Guides of Alps Venete


Tararà - they Say of us: The Alps Venete
' The heaven of Queen Sibilla - Antoine De Climbs her mountain in mountain histories you study guides to reside words, images what Tararà is? are signatures as the books bought? events say of us you contact link newsletter I dolly home>> they say of us>> To the Nanga Parbat Her Alps Venete autumn-winter 2003 To the Nanga Parbat Fritz Bechtold has been one of the characters of great I detach some heroic mountaineering himalayano of the years '30 and you/he/she has participated in three some five German consignments to the Nanga Parbat, among which that dramatic of 1934, concluded with the death of four mountain climber (Merkl, Welzenbach, Drexel and Wieland) and six carriers.
The publication, patronized by the CAAI, edited by Giovanni Rossi has gone out, past president of the association, editor of the yearbook CAAI and expert of the history of the mountaineering and his/her culture.
The book, already considered to his/her time a classical of the alpine literature, was partially known only till now by us, for which the initiative of Giovanni Rossi results benemerita and determinant for its recovery.

Magic Veneto Venetian Mountain: Agordino Zoldano Livinallongo Fodom, Falcade Zoldo Agordo Alleghe, Belluno Dolomiti, photos photo information tourism information tourist history walked
the Castle of Andraz Fortress Pietore: the Serais to Sottoguda Fortress Pietore: the Monoliths of Ronch to Laste Canale of Agordo: the fall of the Comelles to Gares Alleghe - various photo before snow in Val San Lucano - Vallon of Angheraz, Agner, Shovels of St. Lucano Con the of Pra, Valley of St. Lucano and the Agner Pont to With the of Pra in Val San Lucano fork of Cesurette and Casera Campigat you in autumn on the Tops of Pape museums Agordino, Zoldano, Livinallongo Fodom - Belluno Dolomiti asked Agordino, Zoldano, Livinallongo Fodom - Belluno Dolomiti Venetian villas Agordino, Zoldano, Livinallongo Fodom - Belluno Dolomiti castles Agordino, Zoldano, Livinallongo Fodom - Belluno Dolomiti 800 and 900 military fortitudes in the Dolomites and in the Bellunese Parco National Dolomites Bellunesi - card Information Reception Tourist province of Belluno Enti of the province of Belluno Associazioni of the province of Belluno commercial activity of the province of Belluno bibliography Agordino, Zoldano, Livinallongo Fodom - Belluno Dolomiti.
Necklace 'Shelters and paths on the Alps Venete' - Foundation to Drink you and House Publishing Panorama, Trento.


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Veneto in Italian
The morphology of the territory, contained among Adriatic sea, Lowland Padana and Alps, are rather complex.
The alpine band is formed from the western section of the Alps Carniche and from a section of the Dolomites, with their serrated crests and the isolated towers.
Here some mountains are raised among the most famous and beautiful of the Alps as the Marmolada, the Tofanes, the mountain Flirts, all superior ones to the 3200 ms.
Behind the Venetian Alps it lengthens the vast band of the Prealpis a series of reliefs had raised since 700 to the 2200 ms., from the morphology a great deal it varies, that come actually to the right shore of the Piave from the oriental bank of the Lake of Garda.
Besides the lake of Garda, separated with the Lombardy and the Trentino-tall Adige, Veneto boasts numerous very suggestive alpine little ponds as those of Misurina and of Alleghe..
The woods are altogether a little wide, in the Prealpis woods of chestnut trees prevail to the low quotas and of beech trees above the 900 ms.
In the more elevated alpine zones, especially in the Cadore (between the Dolomites and the Alps Carniche) sharp pains forests of firs and larici are found.
Over that from the regional chief town, in Veneto the tourism draws strength from the most famous place in the Italian Alps, Curtain of Ampezzo, from you frequent her bathing stations of the coast (Jesolo, Chioggia, Beach in Venice), from the centers of vacation of the Lake of Garda, excellently equipped, from famous cities (Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso) and from the famous thermal center of Abano Terme (Padua)..

Trentino in Italian
The territory, situated almost to the center of the alpine region, it is entirely mountainous.
Along the line of watershed that separates the region from Austria it develops him in more backs a section of the Alps Noriche: to west, beginning from the footstep of Resia (1508 ms.), it includes the Alps Venoste, that form a steep and compact bastion, overhung by various tops of over 3000 ms.
and culminating in the Ball Bianca (3736 ms.); toward east the reliefs of the Alps Aurine or Alps of the Zillertal are raised.
Other important reliefs are found more to south: particularly, a section of the Alps Retiche is had, to west, to the border with the Lombardy (thick of the Adamello, of 3556 ms.
The forms of the relief vary passing from the mountains dolomitiche to the thick granite, actually to the calcareous formations of the band southern prealpina.
But not less famous than the woods they are the grassy carpets of lawns and pastures, with their motley flowering of rododendri, primule, genziane, campanulas and other alpine flowers, that in certain areas as the Alpe of Siusi, they actually form compact expanses to the 2000 ms.
Also the alpine fauna is very abundant in Trentino-tall Adige.
with the enterprises of Druso, the administrative union of the actual region didn't realize him, from the moment that the organization wanted from August it introduced two political-military divisions: the Trentino met in the Regal X, said Venetia et Histria, while the northern part belonged to the alpine and transalpine province of the Raetia.

