Guides of RESIDENCE Alpi


Hotel Mountain, Hotels, Apartments, Bed and Breakfast, Residence, Wellness, Agriturismo
The Alps are the chain mountainous more main point of Europe.
You/he/she must be considered that from the Hill of Cadibona to the Footstep Vrata extends him not so much a simple mountainous chain as you/he/she can be understood more in narrow sense but a series chains that alpine mountainous system can be defined or exactly, simply, Alps.
the most beautiful panorama in the Alps in the Valley of Aosta to m.

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Residence in Piedmont in the Tall Valley Ossola - Western Alps Lepontine
in piemonte, on the Western Alps Lepontine.
-Villa Michela - Residence for Vacation on the snow, winter sport, walks on the snow, ski, snowboard, snow rackets, ciaspole, bob, sled: December, January, February, March, April - Residence in Station of alpine vacation in Piedmont: summer vacations in the green and in the nature, winter vacations on the snow and alpine sport -.
The Residence rises in a place montana in the heart of the Alps Lepontine: in Winter skiing station with fittings of gone up again, footsteps and ample spaces for alpine ski, snowboard, ski mountaineering - in the summer point of departure for excursions, trips and walks in the natural Park Alpe Veglia, the tall Valley Ossola and the Swiss area of the Sempione in the Canton Vallese.
White weeks in Residence of mountain: skiing station with fittings of gone up again for winter sport on the snow in mountain in Piedmont-Villa Michela - white Week in the apartment of luxury in Residence of mountain on the Western Alps Lepontine: snow, sport, rest and calm - - Residence for vacations in mountain on the Alps: apartments in Residence placed to quota 1420 meters in the Tall Valley Ossola, in the Alps Lepontine Piedmontese Westerners.

Residence in Mountain: Summer and Winter on the Alps
White weeks in Residence of mountain: skiing station with fittings of gone up again for winter sport on the snow in mountain in Piedmont-Villa Michela - white Week in the apartment of luxury in Residence of mountain on the Western Alps Lepontine: snow, sport, rest and calm-Residence for white Week and Vacation on the snow in Piedmont during the winter season, from December to April: you see the photos and images of the Residence and his/her places - Residence in Piedmont, summer and winter in mountain: it visits the site to see the images of the Residence and the alpine place-Villa Michela - Residence for Vacation in mountain in the green: walks, excursions, trekking among paths, woods, lawns, alpeggi,… -Villa Michela -.
SUMMER: innumerable and always new sports and activity outside in the marvelous alpine landscape.
White weeks in Residence of mountain: skiing station with fittings of gone up again for winter sport on the snow in mountain in Piedmont-Villa Michela - white Week in the apartment of luxury in Residence of mountain on the Western Alps Lepontine: snow, sport, rest and calm-Residence for white Week and Vacation on the snow in Piedmont during the winter season, from December to April: you see the photos and images of the Residence and his/her places - Residence in Piedmont, summer and winter in mountain: it visits the site to see the images of the Residence and the alpine place-Villa Michela -.

residence les Balcons de Anaite to Chamonix-les Houches - French Alps
Placed in panoramic and sunny position in the village of Les Houches, small village set to the feet of the white mountain and 4 Km by Chamonix, this residence he/she offers 30 beautiful apartments in wood, elegantly furnished and decorated in the warm and natural colors.
During the arrival to the residence, for an European (what rimomborsates will entirely be during the check out you damn excepted to the apartments) security of 350 is asked + the local tourist taxes.


Animals Alps Orobie
The chamois, thanks also to the favorable habitat, you/he/she has reached important (around 5.000 animals) density so much to result among the most consistent of the Alps.
The avifauna almost all includes the kinds typical of the western alpine arc from the rooster forcello, to the white partridge, to the crowd of passeriformi.
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in Tall absorbed Val Brembana in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Sale apartments and houses vacation in the Valley Brembana in the province in Bergamo Prealpi Orobie.
Private residences in spectacular environments will give you all of this' of which have need to live the life of the Prealpis Orobie from the inside.


You rent in mountain on the Alps 2006 2007 - winter summer - semestral, seasonal, monthly, weekly
You rent in mountain on the Alps 2006 2007.
Lease semestral winter in the province of Verbania (VB): Lodging, Residence, Apartment, House, Chalet, Residence - - Lease semestral winter season on the Alps Lepontine Piedmontese Westerners, in skiing alpine center: To ski, Walks on the snow, Rest, Relax - - winter Lease in Val of Ossola, to the border with the Canton Vallese (Switzerland): trips on the snow in mountain, fittings of gone up again, rest, relax - - Lease seasonal summer in the place of vacation of situated mountain in the heart of the Piedmontese Alps Lepontine, in the blue province of the Greatest Lake, Lake of Mergozzo, Lake of Orta.
St. Domenico and Alpe Ciamporino are found in the commune of Varzo (province of Verbania) in Piedmont, on the western Alps Lepontine.
In winter is a skiing station with fittings of gone up again, footsteps and ample spaces for alpine ski, snowboard, ski mountaineering.

