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Cadè News


Deadly crash Cadè


A boy of 20 years, Giovanni La Mattina, who lived in Reggio via Adua, died yesterday evening at 23.30 in a crash between a Honda motorcycle and a car. The young Sicilian origin, was a passenger in a two-wheeled vehicle, driven by a friend the same age, who also lives in the city. On the Via Emilia, Villa Cadè, the crash with a Skoda Felicia, carrying a 19 year old girl, unharmed. They intervened with ambulances and rescue medication. The two motorcyclists were rushed to Santa Maria Nuova. John La Mattina died about one o'clock of the night, while his friend was hospitalized with a prognosis of a month. Transcriptions of the traffic police of Guastalla.


Article copied from "" Saturday 06/05/2004


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