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Get drunk and annoying customers to...


The customer is drunk and annoying people in the room, so that the owner of the bar fights. A Chinese, a bar owner in the Villa Cadè, was charged with serious injuries and objects that harbor unjustified to offend. The man, around 22 yesterday, has challenged a telescopic metal baton and hit a customer in the bar drinking. At Cops intervened he said the customer, in addition to disturbing other people in the bar, he had insulted his wife, had refused to pay the bill, then threatened him with a shard of glass from a broken glass voluntarily. The client, who had a bleeding wound to the head, was taken to the emergency room. Then he was treated and discharged with a prognosis of two days. The Chinese was accompanied to the police station. It considers the position of the customer for any claim for being drunk and disorderly.


Article copied from "" Monday 03/01/2010


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