Cosė l'Egitto vive il dopo attentato
Articolo21 - Gli inquirenti non escludono la sua partecipazione a questa nuova strage a Sharm el-Sheik. Sono sorprendenti le analogie fra i due attentati: l'impiego dell'autobomba contro l'albergo e dell ...
Hanno fatto un deserto
La Repubblica - sunniti, wahabiti, unificati dal comune nemico americano. Il vertice di Roma - tanto per dire - avrebbe dovuto tenersi al Cairo o a Sharm el Sheik ma ...
Cambiare per restare noi stessi
Articolo21 - Londra 1, Londra 2, e ora Sharm el Sheik. L'anno scorso Madrid e prima ancora New York. E domani? Il ripasso dell'orrore, alla fin fine produce soltanto una serie di punti interrogativi che ...
After Sharm bombings, Israelis see Al-Qaida getting a bit closer (JTA)
After a series of 2004 attacks on Egypt's Taba resort killed more than 30 people including at least 10 Israelis, Israeli officials linked Al-Qaida to the bombings....
Iran calls Baghdad talks constructive (AP via Yahoo! News)
Iran said Sunday an international conference in Baghdad where it held direct talks with the United States for the first time in years was a constructive "first step" toward restoring stability to the neighboring country....
Iran: Baghdad conference a good 1st step (AP via Yahoo! News)
Iran said Sunday an international conference in Baghdad where it held direct talks with the United States for the first time in four years was a constructive "first step" toward restoring stability to the neighboring country....
A prelude to an Iraq summit (St. Petersburg Times)
A two-day regional conference on Iraq begins today in Baghdad. The Iraqis have characterized this as an "ice-breaking" meeting of working-level officials before a second meeting, involving foreign ministers, that may be held as early as April....
Iran to attend conference on Iraq (AP via Yahoo! News)
Iran confirmed it will take part in an international conference alongside the United States in Baghdad on Saturday, a gathering Iraq hopes will break the ice between the bitter rivals to help end its bloody conflict....
Iran will attend Baghdad conference on Saturday (Telegraph)
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran will attend the international conference on Iraq that will be held in Baghdad on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said today....
Iran to attend conference on Iraq (AP via Yahoo! News)
Iran will attend the international conference on Iraq that will be held in Baghdad on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Wednesday....
Iran to meet U.S., Iraq neighbors (The Washington Times)
Iran said yesterday it will attend a meeting with the United States and Iraq's neighbors in Baghdad on Saturday, and U.S. officials said they may use the occasion to hold bilateral talks with Iran that would be limited to Iraq's security....
Iran: We Will Attend Iraq Conference (CBS News)
Iran's foreign minister is confirming that envoys from Tehran will attend a security conference in Iraq scheduled for this weekend. It will be the first time U.S. and Iranian officials share a table in more than two years....
Iranian foreign minister announces his country will attend Baghdad conference on Iraq (Boston Herald)
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran will attend the international conference on Iraq that will be held in Baghdad on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Wednesday. A deputy foreign minister will ...

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