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World Usability Day 2006
Tuesday, November 14, is World Usability Day, something you will wish you had paid some serious attention to once the Thanksgiving-to-Christmas stretch begins. If your life is clutted with gizmos that are designed to make life easier
Armistice: Veteran's Day Remembers the Eleventh Hour of the
The Armistice, which took place on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, marked the end of World War I, the "war to end all wars." Veteran's Day--before it became a long weekend--was known as Armistice
Veteran's Day: Remembering the Armistice Eleventh Hour of the
The Armistice, which took place on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, marked the end of World War I, the "war to end all wars." On Saturday, November 11, will you be standing at 11 am,
It's Kirk over Seals in a Victory for IL-10
I'm tired, I have the sniffles, and I've fallen asleep several times over the past few days at both the computer and while sitting up watching TV, all as a result of on-the-fly last minute political blogging. Was it worth it? You bet.
There is some pretty nice coverage of the election over at the Wilmette Life. You should g0 have a look there provided you go directly after the election. Wilmette Life links go dead nearly as fast as a daylily in summer,
David Orr's Website Reporting It's Tony Peraica over Todd Stroger
Does the Internet lie? The Cook County Election Board in Chicago, Illinois is reporting that with 90.72% of the vote counted (not including all absentee or early voters) that Republican Tony Peraica has a commanding 60.7% lead over
Whoa! Is it Tony Peraica for Cook County Board President?
Am I missing something here?At the risk of becoming another Tribune, It 's Peraica for President of the Cook County Board. The County Clerk's website is reporting that with 88% of the vote in, it's Peraica by 21 points.
Cook County, Illinois Election Official: "Stick With Us"
**Updated - Scroll Down** It's nearly 3:30 am, and you know things aren't going well when election officials are onTV in the middle of the night saying that actually the election went quite well, but Sequoia has some questions to answer
Peraica Supporters to Board of Elections: "Count Every Vote!"
I'm sorry; I just couldn't help it. Thankfully, we spent millions of the taxpayers' dollars to avoid the hanging chad. While ballot may be sitting uncounted at the Board of Elections in downtown Chicago, we are grateful for progress.
Election Results in Wilmette: Where are our ballots?
Above is the photo of the famous headline from the Chicago Tribune, a result of news people going to bed too early, or perhaps just putting the paper to bed too soon. The voter information link at David Orr's website shows a lot of

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