Germania Insurance Companies Headquartered in Brenham, Texas. Providing property, liability, life, and auto
insurance coverage...
When devastating storms such as hail, tornado or hurricane impact our insureds, the Germania Catastrophe Van stands ready to address any disaster that might hit our state
And, our caring adjusters who are located across the state are ready to evaluate even the smallest of claims
Buckeye Insurance Group
Offering homeowners, auto, umbrella, and farm insurance. Provides an agent locator
for Ohio, Indiana,...
Michigan State University College of Law
Planned repository of a full set of legal material relating to animals for all
levels in the US, foreign...
Select by State Select by Topic Select by Subject Select by Species World Law Additional Categories Michigan State University College of Law: Animal Legal & Historical Web Center Professor David Favre - Editor-in-Chief
All individuals are urged to contact licensed attorneys in their states regarding specific legal issues
See the for a new map detailing the veterinary laws of all 50 states
to see a table listing state humane slaughter laws with links to the laws
Brewer - contains detailed discussion of state cat laws
maps of different state laws, now with full text of dog laws for all 50 states
In this Georgia case, the Court of Appeals held that, on issue of first impression, an alligator farm was not a 'farm' within meaning of the state statute that exempted 'farm laborers' or their employers from coverage under the Workers' Compensation Act (Gill was bitten while cleaning out a pen and subsequently developed both a bone infection and salmonella)
This Ohio case raises the issue of whether an employee of a pet grooming establishment is a 'keeper' under state law, thereby preventing the application of strict liability for injury
American Farm Bureau Insurance Services, Inc. (AFBIS)
Crop insurance solutions serviced by Farm Bureau agents in many states offering
various Federal Crop...

Photo by i15.ebayimg.com
American Farm Bureau General
farm lobbying organization.
Current News State Roundup -California Farm Bureau -New York Farm Bureau -Nebraska Farm Bureau FB Views The Clock is Ticking for a Death Tax Compromise There are not many days remaining this year for Congress to accomplish a lot
Libertarian Party of New York
News, press releases, and local meeting times and places.
08/15/06: CENTRALNY We had a fun BBQ/campout in Chenango County this weekend, with folks from Syracuse, Ithaca, downstate and --once again, some from Europe -- as well as some Chenango County Libertarians returning for another year's festivities! Coming up next..
At the convention, minor bylaws changes were made, the platform was greatly streamlined (read online), and Vermont LP State Chair Hardy Machia was elected as our region's representative to the Libertarian National Committee., 2006 Congressional candidate from Niverville, NY, was elected as the alternate regional representative
SOS, Missouri - State Archives Missouri History FAQ - Harry S. Truman
Complete biography with photographs remembers the 50th anniversary of Truman's
Ferrell No Missourian, nor for that matter, any citizen of any of the 50 states, needs reminding that half a century ago a Missourian became president of the United States
He did not hesitate to send a civil rights message to Congress when it necessarily affected his electoral prospects in 1948, and in fact, raised a rebellion within the Democratic party, known as the State's Rights or "Dixiecrat" party
Everything considered the background of the Missouri president and his extraordinary accomplishments it is possible to say that the state's most famous citizen, the man from Independence, deserves celebration during this present year, 50 years since his assumption of the presidency
Energy Review. Net
On-line Australasian energy news, updated daily. Includes company profiles and
upcoming conferences.

Photo by www.michigansnowx.com
US State Department - Niger Consular Information Sheet Offers Background Notes and travel information including entry and exit requirements,
safety and security...
Department of State Enter Keywords in field and click Go > > U.S
Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Washington, DC 20520 Consular Information Sheet This information is current as of today, Niger Americans planning travel to Niger should read, and available on the Department of State web site at June 06, 2006 COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Niger is a developing, landlocked African nation whose northern area includes the Sahara Desert
For off road travel in remote areas of the country, the Department of State urges U.S
The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas
For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s pamphlet
Due to continued sporadic incidents of violence and banditry and other security concerns, the Department of State urges U.S
Given the insecurity along these border regions, the Department of State recommends that American citizens in Niger avoid traveling overland to Algeria and Libya
MEDICAL INSURANCE: The Department of State strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation
North Carolina Farm Bureau Insurance Group
Offers insurance for auto, home, farm, and business. Also serves Alabama.
