Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE
1 00 colpi alla tua porta (by ?) - Mino Reitano
1 00 volte lei (All I have to is dream) (by ?) - Donatello
1 000 e una sera (by ?) - I Nomadi
2 anni dopo (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
2 4 ore spese bene con amore (Spinning wheel) (by Thomas,DC) - Maurizio
2 5 or 6 to 4 (by Lamm,R-Pankow,J) - Chicago
3 madri (by De Andrè,F-Reverberi,GP) - Fabrizio De Andrè
A BC (by The Corporation) - The Jackson 5
A ccidenti (by Gianco,R-Pieretti,G) - Il Supergruppo
A ccidenti (by Gianco,R-Pieretti,G) - Rocky Roberts
A cross the universe (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
A dagio veneziano (by Marcello,B) - Giorgio Gaslini [1970/71]
L'A ddio (by Lo Vecchio-Maggi-Bardotti) - Michele
L'A ddio (by Lo Vecchio-Maggi-Bardotti) - Lucia Rizzi
A fter midnight (by Cale,JJ) - Eric Clapton
A fter the gold rush (by Young,N) - Neil Young
A hi ahi ragazzo (by Migliacci,F/Napolitano,U) - Rita Pavone
A hi, ahi, ragazzo (by Migliacci,F/Napolitano,U) - Valeria Mongardini
A hi! Che male che mi fai (by Cutugno-Minellono) - I Ragazzi della via Gluck
A hi! Che male che mi fai (by Cutugno-Minellono) - Paolo Mengoli
A in't no mountain high enough (by Ashford,N-Simpson,V) - Diana Ross
A irport love theme (Gwen and Vern) (by ?) - Vincent Bell
A l bar si muore (by Mattone,C-Migliacci,F) - Gianni Morandi [1970/71]
A lbergo a ore (Les amants d'un jour) (by Pagani,H-Delicluse,C-Senlis,M/Monnot,M) - Herbert Pagani
A ll kinds of everything (by ?) - Dana
A ll right now (by Fraser,A-Rodgers,P) - Free
A lmost cut my hair (by Crosby,D) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Un A ltro giorno è andato (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
A merican woman (by Bachman,R-Cummings,B-Kale,J-Peterson,G) - Guess Who
L'A more è una colomba (by Bigazzi-Savio) - Marisa Sannia {SANREMO }
L'A more è una colomba (by Bigazzi-Savio) - Gianni Nazzaro {SANREMO }
L'A more non è bello se non è litigarello (by ?) - Jimmy Fontana
A ncora e sempre (by ?) - I Gens
L'A nello (by ?) - Nada
A nna (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Lucio Battisti [1970/71]
A nnalisa (by D'Adamo-De Scalzi-Di Palo) - New Trolls
A nonimo veneziano (by Marcello,B) - I Solisti Veneti
L'A ppuntamento (Sentado a beira do caminho) (by Carlos,R-Carlos,E-Lauzi,B) - Ornella Vanoni [1970/71]
A quarius (by McDermot,G-Rado,J-Ragni,G) - The Fifth Dimension
L'A quilone (by De Carolis-Morelli,P-Rossi,C) - Gli Alunni del Sole
L'A rca di Noè (by Endrigo,S) - Sergio Endrigo {SANREMO }
L'A rca di Noè (by Endrigo,S) - Iva Zanicchi {SANREMO }
A rmonia (by ?) - Romina Power
A sciuga asciuga (by ?) - Valeria Mongardini
B abe I'm gonna leave you (by Bredon-Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
B allad of Easy Rider (by McGuinn,R) - The Byrds
Il B allo dei fiori (by ?) - Giuliano
Una B ambola blu (by ?) - Orietta Berti
B eacoups of blues (by Rabin,B) - Ringo Starr
B ecause (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
B efore you accuse me (by Crudup,A) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
B itches brew (by Davis,M) - Miles Davis
B lack Sabbath (by Butler-Iommi-Osborne-Ward) - Black Sabbath
B occa dolce (Sugar sugar) (by ?) - Il Supergruppo
B order song (Holy Moses) (by John,E-Taupin,B) - Elton John
B order song (Holy Moses) (by John,E-Taupin,B) - Aretha Franklin
