About of ALL I WANT
Khoj: - The Great Indian Search Engine Directory of links, news, features, search engine powered by AltaVista.
LittleIgloo a Linux Hot place - Find all you want to know about ... Features news, free software, and a Linux museum.
Welcome to our Little Igloo, a "hot " place entirely devoted to Linux! Just heard about Linux? Want to see what it looks like, what great Linux applications are, or what wonderful things you can do with it? Already using Linux, but want to know anything about it? Then, visit the
Upton upon Severn - All you want to know
Local guide including town map, business directory, history and genealogy.
There are only a few tickets left for viewing the fireworks at Water Festival from Cafe Severn's Balcony, so don't delay if you want one of the best views! A link at the top of the page
Welcome to Susan's FREE Animations! Take all you want!
Free original animations for web sites. Holidays, lines, buttons, animals, and
info: ALL I WANT

Photo by www.sakkal.com
The Holland Ring - For Dutch living abroad and those who want to ... Collection of over 400 home pages from Dutch
all over the world, information
about The Netherlands...
- All you want to know about Sinterklaas
I also wanted the Holland Ring to be an useful site with information for those who like to know/learn more about The Netherlands
It's not my intention to be rude, I just don't have enough hours in the day :-) Please do not e-mail me with genealogy questions, address/people searches, or about immigrating to or from The Netherlands! Check out my, or place your questions on ! There's no membership needed to browse through The Holland Ring, but due to lots of spam you will need to become a member with the forum if you want to use it
and if you have any suggestions, please let me know! Everybody can read the msg's, but due to lots of spam you will need to become a member with the forum if you want to use it
Caliph Election
Minutes of the Special Ninth Degree Caliphate Election to replace Grady Louis
McMurtry who died on...
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
A directory of wonderful things.
With BookMooch, it's easy to give away your old books to people who want to read them, and to get other peoples' books when they're done with them: # Give & receive: Every time you give someone a book, you earn a point and can get any book you want from anyone else at BookMooch
I've been with him nonstop since early afternoon, listening as he teases employees, flying on his private jet, eating fast food and watching young women hurl themselves against his 6-foot-2-inch frame, declaring, 'We want to go wild!' to LAT story
She said that they wanted to continue on
My co-editor points to the work of Jay Keasling, pioneering researcher at UC Berkeley in synthetic biology, who wants to engineer bacteria to produce the precursor of a promising anti-AIDS drug
Humorix: World Domination... One Joke at a Time
Collection of fake anti-Microsoft and pro-Linux news articles.

Photo by img.verycd.com
Free Backup Software - JustZIPit Details Small and simple contextual menu based zip program with full ZIP-64 huge-archive
So, if all you want to do is ZIP and unZIP, then JustZIPit is the easiest way
However, you may want to WinZIP if you need remote procedure calling access to specific sections of a 128bit-encrypted TAR file over a remote telnet session using secure tunneling through a private wormhole
Oh, did I mention that if all you want to do is ZIP and unZIP, then JustZIPit is the easiest way? Q: How do I use JustZIPit ? After installation, you will see JustZIPit UNZIP commands on your context menu when you right-click any ZIP file
Quick: ESC to cancel and exit Full for all relevant keyboard shortcuts and keyboard navigation Complete and easy install/uninstall No DLLS to install (no OCX, VBX, VB, MFC, IE etc) No bulky runtime libraries required (no VB, JAVA etc) Compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows Extremely competitive price - $FREE Looking for other WinZIP Alternatives? Looking for more complex ZIP software but don't want to shelling out $30 to WinZIP? Well, you're in luck
Viewable with Any Browser: Campaign
Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW. Resources, more information and links
about this effort.
I invite anyone who wants to join in this effort to go ahead and copy any of the many graphics provided by participants in the campaign, which are available on the page
I would prefer if you linked the graphic to this page, so that people know what it's all about, or create your own page about this campaign, but if you don't want to that's cool with me too
If you would rather not display a graphic on your site, but would like to let people know that your site is designed to work with any browser, you might want to just add a text link somewhere on your site that says something along the lines of "Viewable With Your Favorite Browser" or "Best Viewed With Any Browser" (or whatever you want to say that reflects your approach)
It would be nice if you would link this text to this page or if you would create your own page describing the campaign so that people who want to know about it can find more information, and perhaps design their own sites to be viewable by everyone
You may want to visit the page to look for other campaign slogans that have been provided by campaign participants
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Satirical critique of the intention of the Kansas school board to teach intelligent
design in schools...
