"; doc = window._jsdb_select_.document; doc.writeln(list); doc.close(); } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function parse_input( str ) { var x; var new_str = '/'+str; new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , '[' , '/'); new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , ']' , '/'); new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , '.' , '/'); new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , '\'' , ''); new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , '\"' , ''); new_str = str_char_swap( new_str , '//' , '/'); x = rindexOf( new_str , '/'); if(x == new_str.length) new_str = new_str.substring(0,x-1); return new_str; } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function debug( ) { var doc = window._jsdb_input_.document var frm = doc.forms[0]; var size = cookie_value_for_name(window.document , 'size'); var value, s , path, str, x; frm['_jsdb_syntax_'].blur();/*make sure text content is there.*/ value = frm['_jsdb_syntax_'].value; str = parse_input(value); x = rindexOf( str , '/'); if(str.indexOf('top/2/document/forms')>='0' || str.indexOf('_jsdb_select_/document/forms')>='0') { alert('Your selection is doomed to be ignored.\n'+ 'Performing your request collides with\n'+ 're-drawing the debug browser(s).'); return false; } size = ((size=='?' || size==null) ? default_size : size); s = (isInt( size ) == false ? default_size : toint( size )); x = (x<0 ? str.length : x); the_object = top; path = str.substring(0,x-1); setCookie(window.document , 'path' , (value=='' ? '?' : value)); setCookie(window.document,'selected_path','b_0@forms/b_1@0/b_2@0/b_3@value'); initialize_browsers(str.substring(x,str.length),path,(s>2 ? s:default_size)); return false; } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function load_url( with_prompt ) { var doc = window._jsdb_view_.document; var str, _p_ = cookie_value_for_name(doc , 'url'); _p_ = ((_p_=='?' || _p_==null) ? '' : _p_); if( with_prompt > 0 ) { str = prompt('Please enter URL That you want to debug:\n',_p_); if(str==null || str=='') return; setCookie(doc , 'url' , (str=='' ? '?' : str)); } else str = _p_; if(str.length) window._jsdb_view_.location = str; } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function selected_path_at( obj ) { var str; var x; if(obj==null) return null; str = (obj.selectedIndex >= 0 ? obj[obj.selectedIndex].value : null); if(str==null) return null; if(str=='') return null; x = rindexOf(str,'/'); x = (x<0 ? str.length : x); the_text = obj[obj.selectedIndex].text; return str.substring(0,x); } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function set_value( frm ) { var tmpobj = _jsdb_select_.document.forms[0]; var spath = cookie_value_for_name(window.document , 'selected_path'); var x = (spath != null ? rindexOf(spath,'/') : '0'); var tmp = (x>'0' ? spath.substring(x,spath.length) : spath); var y = (tmp!=null ? tmp.indexOf('@') : '0'); var sel = (tmp!=null ? tmp.substring(0,y) : ''); var str=''; set_obj=''; while(x>'0') { tmpobj = tmpobj[sel][0]; str=selected_path_at( tmpobj ); set_obj = ''+real_object_from(the_text, str); if(count_elements(set_obj)==0) break; spath = spath.substring(0,x-1); x = spath != null ? rindexOf(spath,'/') : '0'; tmp = x>'0' ? spath.substring(x+1,spath.length) : null; y = tmp!=null ? tmp.indexOf('@') : '0'; sel = tmp!=null ? tmp.substring(0,y) : ''; } if(set_obj=='') { str = frm['_jsdb_syntax_'].value; if(str=='') { alert("Please type in a path to \n"+ "an object that you like to update."); return; } str = parse_input(str); tmpobj = tmpobj['b_0'][0]; set_obj = tmpobj; x = rindexOf(str,'/'); x = (x<0 ? str.length : x); if(tmpobj.selectedIndex>0) { the_text = set_obj[set_obj.selectedIndex].text; set_obj = ''+real_object_from(the_text, str); } else { set_obj = ''; the_text = str.substring(x,str.length); } if(set_obj == '' || count_elements(set_obj)>0) { str = str.substring(0,x); set_obj = real_object_from(the_text, str); } } if(count_elements(set_obj)==0) { var tmp = 'Replace value of '+the_text+' with:\n'; var doc = window._jsdb_input_.document; var ver;var s;var size = cookie_value_for_name(window.document,'size'); tmp = prompt(tmp, set_obj); if(tmp==null) return; ver = navigator.appVersion.indexOf(' ('); if(ver>='0') { /* 2.02 should change to the working version for eval*/ if(parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,ver)) <= 2.02) { if( navigator.appVersion.indexOf('(Win16') >= '0') if(confirm('Due to existing problems with eval on Windows\n'+ 'we suggest you cancel the request at this time.\n'+ 'If you wish to continue, you should click on \n'+ 'ignore button on the upcomming panel more than \n'+ 'three times to see the result. Note that this \n'+ 'action is memory intensive.') == 0) return; } } tmp = get_script_syntax(str+'/'+the_text , '/' )+'=\"'+tmp+'\"'; eval(tmp); size = ((size=='?' || size==null) ? default_size : size); s = (isInt( size ) == false ? default_size : toint( size )); get_deeper( tmpobj , s ); } else alert('replacing '+the_text+' object with \n'+ 'other objects is not possible.'); } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function show_info() { var doc = window._jsdb_view_.document; var _p_ = cookie_value_for_name(doc , 'url'); if((_p_=='?'||_p_==null)) { _p_ = "\n"; _p_ +='

\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='
\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='Javascript Debugger
\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +=('\n'); _p_ +='\n'; _p_ +='
\n'; _p_ +='Created by: MLI Technology Team
\n'; _p_ +='Version: 1.00
\n'; _p_ +='Copyright: 1996, Multimedia Learning Inc.'+ '
\n'; _p_ +='All rights are reserved.
\n'; _p_ +='
'; doc.writeln(_p_); doc.close(); } load_url( 0 ); } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ function start( ) { var _p_;var doc; if((window.name!="" && window.name!="_jsdb_input_")) return; doc = window._jsdb_input_.document; _p_ = ""; _p_ += "
"; _p_ += "
"; doc.writeln(_p_); doc.close(); _p_ = cookie_value_for_name(window.document , 'path'); doc.forms[0]['_jsdb_syntax_'].value =((_p_=='?'||_p_==null) ? 'top[1].document':_p_); setCookie(window.document , 'size' , default_size); setCookie(window.document , 'selected_path' , 'b_0@forms/b_1@0/b_2@0/b_3@value'); } // --> Multimedia Learning, Inc. JavaScript Debugger <h1 align=center><blink>Frame ALERT!</blink></h1> <p>This document is designed to be viewed using <b>Netscape 2.0</b>'s Frame features. If you are seeing this message, you are using a frame <i>challenged</i> browser.</p> <p>A <b>Frame-capable</b> browser can be gotten from <a href=http://home.netscape.com/>Netscape Communications</a>.</p>