B orsalino (by Boelling,C) - Claude Boelling
B orsalino (by Boelling,C) - Al De Lory
B oureè (by Bach,JS) - Jethro Tull
Le B raccia dell'amore (by ?) - Massimo Ranieri
B ridge over trouble water (by Simon,P) - Simon & Garfunkel
B ring it on home (by Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
B ugia (by ?) - Nada
B ugiardo e incosciente (La tieta) (by Limiti,P-Serrat,JM) - Mina
B ye bye love (by Bryant,B-Bryant,E) - Simon & Garfunkel
C adence and cascade (by Fripp,R-Sinfield,P) - King Crimson
C all me Super Bad (by Brown,J) - James Brown
C andida (by Levine,I-Wine,T) - Tony Orlando & Dawn
C an't find my way home (by Winwood,S) - Blind Faith
C anzone blu (by Mogol-Renis,T-Testa,A) - Tony Renis {SANREMO }
C anzone blu(by Mogol-Renis,T-Testa,A) - Sergio Leonardi {SANREMO }
C anzone di notte (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
C apelli biondi (by Marrocchi-Taricciotti) - Little Tony
C areful with that axe Eugene (Come in number 51 your time is up) (by Gilmour-Mason-Waters-Wright) - Pink Floyd
C arry on (by Stills,S) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
C arry that weight (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
La C asa (by Bardotti,S-De Moraes,V) - Sergio Endrigo
C ecilia (by Simon,P) - Simon & Garfunkel
C elebration day (by Bonham,J-Jones,JP-Page,J) - Led Zeppelin
C he effetto mi fa (by Donaggio-Minellono) - Pino Donaggio
C he effetto mi fa (by Donaggio-Minellono) - Sandie Shaw
C hi non lavora non fa l'amore (by Beretta,L-Celentano,A-De Luca-Del Prete,M) - Adriano Celentano {SANREMO }
C hi non lavora non fa l'amore (by Beretta,L-Celentano,A-De Luca-Del Prete,M) - Claudia Mori {SANREMO }
C hild in time (by Blackmore,R-Gillian,I-Glover,R-Lord,J-Paice,I) - Deep Purple
C hirpy chirpy cheep cheep (by Stott,L) - Lally Stott
C hirpy chirpy cheep cheep (by Stott,L) - Mac & Katie Kissoon
C hirpy chirpy cheep cheep (by Stott,L) - Middle of the Road
C iao anni verdi (by Celentano-De Luca-Pallavicini,V) - Rosanna Fratello
C iao anni verdi (by Celentano-De Luca-Pallavicini,V) - I Domodossola
Il C lan dei siciliani (by Morricone,E) - Ennio Morricone
Il C lan dei siciliani (by Morricone,E) - Bruno Nicolai
(They long to be) C lose to you (by Bacharach,B-David,H) - The Carpenters
La C olomba (by Alberti,R-Guastavino) - Sergio Endrigo
C olor cioccolata (by Angiolini-Mogol-Piccaredda) - I Nuovi Angeli
C ome hai fatto (by Modugno,D) - Domenico Modugno
C ome il vento (by ?) - Donatello
C ome into my life (by ?) - Jimmy Cliff
C oming into Los Angeles (by ?) - Arlo Guthrie
Il C omizio (di Maurizio) (by ?) - Maurizio
La C ompagnia (by Donida,C-Mogol) - Marisa Sannia
El C ondor pasa (If I could) (by Milchberg,J-Robles-Simon,P) - Simon & Garfunkel
C ottonfields (by Ledbetter,H) - The Beach Boys
C ountry girl (by Young,N) - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
C racklin' Rosie (by ?) - Neil Diamond
C ronaca (by Backy,D) - Don Backy
C ry me a river (by Hamilton,A) - Joe Cocker
C uore ballerino (by ?) - Little Tony
D ark star (by Garcia,J-Hart-Hunter-Kreutzmann-Lesh-Mc Kerman-Weir) - Grateful Dead
D aughter of darkness (by Reed-Stephens) - Tom Jones
D eja vu (by Crosby,D) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
D i notte (by ?) - Nando Gazzolo
D o the funky chicken (by Thomas,R) - Rufus Thomas & Carla Thomas
