List of recent publications:
Corresponding author:
18) Manzato, A., Cicogna, A., Centore, M., Battistutta, P., and M. Trevisan, 2022:
Hailstone characteristics in NE Italy from 29 years of hailpad data,
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 1779-1795,
17) Manzato, A., Serafin, S., Miglietta, M. M., Kirshbaum, D., and W. Schulz, 2022:
A pan-Alpine climatology of lightning and convective initiation,
Monthly Weather Review, 150, 2213-2230,
16) Manzato, A, Riva, V, Tiesi, A, Miglietta, M. M., 2020:
Observational analysis and simulations of a severe hailstorm in northeastern Italy,
Quarterly Journal of RMS, 146, 3587-3611,
15) Manzato, A., A. Pucillo and A. Cicogna, 2019:
Improving ECMWF-based 6-hours maximum rain using instability indices and neural networks,
Atmospheric Research, 217, 184-197.
14) Manzato, A., and Ian T. Jolliffe, 2017:
Behaviour of verification measures for deterministic binary forecasts with respect to random changes and thresholding,
Quarterly Journal of RMS, 143 (705), 1903-1915, doi:10.1002/qj.3050.
13) Manzato, A., Cicogna, A. and A. Pucillo, 2016:
6-hour maximum rain in Friuli Venezia Giulia: Climatology and ECMWF-based forecasts,
Atmospheric Research, 169 B, 465-484.
12) Manzato, A., Davolio, S., Miglietta, M. M., Pucillo, A., and M. Setvák, 2015:
12 September 2012: A supercell outbreak in NE Italy?,
Atmos. Res.,
153, 98-118.
11) Feudale, L. and A. Manzato, 2014:
Cloud–to–Ground Lightning Distribution and its Relationship with Orography and anthropogenic emissions in the Po Valley,
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 2651-2670.
10) Manzato, A., 2013:
in NE Italy: A neural network ensemble forecast using
sounding–derived indices,
Weather and Forecasting,
28, 3-28.
9) Manzato, A., 2012:
in NE Italy: Climatology and bivariate analysis with the
sounding--derived indices,
Journal of Applied Meteorology
and Climatology, 51, 449-467.
8) Manzato, A., 2008:
Verification of Numerical Model Forecasts for Sounding-Derived
Indices above Udine, NE Italy,
Weather and Forecasting,
23, n3, 477-495. (draft PDF version,
7) Manzato, A., 2007:
Note on the Maximum Peirce Skill Score,
Weather and
Forecasting, 22, n5, 1148-1154.
6) Manzato, A., 2007:
Indices for Neural Network Based Short-Term Thunderstorm and Rainfall
Atmos. Res. ECSS 2004 special issue, 83,
349-365. (draft PDF version)
5) Manzato, A., 2007:
6 Hours Climatology of Thunderstorms and Rainfalls in the Friuli
Venezia Giulia Plain,
Atmos. Res. ECSS 2004 special
issue, 83, 336-348. (draft
PDF version)
4) Manzato, A., 2005:
odds ratio parameterization for ROC diagram and skill score indices,
Weather and Forecasting, 20, n6, 918-930.
3) Manzato, A., 2005:
use of sounding derived indices for a neural network short-term
thunderstorm forecast,
Weather and Forecasting, 20,
n6, 896-917.
2) Manzato, A., 2003:
climatology of instability indices derived from Friuli Venezia Giulia
soundings, using three different methods,
Atmos. Res.,
67-68, 417-454.
1) Manzato, A. and G. M. Morgan, 2003:
the sounding instability with the Lifted Parcel Theory,
Atmos. Res., 67-68, 455-473.
Warning: this paper
has the following ERRATA
Not lead authored:
Kopp, J., Manzato, A., Hering, A., Germann, U., and O. Martius, 2023:
How observations from automatic hail sensors in Switzerland shed light on local hailfall duration and compare with hailpad measurements ,
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 3487–3503,
Torralba, V., R. Hénin, A. Cantelli, E. Scoccimarro, S. Materia, A. Manzato, and S. Gualdi, 2023:
Modelling hail hazard over Italy with ERA5 large-scale variables ,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 39, 100535, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100535
Yano, J.I., and A. Manzato: 2022.
Does More Moisture in the Atmosphere Lead to More Intense Rains? ,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79, 663-681,
Yano, J.I., and A. Manzato: 2021.
