
The manual was of 81/2 X 11 size and count 56 pages. There are many bautiful black and white photos and color drawings but no electronic projects.


Page 1The argouments are divided in ten capters evolving from the simplest analogue single channel proportional up to the modern "digital" system



Page 13

Interesting is the part about the "Galloping Ghost" well Page 14described and with plentiful of color drawings that was useful to me to really understand how this genial system worked!



Page 16Further passage are from the simple systems for independent rudder and elevator up to dual and triple proportional.Page 21

Much of these systems are described from then on the market firms and many not so young modelers have matter of nostalgya!


Page 26In the "Full House" capter we see the one time famous names ofPage 27 the first real full independent channel proportional radios as LOGICTROL, CITIZEN-SHIP and HEATHKIT

                            Page 28


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