D olce di giorno (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Lucio Battisti [1969/70]
D on't forget to remember (by Gibb,B-Gibb,M-Gibb,R) - The Bee Gees
D on't let me bring you down (by Young,N) - Neil Young
D on't play that song (by Nugetre-Nelson) - Aretha Franklin
D ove andranno le nuvole (by ?) - Mario Zelinotti
D ove vai (by Paolini,S-Pisano,F-Silvestri,S) - I Dik Dik
Il D ubbio (Carry that way) (by Lennon,J-McCartney,P) - I Nuovi Angeli
E diceva che amava me (by ?) - Little Tony
E penso a te (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Bruno Lauzi
E penso a te (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Johnny Dorelli
È tanto facile (by ?) - Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano
È troppo tardi (by ?) - Georges Moustaki
E mozioni (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Lucio Battisti
E ra lei (It's me that you need) (by John,E-Taupin,B-Vandelli,M) - Maurizio Vandelli (Equipe 84)
E ternità (by Bigazzi,G-Cavallaro,C) - I Camaleonti {SANREMO }
E ternità (by Bigazzi,G-Cavallaro,C) - Ornella Vanoni {SANREMO }
E very night (by McCartney,P) - Paul McCartney
E verybody's talkin' (by Neil,F) - Harry Nielsson
E vil ways (by Henry) - Santana
Una F avola blu (by D'Ercole,G-Morina,A) - Claudio Baglioni
F elicità (by Adamo,S) - Adamo
F inalmente libera (by ?) - Rita Pavone
F in che la barca va (by Pace,D-Panzeri,M-Pilat,L) - Orietta Berti
F inisce qui (by ?) - Ornella Vanoni
F iori bianchi per te (by Harvel,F-Jeannot,R-Mogol) - Jean François Michael
F iori rosa fiori di pesco (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Lucio Battisti
F ire and rain (by Taylor,J) - James Taylor
F ire and rain (by Taylor,J) - Blood, Sweat & Tears
F ly me to the earth (by ?) - Wallace Collection
F or you blue (by Harrison,G) - The Beatles
F reedom (by ?) - Richie Havens
F umetto (by Dalla,L) - Lucio Dalla
G esù è mio fratello (by Baglioni,C-Coggio,A-Oremus) - Mia Martini
G et ready (by Robinson,W) - The Rare Earth
G et up (I feel like being a sexmachine) (by Brown,J-Byrd,B-Lenhoff) - James Brown
G imme dat ding (by ?) - The Pipkins
G irl I've got news for you (by ?) - Mardi Gras [1970/71]
G od (by Lennon,J) - John Lennon
G oing out of my head (by Randazzo,T) - Frank Sinatra
Golden slumbers (by Lennon,J-McCartney,P) - The Beatles
G R Sera [sigla] (by ?) -
G roovin' with Mr. Blue (by ?) - Mr. Bloe
Have you ever seen the rain (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Heartbreaker (by Bonham,J-Jones,JPJ-Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
Here comes the sun (by Harrison,G) - The Beatles
Hi de ho (by Goffin,J-King,C) - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Hippy (by Beretta,GF-Leali,F) - Fausto Leali {SANREMO }
Hippy (by Beretta,GF-Leali,F) - Carmen Villani {SANREMO }
Ho camminato (by Mogol/Prudente,O) - Michele
Ho nostalgia di te (by ?) - Tony Astarita
The House of the rising sun (by Holmes-Price,A-Ray-White,J) - Frijid Pink
I can't stop loving you (by Gibson,D) - Tom Jones
I had a dream (by ?) - John B. Sebastian
I think I love you (by ?) - The Partridge Family
I want to take you higher (by ?) - Ike & Tina Turner
I want to take you higher (by ?) - Sly & the Family Stone
I want to take you higher (by ?) - Brian Auger
I want you (She's so heavy) (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
I want you back (by The Corporation) - The Jackson 5
