Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE
A cercate mas (by Farres-Larici) - Nilla Pizzi
A gain (by Cochran,D-Newman,L) - Doris Day
A gain (by Cochran,D-Newman,L) - Gordon Jenkins
A i nostri monti (by Di Lazzato,E) - Carla Boni & Santo Luisito
A ll my love (Bolero) (by Contet,H-Durand,P-Parish,M-Ravel,M) - Patti Page
A lle terme di Caracalla (by Savar,J) - Clara Jaione
A ngeli negri (Angelitos negros) (by Blanco,AE-Gili-Larici-Maciste,AE-Testoni) - Luciano Tajoli [1949/50]
A ngeli negri (Angelitos negros) (by Blanco,AE-Gili-Larici-Maciste,AE-Testoni) - Natalino Otto
A utunno (by Giannantonio,G-Mascheroni,V) - Elena Beltrami
B ahia (by Barroso,A) - Duo Fasano
B alcune 'e Napule (by De Curtis-Murolo) - Franco Ricci
B ammenella d' 'o mercato (by Cioffi-Pisano) - Luciana Dolliver
B ammenella d' 'o mercato (by Cioffi-Pisano) - Pina Lamara
B a-tu-ca-da (by Don Alfonso-Larici) - Nilla Pizzi & Duo Fasano
B ewitched (bothered and bewildered) (M'hai stregato) (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Doris Day
B ibbidi bobbidi boo (by David,M-Hoffman,A-Livingston,Je) - Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters
B olero (by Contet-Durand) - Lidia Martorana
B orgo antico (by Bonagura-Bonavolontà) - Claudio Villa
A B ushel and a peck (by Loesser,F) - Perry Como & Betty Hutton
C accavella, La (Ho comprato la caccavella) (by Concina) - Nino Taranto
The C afè Mozart waltz (by Karas,A) - Anton Karas
C anciello 'e sposa (by De Gregorio-Rendine) - Sergio Bruni
C arcerato (by Cioffi-Pisano) - Franco Ricci
C arcerato (by Cioffi-Pisano) - Mario Lima
C avallo sfortunato (by ?) - Sergio Bruni
C hattanoogie shoeshine boy (by Stapp,J-Stone,H) - Red Foley
C hattanoogie shoeshine boy (by Stapp,J-Stone,H) - Bing Crosby
C he bel fiulin (by Danpa-Panzuti) - Nilla Pizzi
C he cosa è la vita (by Concina-Rovani) - Nilla Pizzi & Duo Fasano
C he mele! (Il venditore di frutta) (by Giacobetti,Kramer,G) - Lidia Martorana
C hi lo sa perchè (by Mascheroni-Pinchi) - Narciso Parigi
C hica patata (by Mojoli-Panzeri,M-Testoni) - Quartetto Stars
The C ry of the wild goose (by Gilkyson,T) - Frankie Laine
El C umbanchero (by Hernandez,R-Larici-Testoni) - Enrico Gentile
D ear hearts and gentle people (by Fain,S-Hilliard,B) - Bing Crosby
D olce Francia (Douce France) (by Franchini-Trenet,C) - Nilla Pizzi
D ouce France (by Trenet,C) - Charles Trenet
D ream a little dream of me (by Andree,F-Kahn,G-Schwandt,W) - Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
The F at man (Big fat) (by Bartholomew,D-Domino,F) - Fats Domino
F enesta verde (by De Crescenzo/Acampora) - Sergio Bruni
G oodnight Irene (by Ledbetter,H-Lomax,JA) - The Weavers & Gordon Jenkins
H arbor lights (by Kennedy,J-Williams,H) - Sammy Kaye
H arry Lime's theme (by Carr,M-Golden,I-Karas,A-Lord,W) - Anton Karas
H arry Lime's theme (by Carr,M-Golden,I-Karas,A-Lord,W) - Guy Lombardo
H oop dee doo (by DeLugg,M-Loesser,F) - Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters
