Euronext: utile netto 2006 +50,8% a 361,8 milioni
WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - PARIGI, 13 MAR - Euronext ha realizzato nel 2006 un utile netto di 361,8 milioni, in aumento del 50,8% rispetto al 2005. L'operatore delle borse di Parigi, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Lisbona e del ...
WallStreet Italia - finanziarie europee: - Londra -0,22% - Parigi -0,24% - Francoforte -0,23% - Milano -0,25% - Madrid -0,25% - Amsterdam ...
Avvio positivo
Kataweb - Sulle prime rilevazioni Bruxelles mostra un vantaggio dello 0,2% a 4368,32 punti, Zurigo un progresso dello 0,06% a 8904,83 punti, Parigi un rialzo dello 0,13% a 5503,2 punti ed Amsterdam un ...
I muscoli di Van Gaal
Gazzetta Dello Sport - AMSTERDAM, 12 marzo 2007 - Louis Van Gaal non è solo l'allenatore dell'AZ Alkmaar, riottoso e scontroso con i media, critico implacabile del c.t. della nazionale olandese Marco van Basten, ma ...
La Repubblica - Sale dello 0,02% il Cac 40 di Parigi e a Zurigo lo Smi guadagna lo 0,2%. Ad Amsterdam il titolo di Azko Nobel sale del 15,3% e a Londra Alliance Boots avanza del 7,5%...
Farmaceutica: Akzo Nobel vola in Borsa
WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - ROMA, 12 MAR - Akzo Nobel vola alla Borsa di Amsterdam (+16%) dopo la vendita della consociata Organon al gruppo Usa Schering-Plough per 14,4 mld dlr. La cessione e' giunta inaspettata, in ...
Philips rinuncia ad impianto illuminazione innovativo per Tv Lcd
Reuters Italia - AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Philips ha deciso di abbandonare lo sviluppo dell'avanzata tecnologia di lampade fluorescenti ad alta emissione, che puntavano ad una maggiore nitidezza delle immagini in ...
Akzo vende Organon a Schering-Plough per 11 mld, rinuncia ad Ipo
Reuters Italia - AMSTERDAM, 12 marzo (Reuters) - Akzo Nobel (AKZO.AS: Quotazione , Profilo ) venderà Organon BioSciences a Schering-Plough (SGP.L: Quotazione , Profilo ) per 11 miliardi di euro, rinunciando a quotare ...
Iacchetti, bello fra le donne
Liberta Online - Da regista - ha rivelato lui stesso - lo vedremo tra poco quando girerà un film, Pazza di , tra Piacenza e Amsterdam, vale a dire tra papaveri e tulipani....
Senza esclusione di colpi
La Stampa - personaggio, che «agisce per il signor Rittman» e non è un agente segreto né un pirata di biblioteca, ma un grande esperto, docente universitario, direttore della Biblioteca Hermetica di Amsterdam ...
Amsterdam Has Cool Burgers, Javanese Eatery: Richard Vines (
March 13 (Bloomberg) -- Some European cities, such as Paris and London, are dining destinations. Others have no shortage of decent restaurants. And then there is Amsterdam, where good food can be to find, though the streets are lined with eateries....
Seeking security, Dutch turn to Bible Belt (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Just 90 minutes' drive from Amsterdam and its temptations is a village so devout that swearing is banned, refuse to wear trousers and the bank machine does not dispense cash on a Sunday....
Amsterdam woman arrested for driving drunk, hitting ex-boyfriend (Capital News 9)
An Amsterdam woman is arrested for driving drunk, hitting her ex-boyfriend, and driving away from police. Officers say they spotted Linda Sperow, 49, driving down the road with her passenger side door hanging open. When they tried to pull her over, she took off....
Schering in deal to buy drug unit (Boston Globe)
AMSTERDAM -- Schering-Plough Corp. agreed to buy Akzo Nobel NV's drug-making division Organon for $14.4 billion to gain the world's third-largest maker of birth-control pills and a stable of experimental medicines....
Schering-Plough buys $14B Organon (
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) -- Akzo Nobel said on Monday it was selling its drugs unit Organon BioSciences to Schering-Plough for 11 billion euros ($14.4 billion), in a last-minute reversal of plans to float it on the stock market....
AXA exec named to head CFO Forum (Business Insurance)
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands-Denis Duverne, chief financial officer of AXA S.A., has been elected chairman of the CFO Forum. Mr. Duverne will succeed Helmut Perlet, CFO of Allianz S.E....
Euronext registers record turnover and profits in 2006 (
Paris/Amsterdam - The European multinational bourse Euronext NV registered highest-ever profits of 361.8 million euros (474 million dollars) in 2006, up 50.8 per cent over the previous year, the company said Tuesday. Turnover climbed 14.6 per cent, to ...
Schering to buy part of Millsboro's Akzo Nobel (The News Journal)
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- Akzo Nobel NV's Intervet International health division, which employs 400 workers at its U.S. headquarters in Millsboro, will be sold to Schering-Plough Corp. as part of a $14.5 billion deal announced Monday....
Rosales: I'm Living River Dream (Soccer365)
River Plate winter catch Mauro Rosales claims he would only have left his beloved Amsterdam to return home for Los Millionairos. The move took a while to finalize, but the speedy winger is now back in his home country....
Amsterdam grants license to cut down Anne Frank's chestnut tree (WLUC TV 6)
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands A dying chestnut tree that once comforted Anne Frank while she was in hiding from the Nazis is probably going to be cut down. The Amsterdam, Netherlands, city council ruled in November that the tree is a hazard. This week it gave the owner permission to remove it....

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