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Benchmark of Email Open Rates
What should your email open rates be? Depends on who you're marketing to. Ever wondered what a good number is for your email open rates? Based on these findings, its clear that b-to-b and b-to-c email marketing campaigns must be
Email Marketing to Customers
It is common practice for businesses to add customers to their email lists without offering an opt-in/out checkbox in the purchase process or even mentioning that they'll be added to the list. I realize that, without affirmative consent
UK Email Marketing Survey Highlights Importance Of Reporting
The majority of client companies state that 'reporting' and 'customer service' are the two most important factors when selecting an email service provider (ESP), according to the first Client Email To read the full article,
Many thanks to all who voted for ExactTarget in the ClickZ awards
ExactTarget was voted by their readers as best ASP Email Software. I'm not crazy about the term ASP (Best On Demand Email Software or Best SaaS Email software is probably more appropriate) but I'm not complaining :-)
The Best Christmas Emails Of 2005
Looking for inspiration for the design of this year's Christmas email? Have a look at the winners of CampaignMonitor's contest last year. If you’re looking for some Christmas related supporting To read the full article, please click
ENonprofit Benchmarks Study
The eNonprofit Benchmarks Study provides a snapshot of key metrics and benchmarks for nonprofit e-mail communications, online fundraising, and online advocacy, primarily taken from an in-depth review To read the full article,
jehochman: Email Marketing Software - What Do You Use? Internet
Most commercial email marketing systems offer free trials. Why don't you take one of them for a test drive and see how you like it? I've used the same system for a long time, because it works for me, but I have no idea if it's the best.
duernicus: Email Marketing Software - What Do You Use? Internet
was wondering if you guys use hosted email marketing applications to contact your own clientele list? i am not talking about buying a database, but just the application to send general updates to my existing clients, and those who wish
Drip Email Marketing
As I indicated above, there are two components to your drip email marketing system. The first is the monthly drip newsletters, and the second is more active email updates. These are more personalize announcements that tell your
Direct Email Marketing: The Forgotten Marketer’s Tool
Indeed, if the long tail holds true than in every channel - from social media to e-mail marketing - lies potential opportunities to find niche communities that fit within the client’s targeted audience. Understanding these niches and

Software email-marketing
Per fidelizzare i propri clienti, non basta inviare qualche email, bisogna pianificare delle strategie di comunicazione efficaci e avere il programma giusto
Email-marketing B2B
Raggiungere potenziali clienti su Internet per le aziende orientate al business to business.
Web Marketing » Segreti di Posizionamento & Email Marketing
Consigli, trucchi e segreti di web marketing e posizionamento sui motori di ricerca, guide di e-mail marketing, e-commerce e pubblicita' online.
Piattaforma programmi affilitiation marketing email permission
Piattaforma per programmi di affiliation marketing, email marketing, permission marketing messaggi di posta promozionale, queste sono solo alcune delle
Email marketing - Direct E-mail Marketing e gestione clienti
Utilizzare l'email marketing e le DEM (direct e-mail) per raggiungere e gestire i clienti online - WebToday.
Email Marketing, email newsletter software and newsletter
My Newsletter Builder: easy to use online email marketing newsletter software, create a newsletter with free newsletter templates and program form email
Edipi - Edizioni per le professioni e l'impresa
JupiterResearch nella ricerca "The ROI of Email Relevance: Improving Campaign Results Through Targeting" afferma che le campagne di Email Marketing
Email Marketing - About Email
Email is a very powerful marketing tool. In spite of spammers abusing the medium, email can still be used and is still valued by users for timely,
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