I can't dream, can't I? (by Fain,S-Kahal,I) - Andrews Sisters
(The wreck of the) J ohn B (by ?) - The Weavers
(The wreck of the) J ohn B (by ?) - Jimmie Rodgers
L aguna addormentata (by Coates,E-Lawrence,J-Nomen) - Luciano Benevene
Il M ago Bakù (by Giacobetti,Kramer,G) - Carla Boni
M alaguena (by Banks,M-Lecuona,E) - Radio Boys
M ambo Jambo (Que rico mambo) (by Prado,P) - Perez Prado
M 'ha detto una conchiglia (by Bettio-Capogni) - Nilla Pizzi
M me so' mbriacato 'e sole (by Titomanlio,D/D'Esposito,S) - Roberto Murolo
(Put another nickel in) M usic! Music! Music! (by Baum,B-Weiss,S) - Teresa Brewer
M y baby left me (by Crudup,A) - Arthur Crudup
M y foolish heart (Estasi d'amore) (by Bennett,J-Bullock,W-Washington,N-Whiting,R) - Billy Eckstine
M y foolish heart (Estasi d'amore) (by Bennett,J-Bullock,W-Washington,N-Whiting,R) - Gordon Jenkins
N ella vecchia fattoria (Ol' MacDonald had a farm) (by Giacobetti-Kramer,G-Savona) - Quartetto Cetra
N o other love (by Hammerstein,O-Rodgers,R) - Jo Stafford
N oche de ronda (by Lara,MT) - Nat King Cole
N oche de ronda (by Lara,MT) - Nilla Pizzi
N ulla (by Casasco-Quattrini) - Nilla Pizzi
P alazziello (by Bonagura-Rendine) - Franco Ricci
P atricia (by Prado,P) - Perry Como
Il P iccolo navìo (by Gilardenghi-Riccardi) - Nilla Pizzi & Duo Fasano
P usilleco 'nsentimento (by De Lutio/Cioffi) - Amedeo Pariante
Q uesta notte saprò (Again) (by Cochran,D-Devilli-Newman,L-N) - Teddy Reno
Q uesta notte saprò (Again) (by Cochran,D-Devilli-Newman,L-N) - Nilla Pizzi
Q uiéreme mucho (Cuando se quiere) (by Roig,G) - Nilla Pizzi & Duo Fasano
Q uizas quizas quizas (by Farres,O) - Nat King Cole
Q uizas quizas quizas (by Farres,O) - Trio Los Panchos
Q uizas quizas quizas (by Farres,O-Larici-Testoni) - Nilla Pizzi
La R aspa (by Ardo-Gamse-Grant-Nisa) - Nilla Pizzi
R oma città santa (by Cherubini-Fragna) - Claudio Villa
R oma città santa (by Cherubini-Fragna) - Rosanna Beccari
R osso di sera (by Concina-Manlio) - Claudio Villa
S ei stata tu (by Tajoli,L) - Luciano Tajoli
S leepy lagoon (by Coates,E-Lawrence,J-Nomen) - Teddy Reno
S omeone to watch over me (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Ella Fitzgerald
S urriento d' 'e 'nnammurate (by Benedetto/Bonagura) - Sergio Bruni
T arantella dell'amore (by Marletta-Sordi) - Aldo Donà & Radio Boys
The T ennessee waltz (by King,PW-Stewart,R) - Patti Page
L'U ltima serenata (by Della Gatta-Falcocchio) - Luciano Tajoli
L'U ltima serenata (by Della Gatta-Falcocchio) - Antonio Vasquez
'A V oce 'e mamma (by Russo,G/Genta) - Carla Boni
REGALATI Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano
ISBN 88-7568-298-4EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI via G. Ferrari, 14 20123 Milano (MI)
Le seguenti canzoni sono state dei successi negli anni '50 ma non ne conosciamo con precisione l'anno. Se hai dati al riguardo, ti preghiamo di inviarceli. We don't know exactly the year of the following songs that had some success in the Fifties. If you have data about them, please send us.
