Michigan Department of Education: Office of Special Education Services Upcoming events, newsletters, professional development resources, and associations.
Department of Education Offers degree programs, professional development seminars, and employment resources.
Includes degree requirements, admission details, and faculty information.
: Center for Educational Technology, Research and Assessment : MSASE Student Projects Handbook Updated Spring 2006 : Peace Corps Masters International Program in Science Education Professional Development Summer Courses 2006 July 9-15 Updated 04/14/06 June 19-24 Updated 02/20/06 June 19-30 June 26-30 June 19-30 June 25-30 CANCELLED June 17-July 1 Lesson Plans added 09/11/06 July 24-28 and/or July 31-August 3 Updated 04/14/06 July 16-20 Updated 02/28/06 June 19-23 FILLED June 12-16 Updated 01/17/06 July 17-21 Updated 01/27/06 June 19-23 Updated 02/20/06 Updated 03/29/06 Department of Education Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295 (906) 487-2460; Fax 487-2468 Last modified September 11, 2006 since 09/30/04
Center for Language Education And Research (CLEAR) at Michigan ...
Teaching resources, research, training and professional development, and newsletter.
University of Michigan Health System Department of Surgery
Information about surgery for patients and the public, as well as about the
faculty, research, and surgery graphics.

Photo by www.ed.gov
Department of Neurology Offers instruction in clinical neurology, psychiatry, genetics, and several areas
of neuroscience. Includes information for patients, staff, visitors and
... Department of Neurology Search | The Department of Neurology The Department of Neurology at the University of Michigan provides state-of-the-art care for patients with neurologic disease, education of medical students, neurology residents and post residency trainees in neurology subspecialties, and research programs in basic and clinical neuroscience directed at understanding diseases of the nervous system and developing new treatments based on that knowledge
Students and trainees interested in the residency and fellowship programs should click on the 'Education' tab
Department of Radiation Oncology
Provides patient treatment, and research and instruction in radiation therapy.
Includes information for patients, physician listings, research programs, ...
The U-M's Radiation Oncology Department's success in achieving its clinical, research and academic goals means better, constantly evolving care and education for everyone we serve - patients, physicians, students, local communities and nations
Michigan Education Report
Quarterly publication from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
Michigan Electronic Library: Education Section
Classified and annotated directory of education resources for teachers and others,
with a special emphasis on Michigan.
| MeL Internet > Education Search MeL Internet: You may use and , or , not , wildcard = * , or phrases in " quotes " Search All of MeL Internet Search in 'Education' Only Education · · · · · · · · · J · K · · · N · O · · Q · · · · · V · W · X · Y · Z This service is funded in part by the State of Michigan through the

Photo by www.ehs.cmich.edu
Western Michigan University Graduate and Ph. D. programs, course descriptions, faculty, publications and
related information. Located in Kalamazoo,
Michigan, US.
Michigan Interactive Offers a
Michigan business listing directory.
Michigan State University Extension, Index Page, Kalamazoo County Offers agriculture programs, including master gardener classes and certification,
4H youth development program, family nutrition information, and community
... 'Welcome to MSU Extension/Kalamazoo County' Nazareth Complex 4th Floor, 2nd Wing Kalamazoo MI 49048 (269) 383-8830 Toll Free (800) 745-5861 Program in the Spotlight September 2006 Second Time Around Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Information Series FREE 8-Week Workshop For Kinship Care Families (Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Aunts & Uncles Raising Nieces & Nephews, Siblings Raising Siblings) Topics Include, Your New Life, Legal Issues, School & Community, Financial Questions, Handling Stress, Parenting Skills Two Series Options Offered: Option #1 - at Portage Community Education Bldg., 1010 West Milham Rd
COOR Intermediate School District, Roscommon, Michigan
General and career tech education. Includes the counties of Crawford, Oscoda,
Ogemaw and Roscommon.
