info: HOTEL

Fotogallery: Seleziona Yahoo! Sport - Foto
Yahoo! Italia - England's Kevin Pietersen walks through the grounds of a Kingstown, St Vincent hotel Wednesday, March 7, 2007. England will continue their Cricket Wor - Mercoledì Marzo 7, 3:20 PM England's Kevin ...
Reuters -
Yahoo! Italia - Gli ospiti saranno invece divisi tra un'ala del palazzo adibita a hotel di lusso e un altro hotel a cinque stelle in città. Lo stile del palazzo, che ha 347 stanze, è stato descritto come "all ...
L'Italia si carica con il rap
Gazzetta Dello Sport - Domani gli azzurri si trasferiranno all'hotel Colony, a due passi dallo stadio, per un giorno di relax. Lavoro in palestra questa mattina; nel pomeriggio seduta sul campo per perfezionare gli schemi ...
Riunite Venezia, Kassel, Munster e Basilea
Studio Celentano - quest'anno tutte le quattro manifestazioni d'arte contemporanea del mondo in un ideale Tour'. Nel sito si possono trovare le informazioni necessarie per prenotare hotel ...
Cisco Expo apre i battenti
VNUnet - Apre la seconda edizione di Cisco Expo , una due giorni a Milano presso l'ATA Hotel Quark, il 7 e l'8 marzo . Noi 2.0 e Web 2.0 sono i temi portanti delle due giornate dell'appuntamento milanese di ...
Stadi, approvato il decreto antiviolenza
Sambenedetto Oggi - I proprietari dell'hotel - che resterà - attendono la decisione del Comune sul project financing del Palacongre 06 Marzo 19:44 Atr Group, da Colonnella a Detroit il passo è breve Il ...
Luxottica, utile netto 756 mln (+30%)
Borse - Cisco, sul tema "Comunicazione unificata: la convergenza in primo piano". (Ata Quark Hotel, via Lampedusa 11/a) 12h30 press briefing State Street sul tema "Markets challenges opportunities for the ...
Moody: "La mia America
La Stampa - Al termine del nostro pranzo in uno di quei lussuosi hotel milanesi per manager che ti servono una zuppa di lenticchie in scatola, quando gli chiedo perché abbia abbandonato l'esplorazione del sé ...
Cinema Calabresi, a breve sarà solo un ricordo
Sambenedetto Oggi - Negozi, uffici e una galleria commerciale al primo piano sul lato di via Fiscaletti. Appartamenti sui quattro piani restanti. I proprietari dell'hotel - che resterà - attendono la decisione del ...
L'Onu difenda i giornalisti, questa e' una strage
Articolo21 - Sembra la stessa strategia attuata anche in Iraq con il bombardamento dell'Hotel Palestine , costato la vita a due colleghi " . " E continua la sindrome russa - continua la nota di Isf - chi ...
World Cup cricketers in fire scare at hotel (AFP via Yahoo! News)
Pakistan South African players were involved in what is believed to be a fire scare had to file out of their hotel here early Wednesday as they were having breakfast....
Va. Hotel Reopens After Virus Outbreak (Washington Post)
A Crystal City hotel reopened for business this afternoon, five days after officials determined that as many as 150 guests were sickened by the highly contagious norovirus closed the facility to new customers. ...
Russian capital's historic Moskva hotel gets luxury rebirth (AFP via Yahoo! News)
The Moskva Hotel, a gem of Stalinist architecture torn down in 2003, will finally re-open its doors at the end of next year after an ambitious 800-million-dollar (610-million-euro) reconstruction project, the owners said Tuesday....
50 / SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL / Hotel snafu prompts confusion; Brown gets 1st dance (San Francisco Chronicle)
Ruthe Stein offers a snapshot of the 1963 festival: Not everybody makes it to the Palace Hotel on time for the San Francisco International Film Festival's opening night festivities. That's because some partygoers are wandering around the Hopkins, ...
Hammons to build luxury hotel, center at Lake of the Ozarks (Kansas City Star)
John Q. Hammons today said he plans to build a luxury property, including a hotel, spa exhibition center, near the Glaize Bridge at the Lake of the Ozarks in Osage Beach, Mo....
2 arrested for harassing DM hotel guests (The Des Moines Register)
Apparently angered by a request to quiet down in a Des Moines hotel hallway, an Elk Point, S.D., man allegedly pushed his way across the threshold of ...
Unanimous council backs 150-room hotel (Arizona Daily Sun)
In a political about-face, the Flagstaff City Council has given unanimous approval to a proposed hotel that just six weeks ago was rejected on a 4-3 vote....
Increase in city's hotel-motel tax passes no opposition (Jonesboro Sun)
JONESBORO -- No one opposed this tax increase. The City Council adopted an ordinance Tuesday to increase the 1 percent hotel-motel tax to 3 percent. Mayor Doug Formon said hotel operators had been notified of the city's intention to increase the tax, which provides money to promote tourism....
Data Suggests Buyers Trading Down Tiers In Hotel Programs (Business Travel News)
MARCH 05, 2007 -- Fresh PricewaterhouseCoopers hotel data indicate an increasing willingness by travel managers to trade down in price point within their hotel program in high-volume cities, hoteliers ysts said, although others see the data as merely signaling that companies are gaining better control over existing programs....
Hotel Revenue Management is Not Rocket Science. So, Why Aren't You Using It? | By Neil Salerno (Hospitality Net)
Now, I never claimed to be the requisite authority on revenue management, but I get very frustrated revenue management insiders who make the process sound much more complicated tedious than it need be for most hotels. Some simple revenue management tactics can make a significant improvement in a hotel's bottom-line, especially for smaller independent hotels....

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