Transalpine Bookstore International Publisher
The Transalpine Publisher of Trieste has published in second adjourned edition the topographical Paper for excursionists you/he/she Climbs 1:25.000 'Carso Triestino' with enclosures the Indexes of the names and the practicable Paths in the two senses, legenda Italian trilingue, Slovenian, English.
Carso triestino comes to the light, without sponsorships of sort, on the occasion of the decennial one of the foundation of the Transalpine one, coincident with the entry of Slovenia in the Ue, and, beyond the best quality in comparison to precedents similar initiatives, cover an enough remarkable gap in the cartographic coverage of the region.
Transalpine Publisher has concluded a long job of recognition on the field, drawing a guide of it extraordinarily detailed...



Willkommen zur Homepage Alta By n°1
ANGELINI G., Still a street on the Pelmo, to the old way..., The Alps Venete n.
ANGELINI G., Contributions to the history of the Mountains of Zoldo, extracted by her Alps Venete, Venice 1949-1953.
(edited by), Shelters and alpine paths on the Dolomites of the Valley of the Bòite, Community Montana Valley of the Bòite 1981.
AND SOMMAVILLA P., Shelters and alpine paths on the Dolomites of Zoldo and Canal of the Piave, Community Montana Cadore-Longaronese-Zoldano 1985.
AND FLOREANINI C., Flora and Fauna of the Alps, CAI, Milan 1979.
TERSCHAK F., The Curtain mountaineering from 1863 to 1943, And.

Italian Alpine CAI Club sez. by Castelfranco Veneto
14970313 headed to "Club Alpino Italian Section of Castelfranco", pointing out the motive and specifying the names of the Partners if I diverged by the slope and the possible subscription to the magazine "Her Alps Venete " The stamps you/he/she must be withdrawn introducing the receipts in Section, near the For Place of Castelfranco and Bookstore Costeniero (Piazza Giorgione, 55 - Castelfranco Veneto).
New registrations to enroll in the Italian Club Alpino it is necessary: To fill out the form of registration to Deliver two photos formed enrolls to Pour the amount of the social quota + the cost of the enrolls (€ 5, 00) on the postal c/c n.
14970313 headed to the Club Alpino Italian Section of Castelfranco Veneto.

The Magazines of Mountain of the oriental alpis - (Armando Scandellari)
Not the mountaineer therefore, but that eccentric biped autodefinitosi mountain climber.
It is so reached the confluence of two ways to be: that of the civilization mountaineer and that of the alpine culture.
To dir the truth, this desirable match to the dawns of the mountaineering there has not been.
This way when the Dolomites become, after the Alps, the "according to desire" of the middle class of Oltremanica, those that draw near you go repeating the ritual already started by the west, they get excited that is quite a lot in to do the toward to the of the same nationality Linvingstone that in the meantime Africa goes discovering.
He/she is that is prevailing the mental perspective of the seen mountaineer how mere "environmental factor", appraisable exclusively in his/her complementarietà.
Under the historical and anthropological profile its writings are him to consider a faultless point of departure of the oriental alpine literature.
In the first years of constitution of the Austrian (1862) alpine Club, Italian (1863) and German (1869), the relative social press is culturally fleshy, even if sometimes mastodontic or corpulent.
To his to be born, the Italian Club Alpino supports him for the communication to the "Seen of the Alps, Appennineses and Volcanos again", then in 1865 it goes out with the " Bulletin ", before quarterly, therefore annual, which subsequently places side by side her/it "Seen again Alpine."

Conference June 4 th 1999
The alpine landscape in the Magazines of mountaineering of the Alps Orientali, testimony of life and alpine cultures.
times 9.00 Maurice Fistarol (mayor of Belluno, city alpine year 1999, president of the Foundation G.
As the magazines of mountaineering have centered the relationship between man and environment in the time.
The magazines of mountain of the Alps Orientali: from sensory of the sensors territory of the cultures.
"The Magazine of the Italian Club Alpino" and "The Boot."
The mountaineering as conception of the world in the end magazines eight hundred to the two thousand thresholds.
times 11.50 Sergio Mattarella (vice-president of the Suggestion of the Ministers, already chairman in Parliament for the Convention of the Alps): .
The Convention of the Alps and the protocol Population and culture.
The importance of the magazines of mountaineering for the alpine culture.

Last news
"Mines and metallurgy in the Venetian Alps in medieval and modern age."
The corn in the Venetian countries between XVI and XX century, in 'Earth of Este', 12 (2002), n.
The theme they are the registrations of the Cadore to the light of the new discoveries of Auronzo, that you/they bring him/it to conclude that the runic alphabet was born in alpine area.
We remember that the partners in order with the annual payment they enjoy some coverage assicurativa for the intervention of the Alpine Help or you/he/she is recognized them the reimbursement of the expenses of help according to the maximal ones in vigor.
" The Alps Venete (semestral - increase of € 5, 00 for all the partners) ".
May 15 th 2007: term last to renew the subscription of the "Alps Venete."