I who have nothing (Uno dei tanti) (by Donida,C-Mogol-Lieber,J-Stoller,M) - Tom Jones
I f you gotta make a fool of somebody (by Clark) - Vanilla Fudge
I 'll be there (by Davis,H-Gordy,B-Hutch,W-West,B) - The Jackson 5
I 'll never fall in love again (by Bacharach,B-David,H) - Dionne Warwick
I 'm losing you (by ?) - The Rare Earth
I mmigrant song (by Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
I n questa città (by ?) - I Ricchi e Poveri
I n questo silenzio (by ?) - Ornella Vanoni
I n the court of the Crimson King (by Fripp,R-Sinfield,P) - King Crimson
I n the summertime (by Dorset,R) - Mungo Jerry
I ndagine su di un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (by Morricone,E) - Ennio Morricone
L'I nfanzia di Maria (by De Andrè,F-Reverberi,GP) - Fabrizio De Andrè
I nsieme (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Mina
I nstant Karma (We all shine on) (by Lennon,J) - John Lennon
I nto the fire (by Blackmore,R-Gillian,I-Glover,R-Lord,J-Paice,I) - Deep Purple
I o e te da soli (by Mogol/Battisti,L) - Mina [1970/71]
I o la strega (by ?) - Circus 2000
I o mi fermo qui (by Albertelli,L-Riccardi,E) - I Dik Dik
I o mi fermo qui (by Albertelli,L-Riccardi,E) - Donatello
I OIO (by Gibb,B-Gibb,M) - The Bee Gees
I ptissam (by ?) - Milva
I ron man (by Butler,G-Iommi,T-Osbourne,O-Ward,B) - Black Sabbath
L'I sola di Wight (Wight is Wight) (by Daiano-Delpech,M-Salerno,A-Vincent,R) - Michel Delpech
L'I sola di Wight (Wight is Wight) (by Daiano-Delpech,M-Salerno,A-Vincent,R) - I Dik Dik
L'I sola non trovata (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
I solina (by ?) - Claudio Baglioni
I t's five o'clock (by Papathanassiou,E/Francis,R) - Aphrodite's Child
J ingle jangle (by Barry,J-Kim,A) - Archies
J oe Hill (by ?) - Joan Baez
J ohn Barleycorn must die (by anonimo-Winwood,S) - Traffic
L ady Barbara (by Bigazzi,G-Savio,T) - Renato dei Profeti
L ady d'Arbanville (by Stevens,C) - Cat Stevens
L ei mi darà un bambino (by ?) - I Camaleonti [1970/71]
The L emon song (by ?) - Led Zeppelin
L et it be (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
L et it be (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - Aretha Franklin
L et me love let me live (by Sideras/Francis,R) - Aphrodite's Child
L et's work together (by Harrison,W) - Canned Heat
The L etter (by Thompson,W) - Joe Cocker
L ittle green apples (by Russell,B) - Tom Jones
L ittle green bag (by Bouwens,B-Hans-Visser,J) - George Baker
L ittle Queenie (by Berry,C) - The Rolling Stones
L iving wreck (by Blackmore,R-Gillian,I-Glover,R-Lord,J-Paice,I) - Deep Purple
L o chiamavano Trinità (by Micalizzi,F) - Franco Micalizzi
L ola (by Davies,D) - The Kinks
The L ong and winding road (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
L ong as I can see the light (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
L a Lontananza (by Bonaccorti,E-Modugno,D) - Domenico Modugno
L ooking out of my back door (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival [1970/71]
L ove like a man (by Lee,A) - Ten Years After
L ove the one you're with (by Stills,S) - Stephen Stills
L ovely Linda (by McCartney,P) - Paul McCartney
L ucretia MacEvil (by Thomas,DC) - Blood, Sweat & Tears
M a belle amie (by ?) - Tee Set
M y cherie amour (by Cosby,H-Moy-Wonder,S) - Stevie Wonder
M a chi se ne importa (by Mattone,C-Migliacci,F) - Gianni Morandi [1969/70]