“Moisture control” of the precipitation: a probabilistic perspective,
chapter 19 in Elsevier book: "Precipitation Science",, Pages 615-634,
Yano, J.I., M.H.P. Ambaum, H.F. Dacre and A. Manzato, 2020:
A dynamical-system description of precipitation over the tropics and the midlatitudes,
Tellus A, 72 (1), 1-17,
Pucillo, A., Miglietta, M.M., Lombardo, K., and A. Manzato, 2020:
Application of a simple analytical model to severe winds produced by a bow echo like storm in northeast Italy,
Meteorol. Appl., 18pp, 27:e1868,
Martius, O., A. Hering, M. Kunz, A. Manzato, S. Mohr, L. Nisi, and S. Trefalt,
Challenges and recent Advances in Hail Research - A report from the 2nd European Hail Workshop,
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, ES51–ES54, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0207.1.
Ukkonen, P., A. Manzato, and A. Makela, 2017:
Evaluation of thunderstorm predictors for Finland using reanalyses and neural networks,
Journal of Applied Meteorology
and Climatology, 56, 2335-2352.
Miglietta, M.M., Manzato, A., and R. Rotunno, 2016:
Characteristics and Predictability of a Supercell during HyMeX SOP1: Characteristics and Predictability of a Supercell during HyMeX SOP1,
Quarterly Journal of RMS, 142, 2839-2853.
Mecikalski, J.R., Rosenfeld, D. and A. Manzato , 2016:
Evaluation of Geostationary Satellite Observations and the Development of a 1-2 hour Prediction Model for Future Storm Intensity: Forecasting Storm Intensity,
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 121, 6374-6392.
Davolio, S., Volonté, A., Manzato, A., Pucillo, A., Cicogna, A. and M. E. Ferrario, 2016:
Mechanisms producing different precipitation patterns over north-eastern Italy: insights from HyMeX-SOP1 and previous events,
Quarterly Journal of RMS, 142, 188-205.
Davolio S., R. Ferretti, L. Baldini, M. Casaioli, D. Cimini, M. E. Ferrario, S. Gentile, N. Loglisci, I. Maiello, A. Manzato, S. Mariani, C. Marsigli, F. S. Marzano, M. M. Miglietta, A. Montani, G. Panegrossi, F. Pasi, E. Pichelli, A. Pucillo, A. Zinzi, 2015:
The role of the Italian scientific community in the first HyMeX SOP: an outstanding multidisciplinary experience,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 7 pp, DOI: 10.1127/metz/2014/0624.
Ferretti, R., Pichelli, E., Gentile, S., Maiello, I., Cimini, D., Davolio, S., Miglietta, M. M., Panegrossi, G., Baldini, L., Pasi, F., Marzano, F. S., Zinzi, A., Mariani, S., Casaioli, M., Bartolini, G., Loglisci, N., Montani, A., Marsigli, C., Manzato, A., Pucillo, A., Ferrario, M. E., Colaiuda, V., and Rotunno, R., 2014:
Overview of the first HyMeX Special Observation Period over Italy: observations and model results,
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1953-1977, doi:10.5194/hess-18-1953-2014.
Feudale, L., A. Manzato and S. Micheletti 2013:
A Cloud–to–Ground Lightning Climatology for North–Eastern Italy,
Advances in Science and Research, 10, 77-84.
A. Pucillo and A. Manzato, 2013:
Usefulness and skill of station-derived predictors in the forecasting storm
occurrence and intensity,
Atmos. Res., 123, 31-47.
Antonelli, P., Manzato, A., Puca, S. and F. Zauli, 2011:
Evaluating atmospheric instability from high spectral resolution
IR satellite observations,
Eumetsat Technical Report
PA/IIS/FR/2010/01, available at
M. Bertato, D. Giaiotti, A. Manzato and F. Stel, 2003:
interesting case of tornado in Friuli-Northeastern Italy,
Res. 67-68, 3-21.
R. Bechini, D. Giaiotti, A. Manzato, F. Stel and S. Micheletti,
The June 4 th 1999 severe weather episode in San
Quirino, Italy: a tornado event?,
Atmos. Res., 56, 213-232.
D. Giaiotti, A. Manzato, S. Micheletti, F. Stel, 2001:
katabatic flows in the Julian Alps as a local magnification factor in
thermal anomalies of Autumn-Winter 2000-2001.,
abstract) MAP Newsletter, 15, 214.
G. Morgan, F. Stel, A. Manzato, E. Gianesini, A. Farre, M.
Compassi, L. Fae, E. Dietrich, R. Fabbo, R. Bechini, and M. Bertato,
An update on the status of the Italo-Slovenian hail
prevention project.,
Proceedings of the Symposium RADME98,
Theoretical, Experimental and Operational Aspects of
Radarmeteorology, Tor Vergata, University, Rome, 9-10 June, 239-243.
