TUTORIAL TO RENDER COMPATIBLE TO SAIL SIMULATOR 4.2 THE BOAT OF SAIL SIMULATOR 4.1.2 Using Sail Simulator 4.2 some boats during the loading cause an error. We have ascertained that such boats are simply those imported from Sail Simulator 4.1.2 but for they do not have the reference to spinnaker the program gives error. Try and you will see the message clearly. In order to obviate to the disadvantage it is enough to make the following operations: 1) Load Style Editor, and to open all the boats that the simulator puts available, depends how many boats you have downloaded. We have ascertained that the boats that give problems are Soling Light, Soling Red, Valk Old, VOR 60 Black-withe. 2) Open C:\Programs files\Shared files\Stentec Shared\Boats\Soling\Styles\Green (this Soling has the texture of the spinnaker). 3) Copy the texture and transfer it in the directory of the Light type and the Red type. 4) Open the text file of Green with Block Notes or similar. Take the relative part spinnaker: item Color = -8355712 Description = 'SpinnakerPole' Name = 'SpinnakerPole0' TextureSupported = False end item Color = -1 Description = 'Spinnaker' Name = 'Spinnaker0' Texture = 'soling_spin.bmp' TextureSupported = True end 5) Glue it to the same text file for the Soling Light and the Soling Red. 6) Save it and and the problem will be resolved. They will not give more error to you. 7) Repeat the procedure for all the boats. At this point you should have understood, the personalizations that we have before for Sail Simulator 4.1.2 are totally recoverable, it are sufficient to take the personalizations and to copy within the texture of the spinnaker simply using this procedure and the boats will be once more compatible. Posoppa Cup 2002 Fax: +39 051 97.931.129.26 E-mail: posoppacup@libero.it Web: http://digilander.iol.it/PosoppaCup/