The Family


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1            2      3          
           5             6    
7                     8       
14                15            
 16     17                      
  19                  20        


4. He's your wife's/husband's father
5. You've married her at last!
7. The Uncle's "grandson".
9. We've got a child: she's female!
10. She's female. She's our... said her grandparents
11. Scrooge is Donald Duck's one!
12. He's so when he marries their daughter, her parents say.
14. She's my husband's/wife's mum.
15. The "brother" of astepdaughter.
16. I'm male and he married my sister.
18. My aunt's/uncle's son/daughter.
19. She's my mother's/father's sister
22. Many unmarried women wants one.
23. She is not my father.
24. She's not my mother.
25. The person I love most.


1. She is her mother but she isn't her daughter.
2. Usually a new married couple wants many of them.
3. I'm male and my parents have got one more son.
6. My brother's wife.
8. I am so for my Grandparents.
13. All of us in a big family.
15. Parents call his so if he is male.
17. They look so similar...
20. My mother's/father's father.
21. If she's female she's the uncle's/aunt's "granddaughter".