M achine gun (by Hendrix,J) - Jimi Hendrix
M ake it easy on yourself (by Bacharach,B-David,H) - Dionne Warwick
M ake it with you (by Gates,D) - Bread
M ake me smile (by Lamm,R) - Chicago
M ama told me (not to come) (by Newman,R) - Three Dog Night
La M arcia dei fiori (by Bardotti,S-De Moraes,V) - Sergio Endrigo
M arcia nuziale (by Brassens,G-De Andrè,F) - Fabrizio De Andrè
M aria nella bottega d'un falegname (by De Andrè,F) - Fabrizio De Andrè
M arie Jolie (by Papathanassiou,E/Francis,R) - Aphrodite's Child
M ary oh Mary (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Bruno Lauzi
M axwell's silver hammer (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
M aybe I'm amazed (by McCartney,P) - Paul McCartney
M e chiamme ammore (by Faiella,G/Di Francia) - Peppino Di Capri
M e chiamme ammore (by Faiella,G/Di Francia) - Gianni Nazzaro
M ean Mr. Mustard (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
M exico e nuvole (by Pallavicini,V/Conte,P) - Enzo Jannacci
M ezzanotte d'amore (by Carrisi,A-Pallavicini,V) - Al Bano [1969/70]
M i piaci mi piaci (by ?) - Ornella Vanoni
La M ia vita con te (by ?) - I Profeti
La M ia vita, la nostra vita (by ?) - Caterina Caselli
M idnight (by ?) - George Baker [1970/71]
M idnight cowboy (by Barry,J-Gold,J) - John Barry
M idnight cowboy (by Barry,J-Gold,J) - Ferrante & Teicher
M ighty Joe (by ?) - Shocking Blue
Una M iniera (by D'Adamo,V-De Scalzi,V-Di Palo,N) - New Trolls [1969/70]
Il M io fiore nero (by Migliacci,F-Phillips) - Patty Pravo
M ississippi Queen (by ?) - Mountain
M oby Dick (by Bonham,J-Jones,JP-Page,J) - Led Zeppelin
M other (by Lennon,J) - John Lennon
M y baby left me (by Crudup,A) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
N eanderthal man (by Creme,L-Godley,K-Stewart,E) - The Hot Legs [1970/71]
N eed love (by ?) - Vanilla Fudge
N eve calda (by ?) - Il Balletto di Bronzo
N evicava a Roma (by Beretta-Del Prete-Negri-Verdecchia) - Renato Rascel
N evicava a Roma (by Beretta-Del Prete-Negri-Verdecchia) - Pio
N IB (by Butler,G-Iommi,T-Osbourne,O-Ward,B) - Black Sabbath
N inna nanna del chicco di caffè (by Evangelisti-Pagano) - Barbara Bernardi
N o sugar tonight (by ?) - Guess Who
N oi ci amiamo (by ?) - I Protagonisti
N on andare via (Ne me quitte pas) (by Brel,J-Paoli,G) - Patty Pravo [1970/71]
N otte di verità (by ?) - Donatello
O cchi a mandorla (by Soffici-Pallavicini) - Dori Ghezzi
O cchi a mandorla (by Soffici-Pallavicini) - Rossano
O cchi di ragazza (by Baldazzi,G-Bardotti,S-Dalla,L-Franceschini) - Gianni Morandi
O cchi di ragazza (by Baldazzi,G-Bardotti,S-Dalla,L-Franceschini) - Lucio Dalla
O cchi pieni di vento (by ?) - Wess
O ctopus's garden (by Starkey,R) - The Beatles
O h darling (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
O h lonesome me (by Gibson,D) - Neil Young
O hio (by Young,N) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Un'O mbra (by Daiano-Limiti,P-Soffici,P-Soffici,R) - Mina
The O nly living boy in New York (by Simon,P) - Simon & Garfunkel
O nly love can break your heart (by Young,N) - Neil Young
O obie doobie (by Moore,W-Penner,D) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
O phelia (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
O ra vivo (by Favata-Pagani) - Dino Drusiani
O ra vivo (by Favata-Pagani) - Francesco Banti
O saka (by ?) - Shoes