North Carolina is a unique state, and it takes a unique company to assure you're properly protected
A company with North Carolina people ready to serve you in every county statewide
NC Horse News serves horse owners across the state of North Carolina
News, information, classifieds and calendars for horse owners in North Carolina, USA.
Serving Horse Owners Across the State NCHN News Letter Next Issue Sept 1, 2006 North Carolina State University will be offering one-day course on equine respiratory diagnostics and therapeutics from 8 a.m
Illegal Alien Problem: Enforcing the Immigration Laws
Paper by George Weissinger, Ph.D., of New York Institute of Technology, supporting
a theory that...
It argues that the illegal alien problem is a diverse one and not simply a Mexico-US problem, and suggests that traditional immigration law enforcement strategies encourage an ever-increasing illegal alien population in the United States
The media usually portrays the plight of the illegal alien in the United States using the historical view of a nation of immigrants
The media influences our perceptions about the illegal alien in the United States
Thousands of illegal aliens are gathering on a daily basis in known locations throughout the United States in order to be picked up by potential employers for a days work
1357, and designated officers or employees of the Service have the power without warrant to interrogate any alien or person believed to be an alien as to their right to be or to remain in the United States, the INS simply ignores this obvious opportunity to remove illegal aliens from the United States
The official policy of the INS, now Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), is to target employers of illegal aliens in an attempt to remove the reason why illegal aliens come to the United States
Accra Hearts of Oak Sporting Club
The 2000 African Club Soccer Champions. The site includes players, history,
management, latest news...
Insurance Information Institute
Offers mailing address, phone numbers, email and URL links to major risk and
property insurance web...
777 San Marin Drive Novato, CA 94998 Web: ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY 2775 Sanders Road Northbrook, IL 60062 phone: 847-402-5000 Web: AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE CO
Box 350 700 Quaker Lane Warwick, RI 02887-0350 phone: 800-438-6388 Web: Email: MILLVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 215 State Sreet P.O
Paul, MN 55102-1309 phone: 800-328-2189 Web: STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY One State Farm Plaza Bloomington, IL 61710-0001 phone: 309-766-2311 Web: SULLIVAN GROUP, THE 800 West Sixth Street, Suite 1800 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2704 phone: 213-626-1000 fax: 213-629-0773 Web: SWISS REINSURANCE CORPORATION 175 King Sreet Armonk, NY 10504 phone: 914-828-8000 fax: 914-828-7000 Web: TOKIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 230 Park Avenue 3rd Floor New York, NY 10169 phone: 212-297-6600 Web: UNITRIN P/C INSURANCE GROUP 1000 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75231 phone: 214-360-8000 Web: USAA 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78288-0001 phone: 210-498-2211 Web: UTICA NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP P.O
The collision repair industry's site for global news and trend analysis.
Provides video in addition...
Repair Facility Opinions of State Farm's New DRP Pilot In this survey of repairers operating in State Farm's four test markets, just 12.5 percent of shops participating in the new pilot believe it will be better for their business
Nine Pages to Transform the Collision Repair Industry: State Farm's New Agreement From his point of view, Scott Biggs sees State Farm's new DRP contact possibly giving some long overdue clarity to this industry, depending on how the industry interprets it
Indiana Department of Insurance
Protects Indiana's insurance consumers by monitoring and regulating the financial
and market conduct...
