SAVONA is situated in LIGURIA. It is a sea town and is middle size (live in it about 57.000 people).
It is expanded between the sea and hills. (Click on the image to enlarge)
It has originated in ancient times and lived of an hard and valiant people. The Romans subjugated this people with difficulty.
The city developed its richness, from time immemorial, about the harbour with port and trades. The port was very important and there was shipyards.
There are many old print tables that show the town, its port and its towers. In the view, there is Savona in 1330: in there years it was enclosed with walls and it had thirteen gates with forty towers.
The higher tower was named "Brandale" that was shortened by the Genoa Republic that was our very fierce foe that also destroyed the port.
Another important tower, that also is the symbol of the town, is in front of the port and is called "La Torretta" ("The Little Tower")
In Savona between century 1400-1500 were born two popes: Sisto IV° and GIULIO II°
An interesting military building is the fortress called "Priamar" (here is inside of the fortress). It was erected by Genoa Republic in 1542 when Savona was conquered. Today it is often used for theatrical and musical shows.
Savona in the 18th-19th century acquired further expansion in buildings and trades. The print of the year 1850 shows the town around the port.
Savona suffered the war damages for the bombing of the port and industries. After the war, trades, port and industries returned to new life. Today, in these years of global market, the development of the town is with less industries and oriented toward both sea trades and tourist.