Support the Cause? Sign the -added 11/29/05 HELP SPREAD THE WORD with FSM Brochures, Flyers and Posters you can download free Want to see how it's done? Check out PROPAGANDA IN ACTION ANNOUNCEMENTS You can purchase this one-of-a-kind Plush FSM on eBay - All proceeds go to the National Center for Science Education !
Do you really want to spend eternity in hell where there will be weeping and knashing of teeth? The devil is using you as his vessel to mock the Truth so that you may discourage people from believing in it in order for that you and others may be eternally damned." 2/27/06 - IMPORTANT - Kansas needs your help: Please read this message from moderate School Board Member Sue Gamble - 2/17/06 - Check out the University of Texas SSA FSM Float 2/16/06 - This is the best FSM sighting to date
In all those things, you can not actually disprove, but I don't think anybody would want to say that it's a matter of faith that there is no such thing as the Flying Spaghetti Monster
The onus is on the people who want to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster to find evidence that [He] is there
Webcomic Applegeeks has been Touched by His Noodly Appendage The Church of Reality chooses the FSM as its official Deity 12/22/05 - Brazilian science magazine Super Interessante prints an FSM-related article (non-english) 12/21/05 - American University 's The Eagle has published another article: Pastafarians just want to get along, not mock 12/20/05 - Baltimore FSM Billboard 12/19/05 - A note about the FSM Holiday season
Spike Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Spike recorded '(All I want for Christmas is) my two Front Teeth'
had a hit in with a variation called 'All I want For Christmas is a '
Any Soldier ... Any Soldier Inc. ... Care Package ... Soldier Support
Lets people send care packages that are distributed to soldiers. Frequently asked
questions, success...
Want to send your support to a Soldier in harm's way, but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it? Home from LaPlata, Maryland, an Army Infantry Soldier with the 173rd Airborne Brigade was in the Kirkuk area of when he started the idea of Any Soldier to help care for his soldiers
They list what the folks they represent want and need
You send your support, and maybe some stuff, directly to whatever unit or units you want, you don't send us anything
We want you to be informed and comfortable with this effort
For folks who simply don't have the time, or just can't leave home and want to do something, this is just the thing
Petfinder.com: Adopt a pet and help an animal shelter rescue a ...
Petfinder is an on-line, searchable database of animals that need homes. It is
also a directory of...
Do you really want to a high price for your pet? Can you live with the fact that half million puppies die annual they even make it to a pet store? And are you ready to deal possibility that your new pet will soon manifest one or more of illnesses, viruses, congenital defects or temperament problems so rampant in puppy mill dogs? If you wish to, please visit our website to obtain more information on it.Petfinder's Post-a-pet is full of great pets that, for some reason, can't stay in their current homes
You may also want to check out our Featured Pet Module which allows you to show Petfinder pets from your community on your own home page.Find out how to obtain a by visiting our website
attention is what its sponsors want, attention is what they'll get
QUICK PET SEARCH ANIMAL BREED AGE SIZE GENDER ZIP or CITY, STATE/PROV PIC PREVIEW? SEARCH RANGE SITE MAP • PETS • SHELTERS • • • -postapet -pet wanted -lost & found • • -monthly drawing • When Owen's guardians had to move into a nursing home, the former stray needed a new place to hang his leash
The CABAL Knows Where You Want To Go Today - GNU/Linux!
There is no CABAL. Long live the CABAL. In the bay area.
(Send your IP address to server management, if you want access.) Join the CABAL! Help us by bringing your GNU/Linux PCs, distribution CD-ROMs, expertise, ethernet cards, laplink cables
You will want to RSVP early
Photo encyclopedia of various ants showing their biology and habits.
"The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" (1999)
Cast, crew, and production information.
and all I want to do is dance, dance, dance! (Trademark) Awards: 2 nominations LATE LATE SHOW..
Cprogramming.com - Programming Tutorials: C++ Made Easy and C Made ...
Many C/C++ tutorials to help learn the language today. Also includes a graphics
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Extensive collection of web building tutorials.
For the beginner: For the developer: ::: Internet Joke Customer : "I want to download the Internet
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Rent DVDs by mail for a monthly fee.
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