This Robot has a very particular history: in the official
70'es manga storyline, Getter Robot G is the successor
of Getter Robot, heroically fell at the end of the Hachu
ear, and is slimer than the latter. in TLD stryline
Getter G's are combat units born to achieve a better
warmachine Robot than Getter, and Getter Dragon's design
is very exagereted, even than TLD Getter One: It's a
soldier used to defense Saotome Reserch Institute; by
the way TLD Dragon Colors are slightly differen from
classic manga colors.
PlayStation game "Getter Robot Daikessen"
(G, Go, Shin, Black, Rekka...) was released for Getter
G design was kept the new version, (maybe a little more
slim than TLD) but the old colors: my model sorce.
There is another verison of Getter G, which apperas
at the and of LTD: Majin Getter G (or Devil Getter G):
it's Getter G driven by the evil Getter Team (Saotome
Cowen e Stinger): you can see the inverison of grapic
decorations ("V" on the legs) and the bestial
mouth hide behind the mask, which can be used like a
model reuses a lot of Getter One's parts and inherits
all his Kinematic: il pezzo ho dedicato le maggiori
cure è stato ovviamente la testa, che ha richiesto
anche l'uso delle SubPatch Weight, ma ancora non mi
soddisfa a pieno.
gambe sono le stesse solo più bombate, le braccia
sono nuove ma molto simili alle vecchie, piedi e spallini
plasmati con meta-nurbs. Le mani sono sempre le solite
ovviamente, solo un pò più bombate. Il
corpo riparte dallo stesso mutandone del G-One e procede
per estrusione, la maglietta invece è nuova di
zecca, realizzata estrudendo una bella mesh ripiegata,
ma ancora non mi soddisfa la curvatura vicino alla fine
del taper
most of these images I use a variation of "SkyGen"
by Eki Halkka
For what it pertains the illumination, I adopted a system like
OverCaster by Eki too, but i made byself with the plugin lightset.