrangement with JSTOR that allows members to purchase individual subscriptions for online access to the entire run of the Journal of Military History
Questions or comments? Contact the SMH Webmaster at khackeme@usd.edu or the Journal of Military History at Content of this site © 1999-2006, The Society for Military History

Photo by www.virtuti.com
H-War: Military History Network H-Net discussion group dedicated to world
military history. Provides subject
overview, archive, reviews,...
H-WAR encourages scholarly discussion of world military history and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids
Military History Online - Battle of Gettysburg
A comprehensive study of the including maps of the battle, articles, message
boards, and photos.
* * * by Michael Nugent On a boulder strewn hillside in south-central Pennsylvania, a simple monument marks a pivotal place in the history of the United States
That list is included in the packet I have handed out...' Featured Books and DVDs © 1999-2006 Brian Williams (www.militaryhistoryonline.com) Contact Brian Williams at:
Information om ett flertal historiska händelser, nazism och Tredje Riket.
Military History Journal
Published by the South African Military History Society with many articles
available on-line.
The South African Military History Society Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging Military History Journal (incorporating Museum Review) Articles published over the last 39 years The Military History Journal (incorporating the Museum Review), established in 1967, is published by the South African National Museum Of Military History in association with the South African Military History Society, bi-annually, in June and December
The aim of the Journal is to publish research and articles of interest concerning military history by members of the Society or the Museum or any other person who wishes to submit his or her work
Military History Society Activities Vol 4 No 1 June 1977 SA ISSN 0026-4016 by D.E
Military History Society Activities Vol 3 No 5 June 1976 SA ISSN 0026-4016 by 'Cuidich 'n Righ' by J
Military History Society Activities Vol 1 No 6 June 1970 SA ISSN 0026-4016 by Bryan Chilvers by Andrew L
Military History Society Activities Vol 1 No 5 December 1969 SA ISSN 0026-4016 deur dr
Jan Ploeger by Felix Machanik by Neville Gomm South African Military History Society Message from Chairman Activities/Aktiwiteite Vol 1 No 4 June 1969 SA ISSN 0026-4016 From the Honorary Editors (D

Photo by journals.iranscience.net:800
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Military News Military Intelligence Military History Military PHOTO
The online magazine of the Art and Science of War and Intelligence. Covers current
military technology,...
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History of African Americans in the Military
A site devoted to giving African Americans the respect they deserve. They have
fought in every major...
OnWar.com - Military History Research
Military history site that includes a database of world conflicts and other
military events 1800-1999.
Military History This research project presently documents over 1500 armed conflicts from 1800 to 1999
Military history students will find this knowledgebase an invaluable resource for their own research and analysis
Commentary An archive of original research essays on selected topics in military history and international relations
This lesson of military history is sometimes not learned
News Fifty percent of visitors to OnWar .com are college or high school students researching an essay about military history
154+ Military History and Product Magazines (full article text and ...
Thousands of online articles from over 70 military history and gaming magazine
titles. A subscription...
Welcome to MagWeb.com! Online Archive of Military History and Related Magazines
Emperor Triumphant (music CD) 5000 Years of Military History! O ver 50, 000 articles from 154+ magazines are waiting for you inside MagWeb.com and the number grows daily--covering military history from the Stone Age to the Space Age and all that relates to war, warfare, war toys, and other creative products
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We've been featured on The History Channel, ABC, NBC, Fox, and lots of cable TV and radio shows, Fortune, Entrepreneur, MIN, and other on-line sites, and publications such as USA Today, NY Times, and a plethora of business and consumer magazines, newspapers, and newsletters
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WarScholar's Military History Timeline
A comprehensive and comparative listing of major wars from all over the globe,
organized by region,...
With the thousands of conflicts that man has been engaged in over the past 5, 000+ years of recorded history, I have been able to include the major ones and many of the minor ones
Military History Encyclopedia
Covers battles, sieges, weapons, equipment, treaties, military units, individuals.
Military History Encyclopedia on the Web Welcome to HistoryOfWar.org We aim to make our new location your first call for information on any aspect of military history
National Museum of American Jewish Military History
Documents and preserves the contributions of Jewish Americans to the peace and
freedom of the United States.
For more information, call the museum at (202) 265-6280 or send in your name, address and check to NMAJMH, 1811 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 New Level of Membership The National Museum of American Jewish Military History now offers a 3 year single basic membership level for $60.00 ( original cost for three years of a regular single basic museum membership is $75.00) for all new and renewing members
The National Museum of American Jewish Military History, under the auspices of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA, documents and preserves the contributions of Jewish Americans to the peace and freedom of the United States, educates the public concerning the courage, heroism and sacrifices made by Jewish Americans who served in the armed forces, and works to combat anti-Semitism
De Re Militari Society homepage
An academic association examining medieval warfare and military history.
Features information on the...
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History De Re Militari is an international scholarly association established to foster and develop interest in the study of military affairs and warfare in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Our society publishes the Journal of Medieval Military History and organizes academic conferences focusing on medieval warfare
Military History Network
Covers on WWII and immediately post-war military history in the Mediterranean
Theater, with a particular...
How do you get a Veteran's Records, History, Medals ? Veterans' Records Access Procedures • Award and Decoration Inquiries Indirect and sometimes inconsistent information on procedures for requesting military service records and awards has led to much confusion and delay This is hopefully corrected by our information page, with links directly back to the official sources for procedures and requirements: http://www.milhist.net/reference/records.html 34th 'Red Bull' Infantry Division Spin-Off Most of the material relative to this Division now resides on its own, but key pages which speak to common or similar situations in other units will remain linked to the Military History Network, and are identified '(external)' 'The Psychology of Hate' Much of the e-mail I receive is along the lines of 'He never talks/talked about what happened there
Kentucky Military History Museum
Emphasizes the service of the Kentucky Militia, State Guard, and other volunteer
military organizations,...
] KHS: | || | Research Databases | Table of Contents | Kentucky Military History Museum The Kentucky Military History Museum emphasizes the service of the Kentucky Militia, State Guard, and other volunteer military organizations, from the Revolution through the Gulf War
In 1973 the Old State Arsenal became the home of the Kentucky Military History Museum
Kentucky Military History Museum: | School Tours | [ An agency of the Kentucky Commerce Cabinet ] | Feedback: | Copyright © 2002 Commonwealth of Kentucky
Directorate of History and Heritage
The DHH develops and reinforces Canadian Forces history, heritage, traditions,
military honours, museum...
This project, undertaken by the Directorate of History and Heritage to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the creation of the Victoria Cross, consists of a series of framed photographs and citations for each of the 81 Canadians who were awarded the most prestigious decoration of the Commonwealth while serving with Canadian military forces since 1856
What: Unveiling of the Victoria Cross Photographic Gallery Where: NDHQ main concourse, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa When: Tuesday 30 May 2006 at 1530 hrs (please arrive in the concourse no later than 1520 hrs) Who: The Chief of the Defence Staff, and military and civilian personnel interested in honours, history and heritage Dress: Dress of the day 11/8/1954 HMCS Venture is commissioned in Esquimalt, British Columbia, as a naval cadet training establishment 27/7/1691 Fort Laprairie successfully repels an attack by Major Schuyler and his force of New York militiamen and Iroquois
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