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The Java SE 6 Mustang Holiday Quiz
How much do you know about Java Platform, Standard Edition 6, code-named Mustang? If you're just starting to peek at the exciting new Mustang betas, here's a fun way to learn about some great new features
PROPPED: Posse Or Poser? A Quiz.
That's essentially the question this AOL Quiz titled "Posse or Poser" poses. So if you've been holding onto nuggets of information about Brandon Davis, Stavros Niarchos and Brody Jenner, now's the time to put them to good use.
R&I's Top 75 MCO Quiz
How much do you know about the country's largest multiconcept restaurant operators
The Ultimate Internet Quiz for Shy Geeks.
A short quiz about your ual interests. Your answers can then be paired with your partner's to give you both new ideas. The kicker, though is that it's double-blind. No nudity and quiz is SSL encrypted; should be safe for work
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Forum: Articulate Quizmaker Posted By: tmonteit Post Time: 11-13-2006 at 03:49 PM
Daily Word Quiz: bowdlerize
Which one of these famous martial phrases has been bowdlerized?
Quiz Time
Shakespeare's Sister posted this quiz about accents earlier today, along with a lovely story about Shockingly, this quiz actually got my accent right. There was another quiz I took about accents a while ago that was totally wrong,
Political Quiz
Here's the World's Smallest Political Quiz. It's short, and the phrasing seems to lean libertarian, but I think it After you take the quiz, please tell me how you scored. How did you score on the World's Shortest Political Quiz?
The Literary Quiz
Just found another cool quiz over at Chet’s place. Quiz is here. I seem to have problems with the embedded links when I paste these quizzes in here. ======================================================
My Accent Quiz
For me, this turned out to be a pretty accurate quiz. I happen to be from “one of those big southern cities” (Houston/San Antonio). I haven’t done a quiz in awhile, so I thought this was a little more unique than a superhero one

NEWTON - Hai intuito?
quiz d'intelligenza Quiz. Hai intuito? Sei bravo con i numeri? Sapresti cavartela? Cosa hanno in comune? Quiz di intelligenza. Hai intuito?
PSICOLOGI PSICOTERAPEUTI. Giochi, quiz e test psicologici
Giochi, puzzle, quiz, rompicapo, passatempo, test di psicologia, test di intelligenza, giochi di logica.
Quiz - MSN Encarta
Offre, ad opera dell'enciclopedia online di casa Microsoft, una serie di indovinelli fruibili gratuitamente online.
Altroconsumo - Quiz patente
Offre simulazioni di esame per patente Ae B. Non richiede registrazione e fa parte del progetto "Cultura della Sicurezza Stradale" cofinanziato dallo Stato.
Quiz patente A1, A e B - WEBpatente 2.40 - Freeware per l'uso
Quiz patente A1, Ae B. Autoscuola Scuola guida.

PSICOLOGI PSICOTERAPEUTI. Giochi, quiz e test psicologici
Giochi, puzzle, quiz, rompicapo, passatempo, test di psicologia, test di intelligenza, giochi di logica.
Quiz - MSN Encarta
Offre, ad opera dell'enciclopedia online di casa Microsoft, una serie di indovinelli fruibili gratuitamente online.
Altroconsumo - Quiz patente
Offre simulazioni di esame per patente Ae B. Non richiede registrazione e fa parte del progetto "Cultura della Sicurezza Stradale" cofinanziato dallo Stato.
Quiz patente A1, A e B - WEBpatente 2.40 - Freeware per l'uso
Quiz patente A1, Ae B. Autoscuola Scuola guida.
NerdTests.com Fun Tests - Nerd Quiz
Determine your Nerd Quotient (NQ)! Quiz Brought to you by NerdTests.com.
Una serie di Quiz per argomenti: Astronomia, Geografia, Storia, ecc.
Area Quiz di Link-Utili
Sezione Quiz di Link-Utili - Raccolta di siti e link selezionati sull'argomento.
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map! "The World's Smallest Political Quiz is savvy and willing to tell you the truth."
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