The ISD acts as a link between the Michigan Department of Education and local school districts
The ISD collects and monitors data that is required by the Michigan Department of Education, and works with local districts to insure that the type and nature of services needed within our area are properly represented at the state level
COOR VISION STATEMENT COOR Intermediate School District will be the collaborative model for excellence in educational services and programs promoting lifelong learning for the local school districts and the communities we serve
This will be achieved in partnership with all local educational interests through communication, collaboration and cooperation
Northern Michigan University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
M ISSION STATEMENT The primary mission of the department is to prepare our students for participation in professional careers in mathematics, mathematics education and computer science, while providing service and liberal studies courses for the broader university community
In addition, the department contributes to the continuing education of K-12 mathematics teachers in the region
The department also offers a master's degree in mathematics education
DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES The Mathematics and Computer Science Department offers majors in computer science, mathematics and mathematics education
Students majoring in secondary education mathematics or minoring in secondary education mathematics must maintain a GPA of 2.70 or greater with no grade below a "C" in the professional education sequence, the major and/or minors and required cognates combined
Mathematics courses with a middle digit of "5" will not count toward the requirements of a non-education major or minor
Saint Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency
Offers educational programs and services to students. Contains details about
programs and facilities, agency goals and mission, and lists employment ...
Clair County RESA with help from a Michigan Department of Education grant
Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) Non-Discrimination Policy The Board of Education of St
Clair County RESA complies with all federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination; including the requirements of the United States Department of Education and the Michigan State Department of Education
Adopted by the Board of Education on July 20, 1998
Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency
Michigan House Republicans
Information about republican members in the House, and their accomplishments.
Emmons, Mortimer announce education and job training reform House GOP package improves crucial job training programs by cutting bureaucracy and strengthening oversight State Reps
Judy Emmons and Leslie Mortimer today announced plans to introduce a 15-bill legislative package to transfer many educational and job training programs and services currently managed by the Department of Labor and Economic Growth to the Department of Education
remc8 technology school education library technology
Distance learning, workshops, and teacher's material center.
NASA Dryden's education office is celebrating the center's 60th anniversary with a poster and essay contest
Participating in the Christopher Columbus Awards program is a cross-curricular activity that meets science education standards
Employment Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences
Teaching and other posts. Maintained by the Mathematical Association of America.
Employment Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences How to Advertise in How to Advertise on August 25, 2006 NEBRASKA University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2007 Nebraska IMMERSE The Department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln invites applications for early-career faculty positions for the 2007 Nebraska IMMERSE (Intensive Mathematics: A Mentoring, Education and Research Summer Experience) program
One position requires a doctorate in Mathematics Education or related field
For this position, the department is particularly interested in applicants whose area of specialization is Mathematics Education and who have a strong interest in teacher preparation, though all qualified applicants will be considered
in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Statistics, or a closely related field, and credentials qualifying for appointment at full professor in the department
The departmental research profile includes pure and applied mathematics, mathematics education, and statistics
The department offers undergraduate majors in mathematics, mathematics education, statistics, and actuarial science; master's degrees in mathematics and mathematics education; and a Ph.D
Central Michigan University's Department of English
Course descriptions, program information, and contact information.
Courses in the art of teaching enable English majors or minors to transmit effectively the acquired legacy of their education to future generations
in Education degrees; different concentration areas are available, as are both a major and a minor
Nineteenth Century in Print, Books: Special Presentation- Education
Contains the texts of numerous historical references on the methods and theories
of education.
Sampler of Collection Themes: | Education | Education The nineteenth century witnessed an explosion in educational activity and in the development of educational institutions in the United States at all levels
It saw the growth of public schools and private colleges, the formation of land-grant colleges and of teacher-training colleges (often called normal schools), and pioneering efforts to establish institutions devoted to the education of white girls and women and of African Americans
The belief in the power of education to mould individual character and improve human life ran deep in many sectors of American society in this era, and the number of books on educational subjects in The Nineteenth Century in Print reflects the intense intellectual energy the age devoted to these topics
Chicago (Illinois) Board of Education, (1869)
The Michigan University Magazine, Devoted to College Literature and Education
New York (N.Y.) Board of Education, (1873)
United States Office of Education, (1874)
| Education |
Michigan Agent Education
A wide variety of insurance education programming ranging from pre-licensing to
continuing education.
Other Education Related Links: Great Producers Aren't Born, They're Made! It has often been said that the only difference between a good producer and a great one is 3-5 percent of knowledge and application
That's why we've teamed up with CEU.com and Managing Education Resource Group (MERG) to offer you the best continuing educational opportunities via the Web
These include, continuing education programs and licensing schoo l
Contact MAIA's Education Department for an exact list of programs that qualify
Need some directions to one of MAIA's many education classes? Just click here! Need help determining the professional development needs of your staff? Check out MAIA's Skill Paths booklet (in PDF form*) to review recommended programs and topics! *You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this document
Got an education question? Our Ed Department has put together a list of the questions agents ask most
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