Peter's day

esercizio di completamento

Descrivi la giornata di Peter inserendo la forma esatta del verbo.
Peter at a quarter to seven in the morning and the first thing he is going to the bathroom and wash himself. He his face and my teeth. Then he his bed. Then he downstairs and breakfast with daddy and mum. At a quarter or ten to eight Peter and his dad home: his dad to his office and Peter to school. At one o'clock, he and some of his classmates lunch at the school canteen. They back home at half past three in the afternoon. An hour later Peter his homework. and then, at about a quarter to six he out with some friends he known here. At half past seven, all the family around the table in the kitchen for supper. After supper, Peter sometimes his mum to clear the table: There's no need to wash up because they got a new dishwasher. At half past eight he TV, but not all days. Finally he to bed at ten or half past ten.