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small business tools
tanto uno sguardo qui e  provate a prendere ispirazione.A me è piaciuta questa lista TOP 5 technology tools for Small Business1. Write a blog2. Use your cell phone as your business phone3. []

So You Wanna: buy a cell phone
If you're planning to use the cell phone as your all-utility phone (as many people are increasingly opting), you'll want a phone with a strong signal.
ScienceDaily: Cell Phone Use Not Linked To Cancer Risk
Long- or short-term cell phone use is not associated with increased cancer risk, according to a study in the Dec. 6 issue of the Journal of the National
Talk to Your Kids About Cell Phone Use
I'm not suggesting you jettison your cell phone. I use one, as do my wife and two kids. But, if you're a parent, you should talk with your children about
Study: Long-term cell use raises brain tumor risk | Tech News on ZDNet
Study: Long-term cell use raises brain tumor risk | Contradicting conclusions Swedish study cites link between brain tumors, extensive cell phone use.
2020 Res Note Cell Phone Use.indd
observed data on driver cell phone use in the United States. The NOPUS is conducted annually by the Hand-held cell phone use increased among drivers
BBC NEWS | Health | Heavy mobile use 'damages sperm'
But a British expert cast doubt on the suggested link between mobile phone use and infertility in the men studied. Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in
Talk to Your Kids About Cell Pho
I'm not suggesting you jettison your cell phone. I use one, as do my wife and It’s even possible to use your cell phone to instantly post photos on the
Driving with a cell phone dials disaster
Oklahoma and Minnesota require police to include cell phone information in accident reports. Several countries prohibit cell phone use while driving
Mobile Opportunity: European vs. American mobile phone use
In the US, a cellphone is a tool. In Europe, a mobile phone is a lifestyle. To me, one of the most pronounced differences between mobile use in the US
The Straight Dope: Is cell phone use in cars really dangerous?
The Straight Dope: Is cell phone use in cars really dangerous? cell+phone+use: easy to use cell phone | use cell phone as modem | easy to use cell phone | use cell phone as modem | cell+phone+use
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