O ur house (by Nash,G) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
P a' diglielo a ma' (by Fontana,J-Migliacci,F) - Nada {SANREMO }
P a' diglielo a ma' (by Fontana,J-Migliacci,F) - Ron {SANREMO }
P ais tropical (by Ben,J) - Wilson Simonal
P ais tropical (by Ben,J) - Jorge Ben Jor
P er quando è tardi (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
P er te (by Theodorakis,M) - Irene Papas
P er te (by Theodorakis,M) - Iva Zanicchi
P er te (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Patty Pravo
P erchè... perchè ti amo (by ?) - Formula 3
P ermette signora (by Lauzi,B-Borgonovo) - Piero Focaccia
Il P escatore (by De Andrè,F-Zauli) - Fabrizio De Andrè
P oetas andaluces (by Alberti,R-Diaz) - Aguaviva
P olythene Pam (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
P resence of the Lord (by Clapton,E) - Blind Faith
La P rima compagnia (by Bacalov Enriquez,L-Endrigo,S) - Sergio Endrigo
La Prima cosa bella (by Di Bari,N-Mogol) - Nicola Di Bari {SANREMO }
La P rima cosa bella (by Di Bari,N-Mogol) - I Ricchi e Poveri {SANREMO }
P rimavera di Praga (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
P rimo fiore primo amore (by ?) - I Ricchi e Poveri
Un P ugno di sabbia (by ?) - I Nomadi
The P uppy song (by ?) - Mary Hopkin
La P ura verità (by ?) - Mino Reitano [1970/71]
Q uaggiù in città (by ?) - Donatello
Q uel poco che ho (by ?) - Al Bano
Q uestion (by Hayward,J) - The Moody Blues
Q uesto folle sentimento (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Formula 3 [1969/70]
R agazzo solo ragazza sola (Space oddity) (by Bowie,D) - I Computers
R e di cuori (by Bigazzi,G-Cavallaro,C-Savio) - Caterina Caselli {SANREMO }
R e di cuori (by Bigazzi,G-Cavallaro,C-Savio) - Nino Ferrer {SANREMO }
R eflections of my life (by Campbell-McAleese) - The Marmalade
R ischiatutto (by ?) -
R ischio (by ?) - Georges Moustaki
R oadhouse blues (by Densmore,J-Krieger,R-Manzarek,R-Morrison,J) - The Doors
R ock and soul music (by ?) - Country Joe & the Fish
R omantico blues (by Pace,D-Panzeri,M-Pilat,L) - Gigliola Cinquetti {SANREMO }
R omantico blues (by Pace,D-Panzeri,M-Pilat,L) - Bobby Solo {SANREMO }
R oots of oak (by Leitch,D) - Donovan [1970/71]
Una R osa e una candela (by ?) - Rosanna Fratello
S e bruciasse la città (by Bigazzi,G-Polito,E-Savio,T) - Massimo Ranieri [1969/70]
S e non è amore cos'è (by ?) - Formula 3
S ei l'amore mio (by ?) - Massimo Ranieri
S erenata (by Bigazzi-Polito-Savio) - Tony Del Monaco
S erenata (by Bigazzi-Polito-Savio) - Claudio Villa
S ettembre (by Amendola-Gagliardi,P) - Peppino Gagliardi
S he came in through the bathroom window (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
S he came in through the bathroom window (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - Joe Cocker
S igned sealed delivered I'm yours (by Garret-Hardaway,ML-Wonder,S-Wright) - Stevie Wonder
S ince I've been loving you (by Jones,JPJ-Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
La S irena (by ?) - Marisa Sannia
S o long Frank Lloyd Wright (by Simon,P) - Simon & Garfunkel
S ogno d'amore (by ?) - Massimo Ranieri [1970/71]
Il S ogno di Maria (by De Andrè,F-Reverberi,GP) - Fabrizio De Andrè
Il S ole del mattino (by ?) - Claudio Villa
S ole giallo sole nero (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Formula 3
S ole, pioggia e vento (by Isola,E-Mogol) - Mal {SANREMO }
