Guides of Teachers Of Ski


Presentation College Of the Teachers Of Ski Emilia Romagna
You hopes that this publication, agreement as document of profit consultation and reference, pick up also the pleasure of the teachers of ski of the Emilia-Romagna and all the Corporate body.
To send an e-mail message to containing questions or you comment on this site Web.

Teachers of ski - regional College - Association Valdostana - Courses and rates
The Regional Junta has approved the application dispositions of the L.R.
6/2005 that you/he/she has disciplined the formalities of check of the formation and the professional experience of the Teachers of foreign Ski to the goals of the temporary exercise of the profession from the same ones in the Valley of Aosta.
The new dispositions have been approved with the Deliberation of Regional Junta n.
The teachers of foreign ski that intend to firmly practice the profession in Italy owe, to be able to get the registration in a Regional College, to get the recognition of the title.


Photo by

Association Teachers of Ski of the Trentino
Association College to Teach INFOMAESTRO On-line Settles LINKS Profits HOME PAGE 24/2/2007: New badges for the teachers of snowboard 20/2/2007: Course of updating Ski / Snow to Campiglio 1/2/2007: The College has given European diecimila to the Ail 25/1/2007: Him to the new rule for the Alpine Guides, Territorial Companions and Teachers of Ski 24/1/2007: Course of Specialization Ski / Snow to his/her/their children 22/1/2007: The Demo Team Italy Monday 22 January guest of the transmission [Sky+Sci].
Ducapa Corso For Managers (April-June) The association Teachers of Ski of the Trentino in collaboration with Academy of enterprise (Special Firm of the Chamber of the Commerce I.A.A.
of Trento) it organizes in the months April-June a course of 6.
Michael SCHUMACHER Teacher Of Ski To HONOREM Durante the last Gran Prize of Formula One of Monza (September 10 th 2006), the President of the association Maurice Bonelli, the President of the College Luciano Maturi and the President.
Access Reserved Area Six a recorded consumer to the area reserved teachers and anymore adaccedere you don't succeed? Have not you effected the application of the new passwords? It compiles the electronic form that you will find.

Do you want to become teacher of ski? You read here - Job @
clients / Call centre Engineering / Computer science social Services / Health research and development Job to the foreign countries Stage Inserisci your c.v.
You insert an offer it Looks for offers it Looks for among the c.vs.
Curriculum Presentation home > job > as to become > the teacher of ski The Guides.
The sporting sector offers different possibilities to do temporary jobs, tied up also to the seasons.
One of these are the teacher of ski.
You/he/she can professionally define him teacher of ski he who insignia, also in non exclusive way and not continuous, to people and groups, the skiing techniques in all of their specializations, practice with any type of utensil.
Courses of formation and updating for teachers of ski are organized by the Regions interested by this sport.
To develop this profession is necessary (as it prepares n.81 he/she reads her / '91) to be enrolled to the bulletin-board of the professional category of the Region in which is wanted to practice the profession, to which is entered only if the regional courses are frequented and overcome the theoretical and practical examinations..
Once gotten the diploma, you/he/she is trained to teach descent ski, ski leading, ski escursionistico and ski of orientation, for the snowboard it is advisable to frequent special courses of specialization organized by the Italian Federation Snowboard instead.

Amsao|Association Teachers of Ski Alps Occidentali
Record of presences: 700 babies have participated in the regional ending of the Gran I Reward Young unwound himself/herself/themselves to Sansicario yesterday!.
And' time to think about the I purchase some uniform. ......
you read in the reserved area the formalities for the ordination of the uniform Regal....
The fallen rain and the persistent heat, despite the prodigious efforts of the persons responsible of the school ski....
It will be the School Ski Bielmonte in the place Bielmonte (common Trivero) - province of Connecting rod, to entertain the day Saturday 3 March....
Place skiing Piedmontese and Liguri.

Benefits - Selections for teacher of ski - Snow, Sport and Tourism - You passion for the ski, the Etna and the sea:: winter edition:: Tuesday March 13 th 2007:: .
Do you want to directly be adjourned on the last novelties of the site on your email? enroll yourself.
On EtnaSci it is possible to acquire various information and suggestions for how many interested were to undertake the work of teacher of ski, tied up for a long time to the tourism and the winter sports.
Every year in Italy the preselezionis are organized for accessing the profession of teacher of ski in the single regions in concert with the relative colleges of the teachers.
The preselezionis foresee the carrying out of some technical tests of the Italian school of ski enacted in the regional proclamation.
The tests of the candidates are judged by the national instructors, an organ constituted by around two hundred professionals that you/they express, teaches and they shows at the most level the technique of the Italian school of ski and that it is delegated also to the formation of the candidates that you/they have overcome the preselezionis and admitted an anticipated (not consecutive) 90 days of course.
Therefore to get the official recognition the aspirant teachers they finally have to overcome with positive result the final examination that he/she closes the formative course.