2006 2007: To ski in Piedmont, in Ossola, on the alpis Lepontine - white Weeks, sport of mountain, telemark, ski mountaineering, skiing stations, place \ winter.
Winter skiing station on the Alps Lepontine, in Piedmont - Footsteps, fittings of gone up again and ample spaces for alpine ski, snowboard, ski mountaineering, excursions white Weeks and courses of ski for families, ski club, schools, firms, groups, oratorical - training ski club, teams ski - Offered special white weeks, offered special minute last for white weeks on the alpis, winter vacations on the snow, white vacations on the snow, business white weeks, offered special last minute for white weeks in Piedmont * * * vacations of Christmas New Year's eve Carnival Easter - where he to Christmas and New Year's eve, in operation open fittings - winter vacations of Christmas and New Year's eve on the snow and on the skis - to ski to Christmas and New Year's eve in Piedmont - apartments, houses, chalet, hotels, hotel for Christmas and New Year's eve on the snow.
Live cam - Webcam live footsteps of ski, snowboard, snow, skiing fittings of gone up again - Livecam--Rates, Prices, Photo and Information to organize and to book a vacation on the snow and on the skis, white Week, stay relax in mountain--Bulletins snow and Height snow adjourned: Piedmont--> Valley Ossola--> St. Domenico * * * * * Trips, go out on the snow, finesettimana / weekend in mountain to ski, Epiphany 6 January on the snow and on the skis, white Weeks and vacations on the snow in Piedmont on the Alps--Offered special, promotions, occasions for Weeks white January 2007, February 2007, March 2007, April 2007 in Piedmont, Tall Valley Ossola * * * * * white Week to Carnival 2007 in mountain in Piedmont - Vacation on the snow to Easter 2007.

I lodge Hotel Residence Garfagnana Tuscany
The ls Residence de "The Grotto" it is situated in the tall part of the country, behind the "grotto" that from which draws the name him hotel-ristorane.
from three tops of the Alps Apuane: The End Of the Arrows, You Pania of the Cross and the Bread of Butter.
M to also the country of "Knoll" surmounted by the Chain of the Alps Apuane (you see photo).
Sees Residence - Knoll and the Alps Apuane.
The ls residence, the hotel is found a stonesthrow from, that is easily attainable afoot.
V enite to find us, waits you in the quiet and in the peace of the Alps Apuane.

I lodge Hotel Residence Garfagnana Tuscany
The Alps Apuane: the nature of the Alps Apuane, the traditions apuane, the shelters, itineraries and excursions in Versilia and on the Apuanes.
The Alps Apuane distinguish him from the near Appennino thanks to the sour morphology a great deal, with their valleys deeply engraved and the imposing slopes and very tilted.
Placed to the center of the Natural Park of the Alps Apuane it is among the most complete caves in Europe introducing an extraordinary variety of phenomena that is illustrated with precision and competence by experienced guides speleologiche.

Valtellinas throw vacations on line you travel mountain city d\'arte alpi to ski.
They throw it is a laughing town abandoned to the feet of the alpis Retiche and of those Orobiches.
The trip offers the possibility to spend some times among the tangled alpine valleys to narrow contact with the nature, to breathe the perfume of the woods, to make to be caressed by the breeze and to tan with the alpine sun.

Winter vacations for numerous Families and Groups of families: snow, ski, snowboard, bob, sled
- Residence in Centers of vacation Italian montani in the Alps Lepontine - Houses near skiing structure in Piedmont, to St. Domenico, for ski and snowboard - - House bi famigliare in mountain.
- House bifamigliare in mountain - clicca here for Information and Photo on the Residence and on the Place - Houses bi famigliari in mountain.
Apartments for 2 (two) families in mountain for vacations on the snow and white week in I seize with friends: information, bookings, rates, promotions low seasons and photo to organize a vacation lodging in the apartments of the Residence Villa Michela, situated in Tall Valdossola, to north of the Piedmont, near the border with the canton Vallese of Switzerland (Valais - Wallis) - Apartments bifamiliari in mountain.
place montana in the heart of the Alps Lepontine: in winter skiing station with fittings of gone up again, footsteps and ample spaces for alpine ski, snowboard, ski mountaineering - in summer stung of departure for excursions and walks in the natural Park Alpe Veglia, the tall Val of Ossola and the Swiss area of the Sempione.
- - - Ideas for it spends finesettimana / weekend in the apartment residence in mountain dipped in the naura-opened the whole year-promotions and special rates for stays and Vacations in low season.