Guides of Ski CARVIN


The sciancratura of a ski is the difference of width among spatula (point), center and tail.
This form allows the ski of "to turn, perfectly allowing curves rotundas, without sideways skidding.
The choice of the ideal length of the ski is tied up to the technical ability of every skier.
All the athletes use ski of a non superior length to 200 cms on fast layouts, but every skier should not choose a ski carving of superior length to the 180 cms for the men and 160-170 cms for the women.
For the carving fun such lengths must be shortened of around 10-20 cms.
The stability of a ski is conditioned from the form, from the structure and from the materials.
The sciancratura, increases only instead the estate and the stability in phase of curve.
The middle speed in footstep with the carving is smaller, in how much the strong emotions are gotten bending.
They are not more dangerous than the traditional skis therefore, it needs only to set more attention to the traffic, gives the greatest in demand space.
FREE RIDE: the sciancratura is marked and is accompanied to a general width of spatula center and increased tail, so that to confer a good galleggiamento on the deepest snows.

To be sincere I must say that I am relatively a conservative type; I have drawn near to the carving with some suspect.
And to say her/it really all I/you/they have always been convinced (and I am still it) whether to throw some beautiful curves conducted on the edges is not quite essential to use ski more sciancrati' of so much, if you are technically well planned, you succeed very well in also closing (eccome) the curves with ski...
A beautiful day me and' happened to try a pair of skis "carving"; rather two pairs.
Feeling that the ski has the tendency to turn, I would say to very easily close with the least indication of angling.
I must admit that as I have told more' broadly in the page Carving for everybody: instructions for use any skier (but in particolar who and' less violent and experienced) is able' to take sure advantage of these materials.
I was not satisfied entirely because' I knew to be able to put the hands, and above all the feet, on a pair of skis fun-carving.
I don't want to dramatize, but doesn't come me to say (as he/she is read on some magazines) that and' for everybody, with that the ski turns it facilitates' (indeed also too) that whoever is able' to try (free...), to do and to undo... not really.


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Glossary ski section To-L
In the pages devoted to the ski, you could find some term "inusuale"..
As every other sport, also the ski has terms "proper"; the components that constitute ski and attacks (but more' in general also the accessories and the techniques) have a particular denomination.
it persuades her/it' of a skier to engrave the snow in curve and to get a best or worse management of trajectory.
asymmetrical sciancratura: two different sciancratures on the inside and external side of the ski - a right ski and a left ski it exists you see DRS asy.
fit devices to hold back the boots from ski to the skis.
I am endowed with soft you calibrate that they allow the releasing following a fall or of dangerous solicitations for the safety' of the skier.
key to "L" with hexagonal section: it is able' to be useful to record some regulations of the ski boots.
material used for the construction of parts of ski and other components (also parts of boot).
a technique, today very in fashion, that foresees the use of new skis with accented sciancratura and that it privileges rays of curve meeting places and curves extremely "conducted."

Salomon carvin, compares prices and offers salomon carvin on it Finds Prices
Leader of the new Do-all category, extremely versatile for the true lovers of the carving and the compact snow.This technical ski highly.
The first shivers of the carving, the first curves really behaviors! If till now he is made to drag from your skis and instead you finally wants to be you to drive them, this & egr.
A ski for the lovers of the pure carving and to overcome in safety all the limits of velocit.
Ski line "Racing" collection 2006/2007 endowed with attack, directly from the department competitions.
It instigates your power a fluid carving, powerful, performante and accessible that d will allow.
A ski for the lovers of the pure carving, to overcome in safety all the limits of velocit.
The ski for agonisti and experts of technical high-level that desire the maximum performances in the slalom € 570, 00.

Camper Club You Granda - Zone Young people - The ski Carving conquers l\'Italia on the snow
Suvvia… the cold, that true, has still to arrive! Surely among us there will be also some inveterate skier that, felt the magic parolina name, it is already ready to throw in footstep with the inseparable skis.
The camper, over everything, it allows to approach with extreme facility in the tourist places and, with a minimum of adroitness it is also possible to individualize those that don't cost dear, our pockets of poor men boys always cry… or almost! By now, however, you cannot be satisfied anymore than the ancient skis, therefore abandon them to you in the wine cellar… the time has come to taste the true drunkenness!The great novelty, the revolution, the turn I am really behind the angle.
Is, in fact, to know everything, but really everything, on the CARVING the angle acute ski.
To start some etymology: carving derives from the English verb "to carve" that it means to engrave, to carve, to carve.
We speak, in fact, both of the way to ski and of the form of the skis.
Superficially following also the world of the ski, it realizes us that, in the last years, the equipment is slightly changed.


Camper Club You Granda - Zone Young people - Razors on the snow
The skiing season is to the blocks of departure! .
The cold, that true, has still to arrive! You think about the footsteps innevate that attends you, on which "to throw you", with your inseparable skis.
Are you some tired ones of your old skis? Don't you know that new model to buy? You are right, after all some everybody is resembled.
But do you want to make him/it a great jump? You abandon your ancient skis in the depths of your wine cellar and… is ready to the great revolution! .
Already from some season the new tendency of which I am you to disclose everything, but really everything, rages on our footsteps of ski.
What you wait to know the true drunkenness: the CARVING, the angle acute ski? To start some etymology: carving derives from the English "to carve" that it means to engrave, to carve, to hinder.
Doesn't the etymology interest you? Ok, proclamation to the gossips… If you follow, the world of the ski, will superficially, have realized (perhaps) also that, in the last years, the equipment in matter is slightly changed.
The skis, those from competition, have assumed above all more and more a form sciancrata.


