In the July 1995 I was in Oberwangen, near Berna (Switzerland) at "MODEL ENGINES COLLECTO – The first Model Engine Collecto in Switzerland".

I remember the green landscape surrounding the little building in which the meeting was held. Also remember the many beautiful engines on show and some running. Here I acquired some old model engine drawings "Kratmo" and a photocopy of an interesting little book dealing with the construction of a model aero engine with title "SELBSTBAU von BENZINMOTOREN fur FLUGMODELLE".

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This was an ancient German book (it dated 1938) dealing very detailed instructions for the home-builder 9 c.c. (0.55 c.i.) engine. Arguments in the various chapters range from simple i.c. engine theory, metal working for the pieces of the engine, lapping and running-in, up to instructions for hard soldering etc.   min_P_39.jpg (7339 byte)


min_P_24.jpg (6401 byte) In the pages there are drawings of the pieces complete with dimensions and, at the end of the book, two pages for the drawings of the complete engine.

It was written in German language but, worse, the font used was Gothic so very difficult to read!

For a modeler interested in the European engines, this book is an useful source of data about the technology of the pre-war years.

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I reprinted the book in Italian translation (with the precious help of a friend of mine with knowledge in German language) paging-up the book with the Italian translated page near the original in Gothic German language: result is very interesting because the original old flavour of the printing is maintained and the understanding is performed by reading the translated text.

For the modelers that are interested to see the book in its original form, I temporary uploaded it (caution: it is a large file – 12Mb), so You can click here:         (login   d_rossello and password  rcme).


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