Peter non sa suonare l'arpa.
- Peter do not can play the harp.
- Peter doesn't can play the harp.
- Peter can't play the harp.
- Peter do cannot play the harp.
Jack sa suonare la chitarra.
- Jack can play the guitar.
- Jack know to play the guitar.
- Jack knows to play the guitar.
- Jack does know to play the guitar.
Maggie non sa suonare la chitarra.
- Maggie can't play the guitar.
- Maggie doesn't can't play the guitar.
- Maggie doesn't can play the guitar.
- Maggie can't ring the guitar.
Peter non sa suonare la batteria.
- The drums Peter cannot play.
- Peter can't play the drums.
- Peter doesn't know play the drums.
- Peter don't can play the drums.
Peter non sa suonare la chitarra molto bene.
- Peter can't very well play the guitar.
- Peter doesn't play the guitar very well.
- Peter cans not play the guitar very well.
- Peter can't play the guitar very well.
Maggie sa suonare il campanello.
- Maggie can't ring the doorbell.
- Maggie can ring the doorbell.
- Maggie can play the doorbell.
- Maggie know to play the doorbell.
Maggie non sa suonare la batteria.
- Maggie can play not the drums.
- Maggie can't play the drums.
- Maggie cannot ring the drums.
- Maggie does not know the drums.
Maggie sa suonare la tromba
- Maggie can play the bugle.
- Maggie does can play the bugle.
- Maggie cans play the bugle.
- Maggie doesn't can play the bugle.