Freddie Highmore Biography, Bio, Profile, pictures, photos from Netglimse.com
. Finding Neverland (2004) director Marc Forster decided to schedule one of Highmore's toughest scenes (where he tears up a book and demolishes a playhouse) on his second day of filming, deliberately so other cast members could see the child act and change their attitude towards working with him.. His real father, Edward Highmore, played his father in Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story (2001) (TV).. Freddie Highmore Detailed Biography Freddie Highmore was born on June 9, 1992.. Freddie Highmore is an English child actor.. Freddie Highmore's mother is a talent agent and Freddie Highmore began acting with small parts on TV.. Freddie Highmore won critical acclaim when he appeared as Peter in Finding Neverland, for which Freddie Highmore was also nominated for several awards including a Screen Actors' Guild Award.. Freddie Highmore won a Broadcast Film Critics' Award for the role.. Freddie Highmore is also slated to play Charlie Bucket in the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (adapted from the book by Roald Dahl).
Freddie Highmore: Information From Answers.com
On this page: Freddie Highmore Freddie Highmore Freddie Highmore as in the 2005 film Freddie Highmore (born , in , ) is an .. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see ) Mentioned In Freddie Highmore is mentioned in the following topics: (2004 Adventure Film) (2004 Fantasy Film) Copyrights: Wikipedia information about Freddie Highmore This article is licensed under the .
The Lumière Reader » Film » Dream Factory
. Here, Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie head the cast; Depp is terrific and inventive as Wonka; Highmore lifts every scene to a new level as a child actor.. Highmore, along with his performance in Finding Neverland , shows why he is regarded as such an accomplished actor even at such a young age.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
. SYNOPSIS Acclaimed director Tim Burton brings his vividly imaginative style to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, about eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka (JOHNNY DEPP) and Charlie Bucket (FREDDIE HIGHMORE), a good-hearted boy from a poor family who lives in the shadow of Wonka's extraordinary factory.

Photo by www.shillpages.com
Freddie Highmore ! | > > Freddie Highmore CELEB QUIK BROWSER FREDDIE HIGHMORE OVERVIEW 2 Poster(s) POSTER SEARCH AVG.. TOMATOMETER Rating: 76% FRESHEST MOVIE 83% MOST ROTTEN MOVIE 67% UPCOMING MOVIE(S) • THE LATEST NEWS • • • • • GENRES FEATURING FREDDIE HIGHMORE Rebecca Romijn returns as the blue-skinned shape-shifter Mystique in ", " hitting theaters this week.. What sort of havoc will she wreak this time around? ----------------------------- : : Posters from AllPosters.com Featuring Freddie Highmore ( Click on an image for enlargement and order information.
Reeling: the Movie Review Show's review of Charlie and the Chocolate
. Within sight of that factory is little Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore, "Finding Neverland"), a young boy whose loving family is so poor they can only afford to buy him one Wonka bar on his birthday in Tim Burton's remake of the Roald Dahl story, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.. B- Robin: Little Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) lives with his beloved nuclear family in their rickety shack that sits in the shadows of the great and mysterious Willy Wonka chocolate factory.. Freddie Highmore is proving to be a capable and very likable young actor following his sold performances in Finding Neverland” (again, opposite Johnny Depp) and Jean Jacques Annaud’s “Two Brothers.” He gives Charlie a sweet and loving persona as a child who may live in a tumbling down shack but he is there with the people he loves and who love him.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005): Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore, David Kelly, Helena Bonham Carter - PopMatters Film Review
| CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Director : Tim Burton Cast : Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore, David Kelly, Helena Bonham Carter, Noah Taylor (Warner Bros., 2005) Rated: PG-13 Release date : 15 July 2005 by Cynthia Fuchs PopMatters Film and TV Editor Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :.. Spending some early time setting up dear Charlie (Freddie Highmore) and his loving, poverty-stricken family, once it diverts to Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp), well, that's sort of the end of forward motion.
Biography for Freddie Highmore
| to personalize | Showing page 13 of 21 biography other works resume official site sound clip(s) video clip(s) Biography for Freddie Highmore Height 5' 6" (1.68 m) Trivia requested him to play Charlie Bucket in (2005).. (2004) director decided to schedule one of Highmore's toughest scenes (where he tears up a book and demolishes a playhouse) on his second day of filming, deliberately so other cast members could see the child act and change their attitude towards working with him.

Photo by www.sofeminine.co.uk
Movies | The candyman can’t web bostonphoenix.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sponsored links - - - - - - - - - - - - - The candyman can’t Tim Burton’s dark Chocolate leaves a bitter taste BY BRETT MICHEL CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Directed by Tim Burton | Written by John August based on the book by Roald Dahl | With Johnny Depp + Freddie Highmore + David Kelly + Deep Roy + Christopher Lee + Helena Bonham Carter | A Warner Bros.. There’s the look, a little bit, but you could just as easily think of some reclusive germophobe like Howard Hughes." "No, I didn’t think about that, " adds 13-year-old Freddie Highmore, who was elated by the chance to work alongside his Finding Neverland co-star again.. Or could it? As creative as anything Burton has put on film, the first half-hour introduces us to "ordinary little boy" Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore, Depp’s talented Finding Neverland co-star) and his family: four elderly grandparents and his mother and father.
MovieFreak.com - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Movie Review
MovieFreak.com - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Movie Review | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Starring: Johnny Depp, Freddy Highmore D irector: Tim Burton Rating: PG Distributor : Warner Bros.. The story of Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore), this is the tale of a good boy from a bitterly poor family who dreams of exploring the chocolate factory of the legendary Willy Wonka (Depp).. As for the performers, Highmore is a splendid Charlie, building on his fine turn in Depp’s “Finding Neverland” with a perfectly charming portrait here.. The only heart it does possess comes from Highmore, but as good as his is Charlie spends long stretches of the movie as an afterthought, so much so I caught myself more than a couple of times wondering what happened to him.
la Fabbrica di cioccolato < recensione < Off-screen
. di Tim Burton, con Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore, Melena Bonham Carter, Christopher Lee, Noah Taylor.. Il gioco burlesco a sulfureo che si instaura tra lo stralunato mentore ed i piccoli mostriciattoli infatti sembra più un bisticcio tra piccoli che si giocano piuttosto che un rapporto adulto/bambino; non è di certo un caso se quello che arriverà in fondo alla giostra, e che alla fine insegnerà a crescere anche al povero e confuso Johnny Depp, è proprio l’unico “adulto” della compagnia, il magistrale Freddie Highmore che interpreta Charlie.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Movie Review - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Movie Trailer - The Boston Globe
. It also has in Freddie Highmore (''Finding Neverland") a Charlie Bucket so gentle and kindhearted that you're immediately won over.. Depp's Wonka looks at these nightmares and politely bares his teeth; he and we are happy to see them sucked into the ductwork of their own greed, sad only that Highmore fades into the background during the proceedings (we're as surprised as Willy Wonka when Charlie's still standing at the end).
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
. Prototypical freckle-faced boy Freddie Highmore stars as Charlie Bucket, the poor kid who miraculously discovers one of five golden tickets to win a tour of Wonka's magical factory.. Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore and David Kelly in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .. Cast: Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore, David Kelly, Helena Bonham Carter.
myBuyline.com -
. When a contest promises a tour of the plant to the lucky finders of five golden tickets hidden inside wrappers, no one is more excited than Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore), an impoverished boy whose family lives mere steps from the factory.
. Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) lives in a one-room shack with his mother (Helena Bonham Carter), father (Noah Taylor), and four grandparents.
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