The King Arthur Weimaraner

© Carella Marco

A. Carpals or wrist
B. Cervical Vertebrae
C. Coccygeal Vertebrae or tail
D. Elbow Joint
E. Femur and second thigh
F. Hock Joint
G. Hip
H. Humorous and upper arm
I. Mandible or jaw with flews(jowels)
J. Lumbar Vertebrae or loin
K. Maxilla
L. Metacarpals or pasterns
M. Metatarsals
N. Occiput
O. Pelvis
P. Phalanges or toes

Q. Radius and Ulna and forearm
R. Ribs
S. Sacrum or croup: slight decline
before the tail begins
T. Scapula or Withers: highest part
of the back between the
shoulder blades
U. Shoulder Joint
V. Skull
W. Stifle joint
X. Sternum at midpoint of chest; brisket
Y. Thoracic Vertebrae or back
Z. Tibia and Fibula
1. Stop-where the nose stops and the forehead begins
2. Tuck up

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