S ole, pioggia e vento (by Isola,E-Mogol) - Luciano Tajoli {SANREMO }
S olitudine (by Anelli,A-Minellono,C-Piccaredda-Rapallo) - Wess
La S olitudine (by Bardotti,S-Charlebois,R-Rimbaud) - Patty Pravo & Robert Charlebois
S omething (by Harrison,G) - Shirley Bassey
S oul sacrifice (by ?) - Santana
S outhern man (by Young,N) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
La S pada nel cuore (by Battisti,L-Donida,C-Mogol) - Little Tony {SANREMO }
La S pada nel cuore (by Battisti,L-Donida,C-Mogol) - Patty Pravo {SANREMO }
S peed king (by Blackmore,R-Gillian,I-Glover,R-Lord,J-Paice,I) - Deep Purple
S pill the wine (by ?) - Burdon, Eric & War
S pinning wheel (by Thomas,DC) - Blood, Sweat & Tears
S pirit in the sky (by Greenbaum,N) - Norman Greenbaum
S pring summer winter and fall (by Papathanassiou,E/Francis,R) - Aphrodite's Child [1970/71]
La S tagione di un fiore (by Rossi,L-Ruisi) - I Gens
La S tagione di un fiore (by Rossi,L-Ruisi) - Emiliana
S tai con me (Stand by me) (by ?) - Rita Pavone
S toria di due innamorati (by Carrisi,A-Mariano,D-Pallavicini,V) - Al Bano & Romina Power
S traordinariamente (by Beretta,L-Santercole,G) - Adriano Celentano
S ugar sugar (by Barry,J-Kim,A) - Archies
S ugar sugar (by Barry,J-Kim,A) - Wilson Pickett
S ummertime blues (by Capehart,J-Cochran,E) - The Who
S un King (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
Il S uo volto il suo sorriso (by ?) - Al Bano
S usie Q (by Broadwater-Fogerty,J-Hawkins,D-Lewis) - Josè Feliciano
S weet Baby James (by Taylor,J) - James Taylor
S ylvie (by Baldazzi,G-Bardotti,S-Dalla,L-Franceschini) - Lucio Dalla
S ympathy (by Rare Bird) - The Rare Bird
T angerine (by Page,J) - Led Zeppelin
T anto cara (by ?) - Guido Renzi
T anto pe' canta' (by Petrolini,E-Simeoni) - Nino Manfredi
T axi (by Argenio-Pace,D-Panzeri,M) - Antoine {SANREMO }
T axi (by Argenio-Pace,D-Panzeri,M) - Anna Identici {SANREMO }
T each your children (by Nash,G) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
T ell me why (by Young,N) - Neil Young
Il T empo di morire (by Battisti,L-Mogol) - Lucio Battisti [1969/70]
T hank you (by Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
T hank you (falettinme be mice elf agin) (by ?) - Sly & the Family Stone
T i amo da un'ora (by ?) - I Camaleonti
T ighter tighter (by James,T-King,B) - Alive & Kicking
T ipitipitì (by Pace,D-Panzeri,M-Pilat,L) - Orietta Berti {SANREMO }
T ipitipitì (by Pace,D-Panzeri,M-Pilat,L) - Mario Tessuto {SANREMO }
T om Flaherty (by ?) - New Trolls
T ravelin' band (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
T reno che corri (by ?) - Mal
T ropic of capricorn (by Auger,B) - Julie Driscoll & Brian Auger
T u non meritavi una canzone (by ?) - Fausto Leali
T u sei tu (by ?) - Eric Charden
L'U ltimo tram (by ?) - Donatello
L'U manità (Sympathy) (by Pace,D-Rare Bird) - Caterina Caselli
Un U omo e una valigia (by ?) - Mino Reitano
Un U omo senza tempo (Mi viejo) (by Lombardi,E-Piero e Josè) - Iva Zanicchi
U p around the bend (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
V agabondo (by D'Ercole-Morina-Tomassini) - Nicola Di Bari
V edi cara (by Guccini,F) - Francesco Guccini
V enetian adagio (by Marcello,B) - Demis Roussos
V enus (by Van Leeuwen) - Shocking Blue
La V erde stagione (Il mattino) (by Grieg,E) - Verde Stagione, La
V erità che batti nella mente (by ?) - Renato dei Profeti
