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Another fatal accident


The incident occurred at 11:40 this morning. The driver of the car, Mendogni Stefano, 29, dead instantly, while his friend, Antonio Spinabella, 33, was transported to the hospital Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio, for treating orthopedic injuries. He was considered cured in forty days. In the afternoon, his transfer to Major in Parmahe has been ordered. There were also injured passengers of the bus, which was along the stretch of road from Reggio Emilia and Calerno: for these three men and three women conditions are always reassuring. They were discharged after treatment. Via Emilia, partly covered by the accident, was blocked for a long time: only two-way traffic has resumed only alternative to a full reopening of two lanes only around 16. The bus involved in the crash is the bus that connects the city to Monticelli Terme, whose driver was unhurt. For measurements the police was taken.


Article copied from "" Saturday 09/03/2005


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