Anche Samsung ha il suo iPhone
VNUnet - Samsung ha svelato un nuovo telefono, che ha design e funzionalita' molto simili a quelle dell'iPhone della Apple. Il Samsung Ultra Smart F700 sara' ufficialmente presentato in occasione del 3Gsm ...
Nice to meet you!
Ticino News - prodotti da aziende esterne alla Apple, dovranno essere acquistati attraverso iTunes dopo essere stati approvati dalla casa di Steve Jobs. Questo per evitare che, come accade per alcuni smart phone ...
A cell phone 'talking' e-mails (The Arizona Republic)
Every so often, a technology company sticks its neck out creates a product beyond its repertoire....
Smart Loops Releases MIDI Drum Loops, Vol. 3 (The Mac Observer)
Smart Loops has released MIDI Drum Loops, Volume 3, which provides over 500 measures of drum grooves frills...
Palm Hires Ex-Apple Engineer (RedNova)
By Ryan Blitstein, San Jose Mercury News, Calif. Mar. 9--In a move to fend off competition from the likes of Apple Motorola, Sunnyvale smart-phone maker Palm has hired one of the engineers behind the vaunted iPod to work on future products....
iPodObserver - Carriers Want Fewer Mobile Phone OSes (The Mac Observer)
Carriers are finding that multiple mobile phone OSes are making it difficult to deliver new services...
The World's Most Expensive Cellphones (Forbes)
Who needs a house when you can buy a $1.3 million mobile phone instead?...
Tellme More (Forbes)
Microsoft exec Jeff Raikes speaks about his company's newest acquisition....
The End User: Getting mobile on the Web (International Herald Tribune) has put its finger on the factors that have by large eluded mobile Web services: give us something simple, cheap useful....
Google's Phone Patent A Ghost In Your (WebProNews)
For now, we'll put off dark of robots taking over. No, no, no. No Skynet, no iRobot, none of that. If you don't want go cross-eyed trying to read a recent Google patent application, just take some smart people's word for it. Google's working on a phone technology that knows more about you than you do. Part of me thinks the incredibly dull technical language in the patent is to ...
As Mobile Phones Grow More Complex, Carriers Insist on Fewer Operating Systems (New York Times)
Multiple systems have hampered the growth of new services, mobile phone executives say....
Wireless: Operating systems present problems for mobile phone makers (International Herald Tribune)
While the world of computers makes do pretty much two operating systems, the world of mobile telephony is awash in them makers would like to reduce their numbers....

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