


Horse Racing Systems for the UK
Offer information about horse racing and horse racing systems. There are a couple
of free systems and links to other systems.

  • New You have heard of stop at a winner, well this is Stop at a Loser

  • Turner's Winners Galore Losers into Winners 3323.53 pts profit, without using any 'Magical Staking System' or Bookie Beating scam! 'Turner's Winners Galore' is the latest system to hit the market and is not afraid to show you the data! to learn more about this systems

  • My Mathematical Formula Easy Money From Losers This Formula will show you EXACTLY how meager odds of even (2-1 on) can be turned into 100's-1 with £1, £2 or £3 stakes

  • to learn about Easy Money from losers

  • The 5 Minute system (USA) only Don't Lose your shirt Click here to learn more about this system (USA Market Only)

  • Mofoon! What's that? Read my of Steve Asley's ' Don't Lose your Shirt ' to find out

    Horse Racing Calculators Dutching Laying Permutations etc
    Providing odds permutation and hedging bet calculator programs.

  • f holmes S oftware Simple Single Bets Dutched Bets Lay to Lose Bets Bank Facility Statistics Panel Eighteen different data element analysed Bank Stake Calculation Facility Previous Loss recovery stake Calculation Help Screen Sports Betting Calculators to give you that edge that makes the difference between long term profit and loss when betting

    Pittsburgh Phil's Free Horse Racing Tips for Backing and Laying on ...
    Horse racing messageboard exclusively for systems, statistics and other non
    traditional methods for handicapping.

  • 5:15 Haydock 23-Apr Oceans Apart went close LTO and this is why he's odds-on today

  • OK, the horse did go close at Newmarket over 16f (2nd shd), but on his only other attempt at the distance he was a 29L 3rd at Ascot in the mud

  • Sometimes it's not always about trainer shenanigans when young horses lose and then win when stepped up in trip when older, sometimes it's just a natural effect! There are 4 with green ratings in the race including the other main market fancy Mozafin

  • Top rated is Du Pre closely followed by Eijaaz

  • Close behind on 87pts is the outsider Rainbow Colours

    Neil's Garage
    Official site with tour dates and information about Young's film Greendale,
    including a trailer, music, lyrics, audio and images from the DVD chapters, ...


    Photo by

    The Racing World - The Lifestyle Guide to the Horse Racing World
    A guide to the racing world in the UK. Tracks, races, hospitality.

    Horse Racing Tips & Racing Information
    Provides UK horse racing tips, either free online or premium rate and e-mail.

  • You risk nothing and lose nothing! The best of the betting exchanges are listed here

    Chechen Tales
    Presents 4 Chechen fairy Tales translated from Russian by Troy Morash.

    A Wiccan Rune Page
    Rune descriptions for wiccan magick practices and divination.

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Based on a True Story
    Ramblings of a vegetarian, environmentalist, conservative, free thinking woman.

  • I jump up on the front of the cage to get a closer look

  • I know that 1 -2 pounds a week is the recommended amount to lose but it seems so slow

  • I just have to remember that I could go back to what I was doing before and in 10 weeks I’d weigh the same as I did when I started or I can lose at this rate and be down 10 lbs in 10 weeks

  • Full disclosure - She threw the mother of all temper tantrums when I closed her stall door until I got Spirit back in the barn

    Otho by Plutarch
    Offers a biography of Otho as written by the Roman historian Plutarch.

  • It was not seen how he was in fact already suffering punishment, not only by the very terror of retribution which he saw the whole city requiring as a just debt, but with several incurable diseases also; not to mention those unhallowed frightful excesses among impure and prostitute women, to which, at the very close of life, his lewd nature clung, and in them gasped out, as it were, its last; these, in the opinion of all reasonable men, being themselves the extremest punishment, and equal to many deaths

  • About this time, Otho came to Bedriacum, a little town near Cremona, to the camp, and called a council of war; where Proculus and Titianus declared for giving battle, while the soldiers were flushed with their late success, saying they ought not to lose their time and opportunity and present height of strength, and wait for Vitellius to arrive out of Gaul

  • As the generals were arguing about this matter, a Numidian courier came from Otho with orders to lose no time, but give battle

    Modern History Sourcebook: Sir Francis Drake's Famous Voyage Round ...
    One of the men who sailed with Drake, writes of their voyage around the world.

  • But the reason thereof is this, because they being between the tropic and the equinoctial, the sun passeth twice in the year through their zenith over their heads, by means whereof they have two summers; and being so near the heat of the line they never lose the heat of the sun so much, but the fruits have their increase and continuance in the midst of winter

  • Here our General in the Admiral rid close aboard the fly-boat, and took out of her all the provision of victuals and what else was in her, and hauling her to the land, set fire to her, and so burnt her to save the iron work

    The Animal Liberation Movement
    (Nottingham, 1985).

  • Let us look at these two areas a little more closely

  • You hold the rabbit's eyelids closed for one second and then let it go


    Diary of William A Livergood
    The diary of William A Livergood, of the US army, for September 1917 to September 1920.

  • By 7:30 we lose sight of land

  • Tweddle didn't like me very well and I didn't like him any better so there were no love lose (If I ever get back in the army I want to Col and Tweddle my Orderly)

  • we march till 10 Oclock that night and got lose up on a hillside

  • Marched till 2 Oclock i the morning and I guess the officer got lose

  • I was about 4 fellows from the window were they were selling supplys and they close window

  • They had the excuse that they run out of change and had to close and we had change in our hands

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
    Online translation of excerpts from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

    Wikipedia: Emu
    Encyclopedia article talks about the adaptations of this bird.

  • Males lose their appetite and construct a rough nest in a semi-sheltered hollow on the ground from bark, grass, sticks and leaves

  • Over eight weeks of incubation, he will lose a third of his weight and will survive only on stored body-fat and on any morning dew he can reach from the nest

    Rec.gambling.sports FAQ
    Frequently asked questions from usenet newsgroup.

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q:S3 What is 'the spread'? A:S3 The spread is a point advantage given to a weaker team that is expected to lose by X number of points

  • 2 - When you win, it's because you're smart, and when you lose, it's because somebody fumbled.' Sugar, Bert Randolph

    Indian Moons
    A list of many American Indian tribe's names for months, days, and other calendar
    related information.

    Navarre, Tyson
    Offers contact information, resumes, a photo gallery, and writing samples.

  • What are we doing here America? Monday, September 2, 2002 - Every time I sit down to write, I always seem to lose what great ideas I’ve cooked up

  • Never lose track of anything you want to accomplish, to me it seems that is how some of us could be left very unhappy later in life

  • So close, yet so very far indeed

  • - Getting close to 23 years of age! What is strange about that is how little I've thought of birthdays over the last few years

  • Maybe Mother was right, birthdays start to lose their meaning after 21

    How to Make a Friendship Cake Starter from Greenline
    Recipe for the starter and how to keep it alive and a recipe for a fruit and nuts
    cake using it.

  • Close openings to attics and other building areas

  • Closer examination of the fat particles present will reveal a ratio of HDL, LDL, VLDL (also bad) and triglycerides

  • Quit smoking, lose those excess pounds, eat less fat and fried foods and increase walking and exercise in general

  • Gently squeezing out as much air as possible, zip the bag closed

    Basque Word List
    At Buber's Basque Page.


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