


Updated on: 23 February 2003

ATTENTION: This Regulation is provisional and it could be changed.

ART.1 The Posoppa Cup 2003 consists in a virtual tournament of sailing boats. The used simulator is Sail Simulator 4 version 4.2i, only who possesses such software can be enrolled.

ART.2 The Posoppa Cup 2003 consists in a match-race tournament and the regattas are in an unique course, the Challengers Group winner (the Challenger) will be able to challenge the holder (the Defender) and the winner of this confrontation will be declared the tournament unique winner.

ART.3 The Defender will choose the course where he want to defend his title and the tournament will develop in this course. The course that the Defender has chosen for the Fourth Edition of the tournament is (...). You can see the course technical schedule in the page The Course.

ART.4 The Challengers Group is formed by (...) boats.

ART.5 The creation of the round will be done random. Nobody will know the competitors before to subscribe.

ART.6 The Challengers Group is divided in two parts: the Qualifying Game and the Play Off.

ART.7 In the Qualifying Game every player have to meet the other players of his group two times (one time as host and one time as client). In this phase the players are free to decide the order of the matches. I remember you that the host is the player that get start the regatta, the client is the player that join the regatta.

ART.8 In the Qualifying Game the first two players of each group qualify for the Play Off, if two players have the same points at the end of the races, we will look the direct matches and if they still are in parity they will do an additional regatta.

ART.9 In the Play Off and in The Challenge the encounters are formed by 3 ragattas (5 regattas for the finals) and the winner is the player that will have points 2 (3 points for the finals) (1 point for the winner 0 for the loser).

ART.10 In the Play Off and in The Challenge if the player find his boat name in the red part of the table, he will be host in 1st and 3rd regattas (for the finals in 1st, 3rd, 5th); if the player find his boat name in the blue part of the table, he will be host in 2nd regatta (for the finals in 2nd, 4th). I remember you that the host is the player that get start the regatta, the client is the player that join the regatta.

ART.11 The regattas are decided by an appointment between the players. The host or the client invites the opponent and he must specify appointment date and time, the meeting and how many regattas he want to do. A generic invitation will not be considered valid.

ART.12 When an official invitation is done to an opponent, the opposing must answer quickly and if he is not able to sit for the regatta, he will have 7 days to organize and do the regatta, otherwise he will lose the regatta.

ART.13 The Committee will fix the Maximum time within which the regattas for every turn will have to be carried out, expired such term will not be more possible to carry out the relative regattas to such turn, these regattas will therefore considered not carried out for withdrawal of both the contenders, the Committee will decide on eventual endorsements to the contenders.

ART.14 To contact your opposing, you have to look the players list on the web-site that you will find at the end of registration time. The Posoppa Cup 2003's official meeting place is the Chat Room.

ART.15 After the regatta both players have to send the regatta results, the eventual protests and the eventual comments assorting the form available at the page: Mailing of Resultes or, only if there are problems with the form, by E-mail to:

ART.16 The utilized boat must be an America's Cup type and the crew of every boat must be formed from (...) sailors.

ART.17 Every contender must send to the Committee, united to the module of registration, the own boat and will have to use such boat for all the duration of the tournament. The registration of a contender to the tournament will be official only after that the Committee will have accredited the sended boat.

ART.18 Every boat must contain on the mail sail the letters indicating the nationality and the sail number (from two to four figures). The sail number of two or more contenders enrolled to the tournament can not be equal.

ART.19 During the regatta the contenders will have to observe the Regulations of Regatta 2001-2004 of the Iternational Sailing Federation. Before the beginning of the regatta the contenders will be able to find an agreement in order to engage themselves to follow only the main rules of such regulations, the contenders will have however to respect the fundamental rules on: Straight of Route, Procedure of Departure, Turning of Buoys, Prohibition to use mechanical propulsion, Keeping of the Penalties.

ART.20 The host have to set up the Count-down time on 5 minutes (Multiplyer section of the Preferences menu of Sail Simulator 4.2i).

ART.21 Before starting the Departure procedure the host contender will have to ask the client contender if he is "ready to start", only when both the contenders are ready he can be started the departure procedure.

ART.22 The presence of a Referee during the regattas is not previewed, however the contenders or the Committee will be able to demand the presence of a Referee when they think it is opportune. The Referee presence must be signaled to the Committee.

ART.23 When a contender thinks that his adversary has done an infraction he must immediately demand in chat to the Referee that he assigns a penalty to the adversary or in lack of the Referee penalty must demand in chat to the adversary that he auto-assigns a penality to herself. In lack of such communication during the regatta protests after the regatta will not be admitted.

ART.24 When a contender thinks to have done an infraction in lack of the Refree he must immediately communicate it in chat to the adversary so he can demand to him to auto-assign a penalty to herself.

ART.25 The contender who must discount a penalty before making it must signal it with the written in chat "PNL". It must be clear to both the contenders who the penalty is going to be discounted. If a doubt will occur this can be transmitted to the Committee.

ART.26 If for some reason a disconnection will happen, the contenders will have to be repeated the regatta and they always have to communicate the fact to the Committee. In the case in which the disconnection happens when a contender is in "clearly advantage" on the other, the regatta already is carried out for beyond 50% and both the contenders agree, the result of the regatta can be considered valid.

ART.27 Before, after and during the regatta it is not granted to the contenders to use of some functions of the program or some expedient that brings they an advantage or that brings to their adversary a disadvantage impossible to achieve in the reality.

ART.28 The players always have to control the their data on the web site and to communicate to the Committee eventual inaccuracy quickly.

ART.29 Every deceits or frauds against another player or against the Committee will be punish with the immediately expulsion.

The Committee always can change these rules; if the rules will be changed, we immediately will inform you.

We advise you to print a copy of this page and to keep it in a safety place.

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