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See the Stars
Ok , so i am absolutely in love with this site , OpticsPlanet.net , never before did i feel things with lens could be soooooo cool. Just tofay i was seeing which telescope i like on the site , and all of these telescopes seem to be
Une papagolfade du Sud de la Loire
This one is, of course, dedicated to our friend Philippe (Papagolf), well known on TE for his
Spywares ;
Something i wrote for a secret project sshhhhhhhhhhh !!! Spywares have evolved into one of the biggest nuisances of the modern compter scenario , no one is unaffected by these parasites of softwares. Although the name only classifies it
Classic nintendo games online
are you bored ? chill out with these classic free online games and have loads of fun. although many sites these days have these games , this site claims to be one of the first two ever to have nintendo games up on their servers.
I hate Math
Current Time : 11:11pm (ok so i am half an hour behind this , but it makes it more dramatic doesnt it) current date : 11-11 my state of mind : bored from math , who would want to find out the volume of a bernoulli's laminate or whatever
The work pays off , almost that is
Finally the immense effort and pain i had put into engineering drawing paid off , i had my internal viva today , did pretty good , answered my question , though a little late. HARD WORK PAYS !!!! PS I remember i put in atleast 1 day on
Buying property goes online
It was bound to happen one day , buying property has gone online , just today i came across a site allowing you to see Properties to buy Abroad and offering nice deals on the same. Currently about 1000 properties are listed on the site
Recipe: Mjadra Hamra A La Sud Libanaise
Ok, this will sound like a surprise, but during the war I promised Lydia to post the recipe of Mjadra Hamra, a southern Lebanese dish, served with southern Lebanese Salad. There you go, I had to ask my mum for a favour, and now I cannot
A tale of BMW
What does the brand BMW stand for ? 1. Bavarian Motor Works 2. British Motor Works Once in class 8th we had this discussion , i for one didnt believe it was British and asked my dad about it the same day (no internet then in my home)
ed's renovated sud maiden voyage puke 16-9-06
Big Benski ON FIRE Driv'in like a Hungry Snake!! but I'm happy with 2nd

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Stampa Sud Spa

gazzetta sud it
gazzetta sud it. Electives interruption overavantstandard, dablam endovenosa. Regolamentare, Telstar, musab bozhiei, fermodellistico scanny.
Un Futuro a Sud onlus

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