Scaricare musica e film da Internet
Apoge Online - LimeWire; Ricercare e condividere file nei gruppi di discussione; iTunes, un ottimo esempio di negozio online per musica e video (e non solo ) Strumenti e suggerimenti per ottimizzare i download...
NDSU sees crackdown (Fargo Forum)
Derek Pesta doesn't let a North Dakota State University policy banning music downloading dissuade him from swapping tunes over the Internet. The 18-year-old accounting major routinely cruises Web sites such as Limewire to download free music in the comforts of his Reed Hall dorm room....
Being a pirate is against the law (Daily Vidette)
You have a song stuck in your head, you don't own the cd the only way to get it to go away is to download the song. Right? Most students at one time or another have downloaded a song, a movie, or a file from one of the many popular downloading sources....
ASU ranks 24th for downloads (State Press)
More than half of students are opening their Internet browsers instead of plastic-wrapped CDs to get their music....
It's the ending entertainment kingpins would have ordered Hollywood to produce if the industry's struggle peer-to-peer piracy had been a scripted reality show: After years of ferocious legal battles high-tech hijinx, the unsavory purveyors of illicit music, TV shows movies come in from the cold, pledging to respect copyrights to use their popular software to benefit the industry....
Apple Works To Stave Off Mac Attack (Washington Post)
Apple Inc. on Thursday issued patches to plug five separate security holes in software included on its Mac OS computers. Mac users can download the free updates through the Mac's built-in software update feature or directly from Apple downloads. The five flaws were vulnerabilities identified in January as part of the controversial Month of Apple Bugs project. Among those addressed in this ...
Google deals upset studios (San Francisco Chronicle)
iPodObserver - Yahoo! Agrees Apple: Drop DRM (The Mac Observer)
The boss at Yahoo! Music, Dave Goldberg, thinks Apple CEO Steve Jobs got it right when he suggested that labels should drop digital rights management in downloaded songs...
Web pirating proliferating at UI, official says (The Daily Iowan)
UI sophomore Thomas Zimmermann immersed himself in the supernatural world of the TV show "Heroes" via the Internet in his dorm room - for free. Months later, his Internet access was replaced a pop-up from Information Technology Services that notified Zimmermann he had been caught pirating - an action that cut his web capabilities for a day....
Current Issue: (California Aggie)
Students everywhere have been there - we hear a rockin' track on the radio or on MTV soon enough we give in to temptation: We download illegally from LimeWire, the tastiest forbidden fruit, only to experience a horrible reprimand. However, UC may now offer some salvation....
Technology changes loom on the horizon (Maneater)
Despite the campus-wide peer-to-peer music-sharing ban, some students living on campus continue to have access to LimeWire, a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing program....

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