Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE
7 days (by ?) - Craig David
A dam's song (by DeLonge,T-Hoppus,M) - Blink 182 [1999/2000]
A fter the rain has fallen (by Sting) - Sting
A gain (by Kravitz,L) - Lenny Kravitz
A gainst all odds (Take a look at me now) (by Collins,P) - Mariah Carey
A gua (by ?) - Jarabe De Palo
A ll the small things (by DeLonge,T-Hoppus,M) - Blink 182 [1999/2000]
Un'A ltra vita (by Tozzi,U) - Umberto Tozzi {SANREMO }
A merican pie (by McLean,D) - Madonna
A moremidai (by ?) - Paola e Chiara
A ngel (by ?) - Lionel Ritchie
A nyway you want (by ?) - Harvey Fuqua
A rarara (by Arena-Cavallari) - Fichi d'India
A re you still having fun (by Cherry,EE) - Eagle Eye Cherry
A round the world (by Norreen,C-Rasted,S) - Aqua
A round the world (by ?) - More
A round the world la la la (by ?) - ATC
L'A stronauta (by Fiabane,A) - Stragà
The B ad touch (by ?) - The Bloodhound Gang
B ag it up (by Halliwell,G-Watkins-Wilson) - Geri Halliwell
La B anana (by ?) - Michael Chacon
B e careful (by Madonna-Martin,R-Orbit,W) - Ricky Martin & Madonna
B e with you (by ?) - Enrique Iglesias [1999/2000]
B eautiful day (by ?) - U2
B eautiful world (by ?) - Lady Violet
La B ella canzone di una volta (by ?) - Elio e le Storie Tese
B ig in Japan (by ?) - Guano Apes
B isex alarm (by ?) - Carolina Marquez
B lack coffee (by ?) - All Saints
The B omb (by ?) - Love Connection
La B omba (by ?) - King Africa
B orn to make you happy (by Carlsson,A-Lundin,K) - Britney Spears [1999/2000]
B oys (by ?) - B.O.N.
B reathe (by ?) - Faith Hill
B reathless (by ?) - Corrs
B rivido caldo (by Cassano,P-Golzi,G) - Matia Bazar {SANREMO }
B um bum (by ?) - Mabel
B usindre reel (by ?) - Hevia [1999/2000]
B y your side (by ?) - Sade
B ye bye bye (by Carlsson,A-Jake-Lundin,K) - 'N Sync [1999/2000]
C ada vez (by ?) - Negrocan
C alifornication (by Flea-Frusciante,J-Kiedis,A-Smith,C) - Red Hot Chili Peppers
La C anzone che scrivo per te (by ?) - Marlene Kuntz
La C anzone del perdono (by Mirò,A-Ruggeri,E) - Andrea Mirò
C armen Queasy (by ?) - Maxim & Skin
C artoon heroes (by ?) - Aqua
C aught out there (by ?) - Kelis
C hase the sun (by ?) - Planet Funk
C he giorno sarà (by Parente,A) - Padre Alfonso Maria Parente
C he tesoro che sei (by ?) - Antonello Venditti [1999/2000]
C hiedi quello che vuoi (by Bosio,D-De Marinis,D-Farolfi,C) - Davide De Marinis
C i sei tu (by De Sanctis,A-Nek) - Nek
C ome fa bene l'amore (by Cioni,L-Cavani,B-Ramazzotti,E) - Gianni Morandi
C omputer love (by ?) - Unconditional
C on il tuo nome (by Spagna,G-Spagna,I-Tarantola,C) - Ivana Spagna {SANREMO }
C orazon espinado (by ?) - Santana
C ould I have this kiss forever (by ?) - Enrique Iglesias & Whitney Houston
C rime of passion (by ?) - Bamble B
La C roce (by Bonomo,A) - Alessio Bonomo
C ronaca (by Mattone,C) - Luna
