(Staefa)                                   (Stellata)


Nome Botanico: Scabiosa.

Famiglia: Dipsacaceae.

Breve Descrizione: Costituisce una densa rosetta basale di foglie lanceolate, ricoperte da una sottile e leggera peluria, di colore verde brillante, all'interno della rosetta si sviluppano foglie piĆ¹ piccole, finemente divise; da primavera inoltrata fino ai primi freddi dalla rosetta crescono fusti sottili, lunghi 20-25 cm, che portano dei fiori singoli, con centro di colore grigio-argento e corolla viola o lilla.

Durata: Perenne o annuale.

Periodo Di Fioritura: Dalla primavera fino all'autunno.

Area Di Origine: Africa, Europa e Asia.

Clima: Temperato.

Uso: Questa piccola perenne viene molto coltivata nelle aiuole e nei giardini rocciosi per la lunga ed abbondante fioritura; esistono numerosi ibridi con fiori di colori che vanno dal porpora scuro fino al bianco. Un tempo era ritenuta efficace contro la scabbia.

Botanical Name: Scabiosa.

Family: Dipsacaceae.

Brief Description: Some species of Scabiosa are annuals, others perennials. Some are herbaceous plants; others have woody rootstocks. The leaves of most species are somewhat hairy and partly divided into lobes, but a few are smooth and some species have simple leaves. The flowers are borne on inflorescences in the form of heads; each head contains many small florets, each floret cupped in a membranous, saucer-shaped bract. The calyx has five sepals in the form of awns almost as long as the petals. After the flowers have dropped, the calyces together with the bracts form a spiky ball that may be the reason for the "pincushion" common name. The calyx is persistent and remains as a crown on the fruit after it is shed. The corolla has four to five lobes fringing a narrow funnel with a furry throat, the funnel being somewhat longer than the lobes. The florets have four stamens each, set high in the tube, and sticking out. Each fruit has just one seed.

Duration: Perennial or annual.

Flowering Period: From spring until autumn.

Area of Origin: Africa, Europe and Asia.

Climate: Temperate.

Use: This little perennial is much cultivated in the flowerbeds and rock gardens to the long and abundant flowering; There are many hybrids with flowers of colors ranging from dark purple to white. It was once considered effective against scabies.