Ski carving or the skis of whom wants to have a good time seriously him.
Light and a lot of sciancrati, the carvings allow a lot of liberty in curve and great control: straight with the most exaggerated sciancratures it is enough to tilt the skis on the edges and... you will find you to almost turn without realizing of it.
The carving is all right even if you are 'prevented', considering that, to be easier to be maneuvered, is further also less fatiguing to be used and more comforting: also the footsteps most difficult they result feasible, thanks to the greatest control on the skis that it gives a good safety dose, and to their lightness that allows to ski with little work.
But the carving is also excellent for the demanding skiers, better if the skis are not too sciancrati, considering that they lose some stability on the wide curves and to elevated speed.
Then, ski for all the tastes, to ski to every level of ability and on every type of snow, also that harder; for the women, besides, the consistent lightness of the skis is a notable advantage.
If then you want to exaggerate, the fun carving is the fun that does for you: ski extreme carving, a lot of sciancrati, in a discipline without rules or canons.

You articulate sporting to Turin, camping, sporting attire on Bakeca
It consults this section devoted to the sport for the search than to sporting bbigliamento, sporting accessories that go from the bikes to the equipment for ski and mountaineering or accessories for the camping, from the curtain to the camper.
Ski overall of the Olympiads torino 2006 [in the zone Turin] uniform of the winter Olympiads torino 2006 (giacca+pantalone) new, still imbustata, ransom large, well stuffed, resistant (...).
Ski-alp trab synthesis complete [in the zone Montalto Dora - To] Ski-alp trab synthesis 175 cms with attacks silvretta with skins and also wanting the ramps (used an only time) .acquistati in the (...).

I husk carving Who to the beginnings it was sceptic on the proposal Carving, you/he/she has had to retract being seen the pioneers of the specialty perfectly attack the footstep to the rhythm of curves brushstrokes.
The carving can surely be considered as a great technological revolution in the construction of the skis.
To accomplishedly understand her/it we owe ripercorrere the history of the modern ski.The competitions have been the fundamental element for the development of the utensil, that in turn has conditioned the technique and the methodology of the learning.
Nevertheless we can affirm that, up to the advent of the carving, the study of the geometric shape of the ski has been neglected.
From the native construction, that foresaw the employment of wood wedges, you/he/she is passed as to the use of plastic fibers, of metal plastics, of systems combined wood-plastics.The objectives to be reached were fundamentally two: to get a good flexibility in longitudinal sense to be able to amortize the various asperities of the ground and to reach better an optimal torsional (above all of the spatula) rigidity for power to maintain the ski along the desired trajectory.Parallelly to how much above a search of the fittest materials you/he/she is also developed for the construction of the insoles (with the purpose to reduce the coefficient of attrition ski-snow and to increase accordingly the speed) and for the construction of the foils.

l phenomenon 'carving' it is not a bluff but a new way to ski, easier and very more amusing.
Who is not convinced to change the old traditional models yet you/he/she is ski on another planet and he/she doesn't know what he loses.
Does it still have sense speak of ski carving? Yes and no, considering that by now everybody or almost the present models on the market are 'carving', used term and misused to which however the market owes a lot.
The phenomenon carving has not been a bluff, its throwing has not been a commercial manoeuvre to sell, for risollevare from the crisis the firms of the sector as some years ago the more sceptics hypothesized.
The carving has been a real and important phenomenon, it represents an unbelievable evolution of the world of the ski, it is above all a new way to ski, easier and amusing.
Yes and no, we said: yes because the word carving is by now entered to belong to the language common of our environment.
With the term carvings are reassumed concepts and forms, in the catalogs of all the firms it is employed, with various endings, in the definition of the categories and it often enters also the names of the models.
Less and less for the truth, because by now carving doesn't point out a different thing anymore.

Atomic Beta Carv / X 9.18: You read the Opinions and it compares the prices
This year I have rottamato my old skis carvin Volkl with new carvin of the mark Atomic serious Beta Carv / x 9.18L PC carbon (I cost £.780.000) with sciancratura more accented for a great speed of the preceding skis, combining some Boots Atomic Beta Race Carve 9, 58 (I cost L.650.000)...
...New carvin of the mark Atomic serious Beta Carv / x 9.18L PC carbon (I cost £.780.000) with sciancratura more accented for a great speed of the preceding skis, combining some Boots Atomic Beta Race Carve 9, 58 (I cost L.650.000) equipment that I recommend to all those people who possess a discreet good technical baggage.
I must specify that being a lover of the ski with carvin I have chosen this model holding him/it of good invoice and of...

Salomon - it Compares the prices and laws the Opinions
(+) Light and proper for all the very useful disciplines (more or less) (-) Not in the tall (*) fresh snow.
...on a pair of skis SALOMON SCRAMBLER 33 of easy ideal use as first ski or for skiers and skier that seek safety and stability, the price in offer to 189, 00 € in combining to the attack LOOK Nova Sport.
The skis with length 170 cms were all right, the measure also exists for women (160 cms).
...anything else other than to submit us to the mark Salomon as it regards you purchase him of ski.
After having ski many years with traditional ski, had been goading by now for two years by my friend teacher of ski of Macugnaga, last Sunday, I have tried the skis carving, those short, with the wide points and you round off, the skis that today all, in the competitions, they use.
I thought that these skis, publicized as if they were...