D ance and shout (by ?) - Shaggy
D ancing in the moonlight (by ?) - Toploader
D epende (by De Palo,J) - Jarabe De Palo
D esert rose (by ?) - Sting & Mami Cheb
D isco down (by ?) - House of Glass
D iscomusic (by ?) - Elio e le Storie Tese [1999/2000]
D isposable teens (by ?) - Marilyn Manson
D o what you like (by ?) - French Affair
D oesn't really matter (by ?) - Janet Jackson
Una D onna da sognare (by Curreri,G-Rossi-Tuccitto) - Patty Pravo
D on't give up (by ?) - Chicane & Bryan Adams
D on't say you love me (by ?) - M2M
D on't tell me (by Ahmadzai,M-Henry,J-Madonna) - Madonna
D on't wanna let you go (by Breen-Brown,J-Conlon,S-Gallagher,J-Stannard,R) - Five
E ci batteva il sole (by ?) - Silvia Salemi
E io ci penso ancora (by Sognato,E) - Enrico Sognato
E lettromacumba (by ?) - Litfiba
E mergency 911 (by ?) - Giorgio Prezioso feat. Marvin
F ai la tua vita (by Bigazzi,G-Falagiani,M-Fiori,C) - Claudio Fiori
F airytale (by ?) - Neja
F are l'amore (by Mango,G-Panella,P) - Mietta {SANREMO }
F eelin' so good (by ?) - Jennifer Lopez [1999/2000]
F ile not found (by ?) - Jovanotti
F reestyler (by ?) - Bomfunk MC's
F rena (by ?) - Carlotta
F rom the bottom of my broken heart (by ?) - Britney Spears
F uoco nel fuoco (by Cogliati,A-Guidetti,C-Ramazzotti,E) - Eros Ramazzotti
F uturo come te (by Minghi,A-Nava,M) - Amedeo Minghi & Mariella Nava {SANREMO }
G echi e vampiri (by Sinatra,T-Trovato,G) - Gerardina Trovato {SANREMO }
Il G iardino della follia (by Cavallo,G-Renzulli,F) - Litfiba
Il G iorno dell'indipendenza (by Camisasca,R) - Alice {SANREMO }
Un G iorno migliore (by Cremonini,C) - LunaPop [1999/2000]
Un G iorno senza fine (by Moro,F) - Fabrizio Moro
G lorious (by ?) - Andreas Johnson [1999/2000]
G o let it out (by ?) - Oasis [1999/2000]
G oodbye Novecento (by ?) - Antonello Venditti [1999/2000]
Il G rande fratello (by ?) -
G razie mille (by Pezzali,M) - 883 [1999/2000]
The G reat beyond (by ?) - R.E.M.
G roove jet (by ?) - Spiller
G uapa loca (by ?) - Articolo 31
H e wasn't man enough (by ?) - Toni Braxton
H oller (by ?) - Spice Girls
H ow beautiful could a being be (by ?) - Caetano Veloso
I disappear (by ?) - Metallica
I feel lonely (by ?) - Sasha
I turn to you (by ?) - Melanie C
I turn to you (by ?) - Christina Aguilera
I wanna love you forever (by ?) - Jessica Simpson
I f I could turn back the hands of time (by ?) - R. Kelly
I f I told you that (by Daniels,L-Estes,T-Jerkins,F III-Jerkins,R) - Whitney Houston & George Michael
If only (by Hanson,L-Hanson,T-Hanson,Z) - Hanson
I 'm doing fine (by ?) - Day One
I 'm outta love (by Anastacia-Biancaniello,L-Watters,S) - Anastacia [1999/2000]
I magine (by ?) - John Lennon
I n bianco e nero (by Consoli,C) - Carmen Consoli {SANREMO }
I n questo mondo che non puoi capire (by ?) - Antonello Venditti [1999/2000]
I n the city (by ?) - Adamski Products Inc.
