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Affari Italiani - festa d'inaugurazione sarà la Biga di Monteleone , un carro etrusco di 2600 anni fa, un esemplare unico al mondo, di valore immenso, che il Metropolitan considera il suo gioiello più prezioso e ...
Articolo21 - Naturalmente il dialogo deve essere visto 'come uno strumento prezioso per conseguire obiettivi concreti e su questo principio - ha spiegato D'Alema - e' basata la collaborazione tra Italia e Russia ...
Dopo gli accurati restauri presentato ieri dal sindaco Reggi il ...
Liberta Online - Dopo gli accurati restauri presentato ieri dal sindaco Reggi il prezioso controsipario...
Confronto impossibile
La Stampa - Ma per conquistare tempo prezioso ora ha bisogno di diminuire il numero dei suoi nemici. Addirittura di accarezzare l'avversario di sempre, appunto, Berlusconi: gli ha chiesto in pubblico un ...
Messi-Van Nistelrooy, sfida continua
Gazzetta Dello Sport - Morientes (Valencia): ci mette la testa quando serve, strappando un punto a Pamplona che alla lunga potrebbe rivelarsi prezioso. Messi (Barcellona): il sabato della consacrazione....
Errori e sfortuna per la Reggina
Giornale di Calabria - La Lazio gongola per il prezioso successo esterno, fortemente cercato, mentre in casa Reggina c'è molta amarezza per come è andata la partita e per il risultato. "Sono molto arrabbiato - dice il ...
Il derby tra Centobuchi e Fano finisce in parità
Il Quotidiano - Al 55°, causa il terreno scivoloso, grossa opportunità per il Fano di passare quando Cameli, con tutta la difesa impreparata, regala un prezioso pallone a Marolda che avanza e scarica il suo tiro in ...
Laura Dubini un simbolo della lotta al cancro
Il Corriere della Sera - Perché il tempo assume dimensioni e significati diversi quando si lotta contro la morte e lei ha imparato a rendere prezioso ogni istante rubato alla malattia: ha scritto, ha imparato, ha viaggiato ...
Applausi e premi per le poesie composte dagli studenti
Liberta Online - Il preside dell'istituto "Ranieri-Marcora" Mauro Sangermani , dopo aver definito la scuola di Cortemaggiore un prezioso tassello della realtà scolastica piacentina, ha sottolineato l'importante ...
Attualmente sono online 166 tifosi registrati e 4271 tifosi non ...
Fiorentina - Si sacrifica anche in fase di copertura ed è molto prezioso. Gara di grande sostanza, da applausi. Dal 22'st Blasi: 5,5. Molta corsa, un paio di appoggi sbagliati....
McGuire defense cites husband's 'other side' (The News Journal)
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - A business associate and friend of William T. McGuire's said in Superior Court on Monday that the 39-year-old computer troubleshooter was "the best friend any person can have." But defense attorneys questioned whether Jaychander Tandava knew the murder victim's "other side." And they chipped away at William McGuire's reputation, alleging an extramarital affair. Testimony by ...
Victim was 'the best friend any person can have' (The News Journal)
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - A business partner who described murder victim William T. McGuire as "the best friend any person can have,'' said under cross-examination this morning that he was unfamiliar with the extent of McGuire's gambling habits and of McGuire's job status at New Jersey Institute of Technology, where the two worked. Testimony by Jaychandra Tandava kicked off the second week in the ...
Opposite positions, equal in purpose (The Star-Ledger)
Joseph Tacopina enters the courtroom with confidence, wearing a suit of fine Italian fabric. A New York attorney with a celebrity client roster, he is accustomed to the spotlight, continually angling to win favor with the judge and jurors....
Lawyers spar in killing, dismemberment case (Asbury Park Press)
On Thursday morning, on the third day of the murder trial of Melanie McGuire, the state called to the witness stand Dr. Wendy Gunther, the Virginia Beach forensics pathologist who examined a small suitcase found on the beach on May 5, 2004, that contained legs of a white male severed at the knees....
Autopsy in parts: Pathologist at nurse's trial describes examination of dismembered body (CourtTV via Yahoo! News)
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (Court TV) - A forensic pathologist testified Wednesday that the husband of a fertility clinic nurse was shot as many as four times before his body was dismembered and stuffed into a set of luggage....
McGuire murder trial to resume Monday (The News Journal)
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - The trial of a 34-year-old nurse accused of killing and dismembering her husband in their Woodbridge apartment will resume on Monday. Wednesday was the third day of the trial of Melanie McGuire, but the proceedings were adjourned because of a Family Court placement hearing Thursday involving her two boys, 4 and 7. The boys were taken from her following her arrest and placed ...
Senate Approves Legislative Pay Raise (WSAZ NewsChannel 3 West Virginia)
West Virginia's Legislature is close to getting a $5,000 raise. WEB EXTRA: see how your senator voted. ...
W.Va.: Drug Advocate Bill May Be Dead (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
A Senate committee likely brought an end to a bill that would have strengthened state laws in negotiating prescription drug prices, a measure that industry advocates said was too intrusive and would likely backfire....
MIDDLESEX COUNTY - An account executive for the medical supply company that distributed the blanket recovered from one of the suitcases holding the remains of William McGuire linked the product to the one used by Melanie McGuire's employer....
Jurors hear testimony on fatal wounds (Asbury Park Press)
An account executive for the medical supply company that distributed the blanket recovered from one of the suitcases holding the remains of William McGuire linked the product to the one used by Melanie McGuire's employer. Timothy Lacek, an account executive with Hospital Central Services, based in Allentown, Pa., told a jury Wednesday that his company supplied Reproductive Medicine Associates' ...

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