Insurance jobs are very important to the State of Indiana
Reasons to Base Operations in Indiana: Friendly insurance tax environment - As of January 2005, the Indiana premium tax rate is 1.3 percent, which minimizes a domestic's retaliatory tax exposure when doing business in other states
A number of state universities maintain significant insurance programs
Positive regulatory climate - Indiana has consistently been rated one of the top states for commercial lines by the Property and Casualty Insurance Association of America (PCIAA)
Stable judiciary - The Indiana Supreme Court has been more constructionist in its holdings than most states
Indiana State University is recognized by Business Insurance Magazine as one of the three schools nationally to offer undergraduate courses that expose students to all aspects of property/casualty and life/health insurance, as well as risk management techniques and concepts
Insurance training is being introduced at the high school level in cooperation with InVEST to educate teenagers about insurance, to encourage their interest in considering insurance as an occupation and to generate additional interest in the Indiana State and Ball State insurance major programs
Private Prisons: Profits of Crime
Article critical of private prisons. Discusses ethical, legal, practical, and
historical arguments...
In the last decade, from juvenile detention centers to county jails and work farms to state prison units to INS holding camps for undocumented aliens, private interests have entered the incarceration business in a big way
Imprisonment is an ugly business under any regime, but the prospect of a privatized prison system raises difficult and disturbing questions beyond those associated with a solely state-operated prison system
In the mid-1800s, penny-pinching state legislatures awarded contracts to private entrepreneurs to operate and manage Louisiana's first state prison, New York's Auburn and Sing Sing penitentiaries, and others
These prisons were supposed to turn a profit for the state, or at least pay for themselves
Typically, privatization was limited: The state leased or contracted convict labor to private companies
In some cases, such as Texas, however, the corrections function was turned over wholesale to private interests which prom ised to control delinquents at no cost to the state
Anecdotal evidence from across the country painted a grim picture: While state officials remained indifferent or were bought off by private interests, prisoners suffered malnourishment, frequent whippings, overwork and overcrowding
State Representative Walter M. Pawelkiewicz
Democratic legislator representing the 49th Assembly District, including the
towns of Windham and...
Quick Search by: Number: Year: State Representative Walter M
Walter Pawelkiewicz, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz and Windham High School students
: Walter Pawelkiewicz is the State Representative from the 49th District, which represents the Town of Windham (Willimantic, Windham Center, North Windham and South Windham)
Walter served as the First Selectman of the Town of Windham since 1991 leaving only to serve as the State Representative
Boards/Committee Membership Commission on Children President, NEAG School of Education Alumni Society, University of Connecticut Windham Mills Development Corporation McSweeney Senior Center Corporator, Windham Community Memorial Hospital Eastern Connecticut State University Foundation Past-President of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Past-President Windham Youth Organization : May 1, 2002 Law Day Speech CT Bar Association Windham Superior Court Danielson, CT Equal Justice for All I am humbled and honored to appear before you this morning, May 1 st , Law Day in Connecticut
Laborers fought for better rights and trying times pulled the United States and its inhabitants together
Explore Wisconsin: Dodge County
Area tourism information.
to the previous page/directory Type in one or more key words (or a phrase) and location to search our entire site! Dodge County Attractions Settled in the early 1800's, Dodge County is a unique blend of natural beauty, a rich agricultural heritage, picturesque communities, historic sites and state-of-the-art industrial technology
Founded in 1836 by Territorial Governor, Henry Dodge, many of the county's communities were settled well before Wisconsin became a state, and most offer historical sites and museums that highlight their long and colorful histories
The county is best known for its natural attractions, including the Horicon Marsh, the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States
An extinct glacial lake, the Horicon Marsh is the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States
TW, Horicon Ledge Park is a convenient place to stay while exploring the Horicon Marsh, Wild Goose State Trail and many other Dodge County attractions
TT off of State Hwy
Wild Goose State Trail Juneau - Fond du Lac 920-386-3705 Linking the City of Juneau, "Gateway to the Wild Goose Trail" and the City of Fond du Lac, this 34 mile compacted limestone trail on an abandoned railbed traverses oak woodlots, fertile farm fields, prairie remnants and sparkling streams as it runs through the rural countrysides of Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties and skirts the western edge of the internationally known Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
.: United States Senator Conrad Burns :: Home :.
Official site, including biography, student corner, news, contact details, links,
newsletter, and...
Home @CallCenter