I n your arms (by ?) - Benjamin Diamond
I nnamorato (by Cogliati,A-Guidetti,C-Ramazzotti,E) - Gianni Morandi {SANREMO }
I o ci sarò (by Pelù,P) - Piero Pelù
I o sono qui (by ?) - Marina Rei
I o tra un'ora sono lì (by Dalla,L-Malavasi,M) - Lucio Dalla [1999/2000]
I t feels so good (by ?) - Sonique
I t's gonna be me (by ?) - 'N Sync
I t's my life (by Bon Jovi,J-Sambora,R) - Bon Jovi
K omodo (by ?) - Mauro Picotto
L ady (hear me tonight) (by ?) - Modjo
L et it be the night (by ?) - Kim Lukas
L et love lead the way (by ?) - Spice Girls
L et me stay (by ?) - Giorgio Prezioso
L et's get loud (by Estefan,G-Santander,K) - Jennifer Lopez [1999/2000]
L ife is a rollercoaster (by ?) - Ronan Keating
L ookin' for happiness (by ?) - Naive
L ovely head (by Goldfrapp,A-Gregory,W) - Goldfrapp
L ucky (by ?) - Britney Spears
L ucky star (by ?) - Superfunk & R. Carroll
M a che freddo fa (by Mattone,C-Migliacci,F) - Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel
M agic fett (by ?) - Unconditional
M ambo italiano (by Gabba-Lidianni-Merrill,B) - Shaft
M an! I feel like a woman (by Lange-Twain,S) - Shania Twain
Le M argherite (by Biondo,M-Fiorilla,M) - Marjorie Biondo
M aria (by ?) - Monica Anderson
M aria Maria (by ?) - Santana feat.The Product G&B
M e cago en el amor (by ?) - Tonino Carotone
M edecine man (by ?) - Sergent Garcia
M i amor (by Spagna,G-Spagna,I) - Ivana Spagna
M inority (by ?) - Green Day
M oney to burn (by ?) - Richard Ashcroft
La M ossa del Giaguaro (by ?) - Er Piotta & Jenny B
M ove your body (by ?) - Eiffel 65
M usic (by Ahmadzai,M-Madonna) - Madonna
M usica (by ?) - Gemelli Diversi
M y generation (by ?) - Limp Bizkit
M y heart beats like a drum (by Alcindor,B) - ATC
M y heart goes boom (by ?) - French Affair
M y love is your love (by Duplessis,J-Jean,W) - Whitney Houston [1999/2000]
N atural blues (by Moby) - Moby
N ever be the same again (by Chrisholm,M-Lawrence,R) - Melanie C
N ever meet (by ?) - Gayà
N o speech (by ?) - Guano Apes
N oel (by Piro,S) - Lythium
N on ci piove (by Barbieri,G) - Joe Barbieri
N on dirgli mai (by D'Agostino,V-D'Alessio,L) - Gigi D'Alessio {SANREMO }
N ord-Est (by Pozzan,A) - Andrea Mazzacavallo
N orthern star (by ?) - Melanie C [1999/2000]
N othing as it seems (by ?) - Pearl Jam
N utriente (by Giardini,U) - Moltheni
O gni ora (by Ciampoli,C) - B. A. U.
O gnuno per sè (by Calabrese,P) - Erredieffe
O n the beach (by ?) - York
O ne more time (by ?) - Daft Punk
The O ne (by ?) - Backstreet Boys
O nly time (by ?) - Enya
O ops I did it again (by ?) - Britney Spears
O riginal prankster (by ?) - Offspring
O therside (by Flea-J.Frusciante-Kiedis,A-Smith,C) - Red Hot Chili Peppers
O ut of the silent planet (by ?) - Iron Maiden
P ara no verte mas (by ?) - La Mosca Tse Tse
P arole di burro (by Consoli,C) - Carmen Consoli
P asilda (by ?) - Afromedusa
P orcelain (by ?) - Moby
P rivate emotions (by ?) - Ricky Martin & Meja
P rotagonista (by ?) - Marco Masini
P roximus (Medley with Adiemus) (by ?) - Mauro Picotto
P ure shores (by Lewis,S-Orbit,W) - All Saints
Q ualcosa di grande (by Cremonini,C) - LunaPop
R accontami di te (by Dati,B-Masini,M) - Marco Masini {SANREMO }
R e rewind (by ?) - Artful Dodger
The R eal slim shady (by ?) - Eminem
R eplay (by Bersani,S-D'Onghia,G) - Samuele Bersani {SANREMO }
R ise (by Dagole,O-Dylan,B-Gabrielle-Unger Hamilton,F) - Gabrielle
R itual Tibetan (by ?) - Kaliya
R ock DJ (by ?) - Robbie Williams
R ome wasn't built in a day (by Edwards,S-Godfrey,P-Godfrey,R) - Morcheeba
R un to you (by ?) - T42 & Sharp
S ay it isn't so (by ?) - Bon Jovi
S ay my name (by ?) - Destiny's Child
S e io fossi Marco (by Fabi,N) - Niccolò Fabi
S e t'amo o no (by ?) - Syria