A pril in Paris (by Duke,V-Harburg,EY) - Frank Sinatra
A utumn in New York (by Duke,V-Harburg,EY) - Frank Sinatra
B aby won't you please come home (by Warfield,C-Williams,C) - Count Basie
B irth of the blues (by ?) - Frank Sinatra
B lue moon (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Frank Sinatra
Lo C ardillo 'nnammorato (by Bonito,T-Del Prete,E-Labriola,P) - Roberto Murolo
C heek to cheek (by Berlin,I) - Frank Sinatra
C herokee (by Noble,R) - Chet Baker
C hitarra romana (by Bruno-Di Lazzaro,E) - Claudio Villa
C ocaine (by anonimo-Davis) - Tom Rush
C om'è bello fa' l'amore quanno è sera (by Martelli,L-Neri,E-Simi,G) - Anna Magnani
La C ucaracha (by anonimo) - Percy Faith
D onna donna (by Kavess-Schwartz-Secunda,S-Secunda,S-Zeitlin)
D ove andranno a finire i palloncini (by ?) - Renato Rascel
E mbraceable you (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Nat King Cole
E ulalia Torricelli (by Nisa-Olivieri,D-Redi,P) - Quartetto Cetra
Les F euilles mortes (Autumn leaves) (by Kosma,J-Prevert,J) - Juliette Greco
A F oggy day (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
A F oggy day (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Frank Sinatra
F or all we know (by Coots,JF-Lewis,SM) - Dinah Washington
F or all we know (by Coots,JF-Lewis,SM) - Nat King Cole
G o tell it on the mountain (by Oakeley-Reading\Smith) - Mahalia Jackson
G reensleeves (by Cutting-King Henry VIII) - Donna Marando
H ootchie cootchie man (by ?) - Muddy Waters
H ow long how long blues (by Carr,L) - Dinah Washington
I get a kick ouf of you (by Porter,C) - Frank Sinatra
I have but one heart ('O marenariello) (by Gambardella,S-Ottaviano,G-Farrow,J-Symes,M) - Frank Sinatra
I 've got a crush on you (by Gershwin,G) - Frank Sinatra
I 've got you under my skin (by Porter,C) - Frank Sinatra
J ust friends (by Klenner,J-Lewis,SM) - Ella Fitzgerald
J ust friends (by Klenner,J-Lewis,SM) - Frank Sinatra
J ust one of those things (by Porter,C) - Peggy Lee
J ust you just me (by Greer,J-Klages,R) - Nat King Cole
The L ady is a tramp (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Ella Fitzgerald
The L ady is a tramp (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Frank Sinatra
The L ady is a tramp (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Gerry Mulligan
L et's do it (Let's fall in love) (by Porter,C) - Frank Sinatra
L et's fall in love (by Arlen,H-Koehler,T) - Nat King Cole
L ooney Toones theme (by ?) -
M azza, pezza e pizzo (by Pisano/Cioffi) - Nino Taranto
M eet me in St. Louis (by Sterling,AB-Mills,K) - Judy Garland
M y baby just cares for me (by Donaldson,W-Kahn,G) - Harry James
M y funny Valentine (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Chet Baker & Gerry Mulligan
M y funny Valentine (by Hart,L-Rodgers,R) - Frank Sinatra
N annì ('Na gita a li castelli) (by Silvestri,F) - Claudio Villa
The N earness of you (by Carmichael,H-Washington,N) - Frank Sinatra
N ice work if you can get it (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Ella Fitzgerald
N ice work if you can get it (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Frank Sinatra
P aper doll (by Black,JS) - Frank Sinatra
P er i morti di Reggio Emilia (by ?)
P erdido (by Drake,E-Lengsfelder,HJ-Tizol,J) - Sarah Vaughan
Q uanto sei bella Roma (by Bixio,CA-De Torres) - Claudio Villa
R AI inizio trasmissioni (by ?)
S eptember in the rain (by Dubin,A-Warren,H) - Frank Sinatra
S eptember song (by Anderson,M-Weill,K) - Sarah Vaughan
S ilent night holy night (Stille Nacht) (by Gruber,F-Mohr,J-Young,JF) - Mahalia Jackson
S ixteen tons (by Travis,M) - The Platters
'O S ole mio (by Capurro/Di Capua) - Giuseppe Di Stefano
S omeone to watch over me (by Gershwin,G-Gershwin,I) - Frank Sinatra
S on belle (by ?) - Natalino Otto
S on la mondina son la sfruttata (by Besate,P)
S tormy weather (by Arlen,H-Koehler,T) - Frank Sinatra
La S trada del bosco (by Bixio,CA-Nisa-Rusconi) - Luciano Tajoli
Theme from T om and Jerry (by ?) - Henry Mancini
La Violetera (by Lombardo-Montesinos-Padilla) - Xavier Cugat
The W ay you look tonight (by Fields,D-Kern,J) - Frank Sinatra
W e're gonna rock, we're gonna roll (by ?) - Wild Bill Moore
W hen your lover has gone (by Swan,EA) - Frank Sinatra
Y es sir! That's my baby (by Donaldson,W-Kahn,G) - Frank Sinatra
Y ou turned the tables on me (by Alter,L-Mitchell,SD) - Sarah Vaughan
Nei panni di mia moglie di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-7568-298-4 EDITRICE NUOVI AUTORI
Imago mortis di A. Saviano acquistalo su IBSISBN 88-567-1453-1 IL FILO EDITORE