V ia della croce (by De Andrè,F-Reverberi,GP) - Fabrizio De Andrè
V iola (by Beretta,L-De Luca,F-Del Prete,M) - Adriano Celentano
V iola d'amore (by ?) - Gian Pieretti
V iva la campagna (by ?) - Nino Ferrer
V iva le donne (by ?) - Amont Marcel
Vi va lei (by Limiti,P-Nobile,M) - Mina
V ivo per te (by ?) - I Dik Dik [1970/71]
W and'rin' star (by Lerner-Loewe) - Lee Marvin
W ar (by Strong,B-Whitfield,N) - Edwin Starr
W ar (by Strong,B-Whitfield,N) - The Temptations
W asn't born to follow (by Goffin,J-King,C) - The Byrds
W e're not gonna take it (by ?) - The Who
W e've only just begun (by Nichols-Williams) - The Carpenters
W here do the children play (by Stevens,C) - Cat Stevens
W hole lotta love (by Bonham,J-Jones,JP-Page,J-Plant,R) - Led Zeppelin
W ho'll stop the rain (by Fogerty,J) - Creedence Clearwater Revival
W ithout love (there's nothing) (by Small,D) - Tom Jones
W oodstock (by Mitchell,J) - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
W oodstock (by Mitchell,J) - Joni Mitchell
W ords unspoken (by Palmer) - Supertramp
Y ellow river (by Christie,J) - Christie
Y esterday when I was young (by ?) - Roy Clark
Y ester-me yester-you yesterday (by Miller-Wells) - Stevie Wonder
Y ou never give me your money (by Lennon,J-Mc Cartney,P) - The Beatles
Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE
Le seguenti canzoni sono state dei successi negli anni '70 ma non ne conosciamo con precisione l'anno. Se hai dati al riguardo, ti preghiamo di inviarceli. We don't know exactly the year of the following songs that had some success in the Seventies. If you have data about them, please send us.
2 grosse lacrime bianche (by ?) - Iva Zanicchi
I 2 liocorni (by ?) - Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano
A ho sta bbona 'ndo vai (by ?) - Luciano Rossi
L'A more a sedici anni (by ?) - Luciano Rossi
A more come pane (by ?) - Rosanna Fratello
C anto dei Sanfedisti (Inno sanfedista) (by anonimo) - Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare
C aro amore mio (by ?) - Rosanna Fratello
C he cosa pazza è l'amore (by ?) - Massimo Ranieri
C iribiricoccola (by ?) - Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano
C osa dici mai! (by ?) - Topo Gigio
C ostruzione (by ?) - Ornella Vanoni
È l'aurora (by ?) - Ivo Fossati
H ai stata tu (by Castellacci-Pingitore) - Pippo Franco
I mmaginare (by ?) - Don Backy
I n fondo all'anima (by ?) - Gianni Nazzaro
L'I nternazionale (by Degeyter,A-Poittier,E) - Area
I s that the way (by ?) - Tin Tin
M a se ghe penso (by Cappello,M/Margutti,A) - Gino Paoli
La M arcetta (by ?) - Edoardo Vianello
M arcia di Topolino, La (by Dodd-Devilli-Testoni) -
M aria Rosa (by ?) - Pippo Baudo
M ario (by ?) - Enzo Jannacci
M e metti un lento (by ?) - Luciano Rossi
N inna nanna (by Castellacci-Pingitore) - Pippo Franco
N on mi innamoro più (by ?) - Johnny Dorelli & Caterine Spaak
N ostalgia (by ?) - Don Backy
Il N ostro amor segreto (by ?) - Fred Bongusto
Oh N ina (by ?) - Lino Toffolo
P ioverà (by ?) - Gianni Nazzaro
(Quant'è bello lu) P rimmo ammore (by anonimo-Ruggi,F) - Tony Santagata
S immo 'e Napule paisà (by Fiorelli,P/Valente,N) - Gabriella Ferri
S olo io (by ?) - Peppino Di Capri
S upertelegattone (by ?) - Franco Rosi
The T alk of the USA (by ?) - The Middle of the Road
T roppo bella per restare sola (by ?) - Nuovi Angeli
Z appatore (by Bovio/Albano) - Mario Merola