Oreggiano, town of

Area: 5.62 acres

Population: 2400

Ethnic groups: Caurenzans 95%, others 5%.

Government: Priore named by the Prince of Caurenze, the charge lasts for the whole life…

Ruler: Priore ??? (born ???, ) (OD&D: ???, Al ???) (AD&D: ???, Al ???).

House: Sirecchia.

Military: 240 heavy infantrymen, 4th Banner of Jaggar’s division.

Deployments: base in Lizzieni, 120 in Lizzieni, 60 in Oreggiano, and 60 in Sirecchia as Personal Guards of the Prince.


Barons of Oreggiano
Giuseppe di Sfonti 731-750
Corrado di Sfonti 750-754
Manfredo di Sfonti 754-766
Carlo di Sfonti 766-777
I guess that Harri has already filled the gaps J
Francesco Costanza 829-857
Pasquale Costanza 857-859

Founded in 731, Oreggiano has been the seat of family di Sfonti for half a century, until the Battle of Oreggiano, when Ottone and Matteo di Sfonti killed Carlo di Sfonti on the steps of Palazzo Disfonteo (now named Palazzo Priore). Even if the new ruler, Ottone di Sfonti moved to Sirecchia and became the Baron of Sirecchia, it was Matteo di Sfonti who actually ruled from Oreggiano. Only during the 40 years war, when Matteo moved his relatives to the safer Sirecchia, Oreggiano definitely lost its role as the main political town of the area. Matteo named a Priore to rule the town during the war.

After the founding of the Republic of the Highlands, the current Priore, Francesco Costanza, was named Baron of Oreggiano and joined the House of Lords. Family Costanza proved to be very good in choosing the right di Sfonti’s faction to support, as Francesco voted for Borso di Sfonti, the future Prince, as heir of Giovanni in 854. His son Pasquale was a very good friend of Borso, thus after the Light of Rad proclamation, in spite of being a fighter, he didn't join the rebellion, and was named commander of Borso's personal guards. Oreggiano was annected to the Principality of Caurenze. >From then on, several families had succeeded in the ruling of the town.


The river isn’t navigable.

L’Anellare runs downriver to Lizzieni, and Northwest to Sirecchia via Scarvento.

A fair trail departs towards Rocca dei Gusberti, in the Two Volcanoes Free Province.

Economics: Oreggiano rises near a hilly region, rich of minerals, especially iron and copper, but also lead and silver. The extraction and the working of the minerals employ the majority of the population, but the weaponsmiths and armorers are what makes Oreggiano famous in the Principalities.

Notable Sites: The town is diveded in two areas: Borgo Infero (Downtown), entirely walled in, and Borgo Novo (New Town), raised 380 yards on the hill. The two areas are connected by a walled flight of stairs, departing from Porte de li Selci. The Walls have another gate, Porta Pazienza (Patience Gate), so called because it have been rebuilt several times. In the main square of Borgo Infero, a dais with 33 steps leads to the Temple of Stone, the Temple of Rad, which is said to have been carved from a single piece of stone. The Temple was built above the ruins of Palazzo Novellara, which burnt in 947.

Palazzo Priore was formerly known as Palazzo Disfonteo since it was the residence of di Sfonti family. Here in 777 Ottone and Matteo di Sfonti killed Carlo, a painting in the main hall commemorates this event. Nowadays, the Palace hosts the ruler of the town and his family, as the former residence, Torre Costanza, overhanging the river, was destroyed by an earthquake.

Il Balestro del Palco is a Festival which takes place twice a year, on the 21st of Yarthmont and on the 14th of Fyrmont. It consists in a parade along the streets and a crossbow contest. At the end of the Contest the populace uses to bathe in the Fonte Pubblica (Public Fountain), with the statue of the current Prince at its very center.


Coat of Arms: A purpure crossbow on argent background.

Useful Links: Harri’s History of House Sirecchia


Thibault Sarlat, Giovanni Porpora, Agathokles.

January 2001, All rights reserved.