S emplice sai (by Bersola,G/Minoia,F) - Jenny B
S entimento (by Ciaramella,D-D'Argenzio,G-Melosella,F-Servillo,G-Spinetti,F-Tronco,M) - Avion Travel {SANREMO }
S ex bomb (by ?) - Tom Jones & Mousse T
S exx laws (by ?) - Beck
S hackles (praise you) (by Atkins,E-Atkins,T-Campbell,W) - Mary Mary
S halala lala (by Denhardt-Lendager) - Vengaboys
S hape of my heart (by Martin,M-Miskovsky,L-Rami) - Backstreet Boys
S he bangs (by Afanasieff,W-Child,D-Rosa,R) - Ricky Martin
S he's so high (by ?) - Bachman, Tal
S he's the one (by ?) - Robbie Williams
S how me the meaning of being lonely (by Crichlow,H-Martin,M) - Backstreet Boys [1999/2000]
S ing a song now now (by Carpani,A-Melloni,S-Turatti,R-Zandonà,G) - A.C. One
S lave to the wage (by ?) - Placebo
S mooth (by ?) - Santana feat. Rob Thomas
A S ong for the lovers (by ?) - Richard Ashcroft
S peciale (by ?) - Gianluca Grignani
S tagioni (by ?) - Francesco Guccini
S tai su (by ?) - Claudio Baglioni
S tand inside your love (by ?) - Smashing Pumpkins
S tars (by Gessle,P) - Roxette [1999/2000]
S tella cometa (by ?) - Jovanotti [1999/2000]
S till reminds me (by ?) - Anggun
S trade (by Sinigallia,R-Zampaglione,F) - Tiromancino & Riccardo Sinigallia
S tronger (by ?) - Britney Spears
S ul treno (by ?) - Nek
S ummer jam (by ?) - Underground Project
S ummer of love (by ?) - Lonyo
S unday morning call (by ?) - Oasis
(Mucho mambo) S way (by Gimbel-Ruiz) - Shaft
T ake a look around (by ?) - Limp Bizkit
T aste in men (by ?) - Placebo
T ecno fes (by ?) - Gigi D'Agostino
T erra promessa (by ?) - I Ragazzi del Grande Fratello
T hank God I found you (by Carey,M-Harris,J III-Lewis,T) - Mariah Carey
T hank you for loving me (by ?) - Bon Jovi
T hat's the way it is (by Carlsson,A-Lundin,K-Martin,M) - Celine Dion [1999/2000]
T here she goes (by ?) - The Getaway People
T hong song (by ?) - Sisqo
T i amo ti amo (by Zanetti,R) - Alexia
Il T imido ubriaco (by Gazzè,F-Gazzè,M) - Max Gazzè {SANREMO }
T o be you (by ?) - Kim Lucas
T oca's miracle (by ?) - Fragma
T oo much of Heaven (by Gabutti-Lobina-Randone) - Eiffel 65
T oro loco (by Pelù,P) - Piero Pelù
T ra te e il mare (by Antonacci,B) - Laura Pausini
T rue colors (by ?) - Phil Collins [1999/2000]
T ry again (by ?) - Aaliyah
La T ua ragazza sempre (by Curreri,G-Rossi,V) - Irene Grandi {SANREMO }
T urn around (by ?) - Paps'n'Skar
T utti gli zeri del mondo (by ?) - Renato Zero & Mina
T utti i miei sbagli (by Casacci-Di Leo-Romano) - Subsonica {SANREMO }
L'U ltimo bacio (by ?) - Carmen Consoli
U na su 1.000.000 (by Britti,A) - Alex Britti
U omo davvero (by Benedetti,PM-Monti,E) - Laura Falcinelli
U p and down (by ?) - Billy More
V amos a bailar (by Iezzi,C-Iezzi,P) - Paola e Chiara
V erde rosso e blu (by Luchi-Telonio) - Irene Grandi [1999/2000]
V iba (by ?) - Verdena
W e'll be in trouble (by ?) - Black Legend
W hat a girl wants (by Peiken,S-Roche) - Christina Aguilera
W hat it is (by ?) - Mark Knopfler
W hat's my age again (by De Longe,T-Hoppus,M) - Blink 182 [1999/2000]
W here are you (by ?) - DJ Dado
W here I'm headed (by ?) - Lene Marvin
W ho feels love (by Gallagher,N) - Oasis
The W icker man (by ?) - Iron Maiden
W onderful life (by ?) - The Soundlovers
The W orld is not enough (by ?) - Garbage [1999/2000]
Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE
Le seguenti canzoni sono state dei successi intorno all'anno 2000 ma non ne conosciamo con precisione l'anno. Se hai dati al riguardo, ti preghiamo
di inviarceli.We don't know exactly the year of the following songs that had some success in the 2000. If you have data about them, please send us .
F io Maravilhia (by ?) - Yorge Ben
U efa Champion League [Sigla Tv] (by ?) -