TEACHERS OF SKI: - The Portal Of the Ski On the More Volcano \ Tall D\'EUROPA
And tnaS - Selections for teacher of ski.
In a lot of Italian regions every year selections develop him for teacher of alpine ski.
In base to an analytical study, it seems how such "examinations" they are not always controled in way by to guarantee transparency and awareness to the candidates that face huge burdens.
The purpose of the section is to develop a comparison and an objective analysis that allows to understand the actual carrying out of the examinations in some Italian regions and accordingly to be able to appraise if such procedures should be varied.
N.B: More times we have specified that the value of the category of the national instructors is indisputable as technical-didactic organ.
Of however the goal of is not, and not state never, to polemize, but if to try to create a discussion and a point of meeting - through constructive criticisms - from which today's professionals can draw (teachers, instructors and institutions ndr) you sprout for the best selection and formation of the future technicians.
It often results difficult to retrieve useful information regarding the proclamations of selection for teachers of ski organized in Italy.
EtnaSci has realized a calendar in which it is possible to access the proclamations and the sites official internet of the colleges and to unload the relative forms.

schools ski roccaraso, teachers of ski roccaraso, to ski to roccaraso, school ski rivisondoli - montepratello, aremogna, preliminary of ski, trainers of ski
It is endowed with an adjourned technical staff.
Composed by 20 ready teachers to satisfy the desires and the ambitions of every clientele.
Page devoted Ski to the price list of the School with rates and relative schedules.
With his/her 110 Km of descent footsteps, it is the first skiing basin of the South Center and 7° in Italy.
Forecasts Meteo of Rivisondoli for 6 following days with updatings of 3 hours in 3 hours.
Important tourist center, famous for the winter sports, distant 5 km from the fittings.
Page devoted to the photos and images of the teachers during their lessons of ski.
Are you already a good skier? You want to improve your skiing technique...
- Dispinibili also courses for not seeing with teachers of trained ski and qualified.
- Available also collective courses of 4 hours from the 9:00 - 13:00 for starting to the agonismo.

Region Liguria - official site
Has your dream always been that to pass the winter on the mountains innevate and the summer on the glaciers? Are you of the champions of ski or snowboard and do you think both the time done come to devote you to the teaching? Here, then, what does for you.
The Region Liguria, in collaboration with the regional College of the teachers of ski, it organizes, biennially I raced for the attainment of the fitness to the teaching of the ski both in the alpine disciplines and in the discipline of the snowboard.
Following it is possible to unload the integral text of the proclamation and the relative modulistica.
The dates of the selections are suitable in the same proclamation. All the information on the activities of the teachers of ski in Liguria.

Region Liguria - official site
your run: home / tourism and culture / Corporate body of sporting (EPS) promotion.
Has your dream always been that to pass the winter on the mountains innevate and the summer on the glaciers? Are you of the champions of ski or snowboard and do you think both the time done come to devote you to the teaching? Here, then, what does for you.
The Region Liguria, in collaboration with the regional College of the teachers of ski, it organizes, biennially I raced for the attainment of the fitness to the teaching of the ski both in the alpine disciplines and in the discipline of the snowboard.
Following it is possible to unload the integral text of the proclamation and the relative modulistica.
The dates of the selections are suitable in the same proclamation. All the information on the activities of the teachers of ski in Liguria.

Official site of the Region Piedmont - Tourism in Piedmont
Region Piedmont - Site Official Tourism in Piedmont Sommario: Contained of the page Foot of page: e-mail and contacts it personalizes: only text high visibility skin 1 skin 2 go to: Where Organization we are home. to work in the tourism. tourist professions - teacher of ski Teacher of ski professionally Teaches, also in non exclusive way and not continuous, to single people and groups of people, the techniques of glide on the snow practiced on the ski footsteps, skiing itineraries, crossed out of ski footstep and excursions that don't bring difficulty applicants the use of techniques and alpine materials, what rope, piccozza and harpoons.
The teachers of authorized ski to the teaching of the skiing techniques are divided in the following categorie:s.
Teachers of alpine ski; Teachers of ski leading; Teachers of snowboard.
Normative of reference Reads regional 23 November 1992 ns.
50 requisite Conclusion of the 18° year of age.
Exercise of the profession achieved professional Qualification frequenting a special course of formation and the overcoming of the relative examinations.
Registration to the professional bulletin-board of the teachers of ski.

Course of ski - School of ski - Lessons of ski - Valley d\'Aosta - Teacher of ski: LUCA GARBARINO
The Teacher of ski Luca lives and works in the Valley of Aosta.
23 years ago you/he/she has gotten the diploma as Teacher of ski and after having worked near the School of Ski of Battery of which it was partner you/he/she has decided to put to your disposition his/her professionalism, experience, availability to teach you or to make you improve the technique of the ski with lessons of individual ski, lessons of ski of group, raced of ski for beginners, lessons of ski for children etc.
With him you can discover the most beautiful stations of winter sport and the most beautiful ski footsteps in the Valley of Aosta: the skiing district of Battery, the skiing station of Courmayeur, the skiing district of Cervinia, the skiing station of Gressoney, the skiing district of Champoluc, the skiing station of You Thuile etc.