There is/are

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Unita' 4 THE HOUSE

Situation: at school, Maggie doesn't find her book of History in her satchel so she phones home to ask her mother to look for it.

Maggie: Mum, I can't find my book of History; I've most likely left it at home in my bedroom.
Maggie's Mum: Oh!, Well I'll go and see.
Maggie: Thanks, Mum! In my bedroom there are lots of things: Please, look on my desk...
Maggie's Mum: In your bedroom there is a lot of mess: your bedroom looks rather untidy,

Maggie: You're right, mun: I'll tidy it when I come home. What is there on my desk? Is there my

text of History?
Maggie's Mum: No, there isn't. There aren't any books on your desk... only some copy books.
Maggie: Are there any pens on there?
Maggie's Mum: No there aren't: There is an album and a box with crayons in it.
Maggie: Really?
Maggie's Mun: Yes There is! Why?
Maggie: Because I think I've forgot my material for the Art hour too!
Maggie's Mum: Well done, Maggie!
Maggie: Please, mum, don't laugh at me!
Maggie's Mum: Anyway, there is a book of History on the armchair near the bed.
Maggie: At last! Could you please bring me it, mum?