WallStreet Italia - (9colonne) - Roma, 15 mar - Itunes, il più grande negozio digitale di musica del web creato da Apple, deve prepararsi ad accettare una nuova sfida. La Broadband Instruments ha infatti lanciato una ...
I brand più noti nella musica digitale
HTML.It - Le tendenze, però, sono due: mentre iTunes è andato imponendosi facendo forza sul grande successo commerciale ottenuto da Apple nell'ambito specifico, Napster deriva gran parte della propria ...
Due vicende parallele: Viacom-YouTube e iTunes-Ue
La Stampa - Nel caso iTunes, invece, la legge dovrebbe consentire agli utenti di ascoltare i brani acquistati sul negozio online di Apple con lettori di ogni tipo. Attualmente, infatti, le canzoni sono ...
ADN Kronos -
Yahoo! Italia - Kuneva ha inoltre spiegato che "prenderà contatti anche con Apple" a proposito delle limitazioni imposte su iTunes perché "i consumatori dovrebbero essere liberi di scegliere" dove desiderano ...
Musica: apple nel mirino di bruxelles
Studio Celentano - BRUXELLES, 13 MAR - Il gigante dell'informatica Apple e' finito nel mirino di Bruxelles. L'accusa e' di non rendere accessibile iTunes a lettori non iPod. Il caso nasce dalle numerose denunce di ...
Apple rilascia Mac Os 10.4.9
Macity - Apple rilascia Mac Os 10.4.9 Apple alcuni minuti fa ha rilasciato l'aggiornamento in modalità streaming dietro un firewall , riproduzione audio nelle applicazioni QuickTime, iTunes ...
iTunes, il commissario Ue contro Apple
La Repubblica - ROMA - Ancora problemi "europei" per Apple. Dopo la Norvegia, che ha considerato illegale la "incompatibilità" del sistema iTunes-iPod con la concorrenza, adesso tocca al commissario europeo per la ...
Cosa cambia in iTunes 7.1? Ecco i dettagli con una galleria di ...
Macity - Cosa cambia in iTunes 7.1? Ecco i dettagli con una galleria di screenshot Nuova Arrivano anche la gestione di Apple TV, la censura "europea" sugli spettacoli e altre ...
Reuters -
Yahoo! Italia - Le società affiliate erano preoccupate che le emittenti Tv come News Corp., che vendono e distribuiscono spettacoli di successo online e sui servizi multimediali digitali come iTunes di Apple Inc ...
iTunes 7.1 e QuickTime 7.1.5, musica e video di Apple si aggiornano
Macity - "Con iTunes 7 e iTunes Store puoi visualizzare anteprime e comprare filmati di alta qualità oltre a giochi classici e nuovi progettati esclusivamente per iPod di quinta generazione.Dai uno sguardo ...
EU Calls To Break Apple's iTunes-iPod Link (NewsFactor via Yahoo! News)
The European Union's Consumer Protection Commissioner, Meglena Kuneva, has lashed out at Apple, claiming that the company's strategy of bundling iTunes iPods together is unfair to consumers....
EU consumer chief faults Apple over iTunes (The Morning Call)
She says music should be available to devices other than just iPod. Apple Inc. should let people listen to songs downloaded from its iTunes store on devices that compete the iPod, Europe's top consumer regulator said, increasing pressure on the company to loosen its grip on online music sales....
Downloaders Prefer Napster iTunes (WebProNews)
Ipsos Tempo Digital Music Brandscape study released today indicates that Apple's iTunes continues to cement its position as the primary fee-based digital music destination, while a number of other services are trying to grow their consumer base establish points of differentiation. For many brands awareness was consistent in 2006. For American downloaders aged 12 older, iTunes saw an ...
EU Commish backs off on Apple: No problem iTunes Store's FairPlay DRM (Mac Daily News)
That's some expression Ms. Kuneva is wearing. It looks like she's had a really bad day! "Do you think it's fine that a CD plays in all CD players but that an iTunes song only plays in an iPod?"...
EU Commissioner Scolds Apple Over iTunes (E-Commerce Times)
EU consumer protection commissioner Meglena Kuneva has criticized Apple in an interview a German magazine, arguing that the company violates consumer rights by coupling its iTunes service exclusively to its iPod MP3 player. The group's online music store is not compatible digital music player systems other than its own Apple iPod....
EU Commish on iTunes: Can We Talk? (E-Commerce Times)
The European Union's consumer protection commissioner, Meglena Kuneva, is backing off from stance that Apple should open the iTunes Store to all portable digital music players. After comments earlier this week, she is reportedly now claiming that she simply wanted to raise questions....
EU Leader Criticizes Apple's Limits on iTunes (
European Union consumer chief Meglena Kuneva has hit out at Apple Inc.'s bundling of its popular iPod music players its iTunes online music store, according to German weekly magazine Focus. "Do you think it's fine that a CD plays in all CD players but that an iTunes song only plays in an iPod?...
EU Calls To Break Apple's iTunes-iPod Link (NewsFactor)
The European Union's Consumer Protection Commissioner, Meglena Kuneva, has lashed out at Apple, claiming that the company's strategy of bundling iTunes iPods together is unfair to consumers. According to a German weekly magazine, Kuneva pointed out that CDs will in all CD players, but that a song purchased on iTunes will only on an iPod, that "something has to change." The ...
EU takes aim at Apple over iTunes (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
European Union consumer chief Meglena Kuneva has hit out at Apple Inc.'s bundling of its popular iPod music players its iTunes online music store, according to German weekly magazine Focus....
Lily Allen accuses Apple of bullying musicians into exclusive iTunes Store deals (Mac Daily News)
Aren't for the most part all remixes rubbish anyway? Give Apple something extra you'll make some extra cash. I don't see that as a bad thing. She's cute, though, at least from promo pictures...

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