Not reviewed:
J.I. Yano, and A. Manzato, 2021: “Moisture control” of the precipitation: a probabilistic perspective,
chapter in the book "Precipitation Science", Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128229736, pp 615-634.
A. Manzato, S. Micheletti and F. Pieri, 2013: Le nevicate sui
monti del Friuli Venezia Giullia: Evoluzione degli spessori in
funzione dell'altitudine , Meteorologica Anno XII n.2, Atti del
XIII conferenza annuale UMFVG, ISSN 1827-3858, pp. 39-41.
Cicogna and A. Manzato, 2012: Stima dello stato del cielo mediante
uso di misure di radiazione solare, Italian Journal of
Agrometeorology, Atti del XV convegno AIAM, ISBN 978-88-555-3175-7,
pp. 101-102.
A. Manzato and P. Antonelli, 2011: Forecasting
thunderstorms on the Po Valley using sounding derived and satellite
(Eumetsat IASI) derived indicies with Neural Networks, ECSS
2011 poster.
P. Antonelli, A. Manzato, S. Puca, F. Zauli, R.
Garcia, R. Stuhlmann and R. Tjemkes, 2011: Evaluating
atmospheric instability from high spectral resolution IR satellite
observations, ECSS 2011 poster.
A. Manzato and A.
Cicogna, 2009: La grandine nel 2008, Notiziario ERSA 2 del
2009, pag. 64-70.
A. Manzato and A. Cicogna, 2008: La grandine
nel 2007, Notiziario ERSA 3 2008, pp. 82-86.
F. Stel and A.
Manzato, 2008: La grandine nel 2006, Notiziario ERSA 1 2008,
pp. 66-69.
A. Cicogna, Manzato A., Stefanuto L., Salvador M.,
Nordio S., Pucillo A., Stel F., Giaiotti D., Centore M., Bradassi D.,
Gani M., Micheletti S., 2007: METEO.FVG. Un nuovo strumento per la
diffusione delle informazioni meteoclimatiche, Italian Journal of
Agrometeorology, AIAM Abstracts, suppl. al n.1 2007, pp. 16-17.
Manzato and F. Stel, 2007: La grandine nel 2005, Notiziario
ERSA 3-4 2006, pp. 70-72.
A. Manzato and F. Stel, 2005: La
grandine nel 2004, Notiziario ERSA giugno-agosto 2005, pp. 41-43.
F. Stel and A. Manzato, 2004: La grandine nel 2003,
Notiziario ERSA maggio-settembre 2004, pp. 55-56.
A. Manzato and
F. Stel, 2003: La grandine nel 2002, Notiziario ERSA
febbraio-marzo 2003, pp. 54-56.
F. Stel and A. Manzato, 2002: La
grandine nel 2001, Notiziario ERSA gennaio-aprile 2002, pp.
A. Manzato and F. Stel, 2001: La grandine nel 2000,
Notiziario ERSA luglio 2001, pp. 47-48.
F. Stel and A. Manzato,
2000: La grandine nel 1999, Notiziario ERSA gennaio 2000, pp.
F. Stel and A. Manzato, 1999: La grandine nel 1998,
Notiziario ERSA gennaio 1999, pp. 50-51.
F. Stel and A. Manzato,
1998: Come si formano i temporali 2, Notiziario ERSA dicembre
1998, p. 60.
F. Stel and A. Manzato, 1998: Come si formano i
temporali 1, Notiziario ERSA ottobre 1998, pp. 57-58.
F. Stel
and A. Manzato, 1998: La grandine del 1997, Notiziario ERSA
febbraio 1998, pp. 45-48.
A. Manzato and F. Stel, 1997: La
grandinata del 5 luglio 1997, Notiziario ERSA ottobre 1997, pp.
Contro-reactionary lecture on sounding instability:
A. Manzato 2018 update: Analysis of the termodynamic profile of the atmosphere (30 MB)
A. Manzato 2017: Analysis of the termodynamic profile of the atmosphere (27 MB)
University lectures:
A. Manzato 2003: Considerazioni sul profilo verticale dell'atmosfera, part I (0.3 MB)
A. Manzato 2003: Considerazioni sul profilo verticale dell'atmosfera, part II (0.6 MB)
A. Manzato 2003: Considerazioni sul profilo verticale dell'atmosfera, part III (0.5 MB)
A. Manzato 2003: Considerazioni sul profilo verticale dell'atmosfera, part IV (0.7 MB)
dispense delle lezioni tenute al corso di Fisica Computazionale
dell'Università di Udine, 57 pp.
Tino © September 2019