I've just moved

Esercizio di completamento

Completa l'esercizio e poi premi "Controlla".
   afternoon      are      attic      bathroom      bed      clear      dishwasher      do      downstairs      floor      garden      ground      hall      have      house      kitchen      living      lunch      make      morning      mum      office      school      supper      trees      up      Upstairs      wash      watch   
UNITA '5 Chores and daily routines

SITUATION: Peter has just moved to another town and now he's writing to his friends Maggie and Jack this letter below

Dear Maggie and dear Jack,

How are you? I hope you both are well. My new house is very nice. It has got two floors. At the floor there is a , the kitchen, the dining room and a room. , at the first , there my bedroom my parents' one and a . There's also a small . All around the there is a nice with some . It is really a nice house.
My day has not changed very much. I get at a quarter to seven in the and the first thing I do is going to the bathroom and myself, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I my bed. Then I go and breakfast with daddy and . At a quarter or ten to eight my dad and I leave home: he goes to his and I go to . At one o'clock some of my classmates and I have at the school canteen. We come back home at half past three in the . An hour later I my homework. and then, at about a quarter to six I go out with some friends I have known here. At half past seven, all the family is around the table in te for supper. After , I sometimes help mum to the table: There's no need to wash up because we've got a new . At half past eight I TV, but not all days. Finally I go to at ten or half past ten.
As you can see, nothin has really changed in my life.
I must be going now.
Looking forward hearing from you,
write me soon!

