info: KERALA

Ogni anno in India per problemi sanitari 77mila donne muoiono di parto
AsiaNews.IT - In Kerala ci sono "solo" 110 decessi su 100 mila nascite. Peraltro in diversi Stati la situazione è peggiorata, come in Andhra Pradesh con 195 morti nel 2003 rispetto alle 150 del 1999, come pure ...
abitata da tanti Lenin, e qualche Gagarin
La Repubblica - KERALA - Si chiama Mosca, ma si trova nello stato del Kerala, nel Sud dell'India. La temperatura raggiunge i 35°, è circondato da piantagioni di gomma, ma il collegamento con la Russia c'è eccome ...
La Caritas per curare la piaga dei suicidi fra i contadini
AsiaNews.IT - Secondo le statistiche ufficiali, negli ultimi cinque anni sono morti quasi 4mila coltivatori diretti fra il Maharashtra, l'Andhra Pradesh, il Karnataka ed il Kerala, ma il numero di suicidi, secondo ...
Kerala to prepare database of its diaspora (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 13 Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan Tuesday said his government has begun to prepare a database on the number of people from the state living abroad....
Kerala woos Nissan Motors (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 13 The Left government in Kerala is trying to rope in Japanese auto giant Nissan Motors to set up operations in the state....
Ancient Hindu healing draws beauty tourists (
MUMBAI, India (Reuters) -- Ayurveda, an ancient Hindu healing method, has seen a resurgence as India vies for a share of the lucrative Asian medical-tourism market by offering traditional massages and beauty treatments to wealthy tourists....
Don't lose Smart City, LDF tells Achuthanandan (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 12 With the Kerala Left Democratic Front (LDF) asking the V.S. Achuthanandan government Monday to save the Smart City project, the project appears to be on the verge of being clinched....
Kerala budget promises to attract diaspora funds (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 9 Kerala Finance Minister Thomas Isaac Friday announced the budget for fiscal 2007-08, saying it would help in tapping the remittances worth some Rs 200 billion by non-resident Keralites (NRKs) to build infrastructure in the state....
Kerala tops in tippling (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 8 This is one first that Kerala will not be crowing about - the state leads in per capita consumption of liquor at a staggering 8.3 litres!...
Kerala records rise in suicides, rapes (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 8 Kerala has witnessed increased suicides (to 9,244), rapes (478) and violence against women (8,087 cases) while dowry-related deaths recorded a downswing, says a new report here....
Indian bloggers: more copyright violations by Yahoo (IT World)
Yahoo Inc.'s problems with Indian bloggers over unauthorized reproduction of their content on its Indian portals may be just beginning. Bloggers claim they have identified more instances of their content being reproduced without permission on Yahoo's Indian portals....
Kerala sees medical tourism soaring (
Thiruvananthapuram, March 8 With Kerala expecting at least 100,000 medical tourists in the next three years, the therapeutic tourism industry is in the pink of its health....
Karen L. King and Elaine Pagels discuss Reading Judas (Washington City Paper)
Celebrating Kerala Cinema India is said to have the world's most prolific film industry, but it's actually not just one Obelisk WCP Review: Maybe the best thing about this place is the fact you can eat out, and wonderfully well, without ...

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