

Nome Botanico: Leonotis Leonurus.

Famiglia: Lamiaceae.

Breve Descrizione: La pianta è una latifoglia sempreverde dal grande arbusto. Cresce da 1 a 2 m di altezza . Le lunghe foglie verde scuro quando schiacciate rilasciano un intenso aroma. La pianta presenta fiori rosso/arancio tubolari disposti a spirale su più livelli, tipici della famiglia della menta. Cresce durante la stagione estiva, con fioritura continua in inverno dove il clima è più caldo.

Durata: Perenne o annuale.

Periodo Di Fioritura: Autunno.

Area Di Origine: Sud Africa.

Clima: Temperato caldo o tropicale.

Uso: Coltivabile in esterno per ornamento di giardini e parchi. Produce del nettare che attira uccelli e farfalle. Il suo estratto possiede discrete percentuali di tossicità, per alcuni versi assimilabile ai cannabinoidi.

Botanical Name: Leonotis Leonurus.

Family: Lamiaceae.

Brief Description: The plant is a broadleaf evergreen large shrub native to South Africa and southern Africa, where it is very common. The shrub grows 3 to 6 ft (1 to 2 m) tall by 1.5 to 3.5 feet (0.46 to 1.07 m) wide. The medium-dark green 2–4 inches (5.1–10.2 cm) long leaves are aromatic when crushed. The plant has tubular orange flowers in tiered whorls, typical to the mint family, that encircle the square stems. They rise above the foliage mass during the summer season, with flowering continuing into winter in warmer climates.

Duration: Perennial or annual.

Flowering Period: Autumn.

Area of Origin: South Africa.

Climate: Warm temperate or tropical.

Use: Leonotis leonurus is cultivated as an ornamental plant for its copious orange blossom spikes and accent or screening qualities for use in gardens and parks. It is a moderate drought tolerant plant, and a nectar source for birds and butterflies in landscape settings. An animal study in rats indicated that in high doses, lion's tail has significant toxicological adverse effects on organs, red blood cells, white blood cells and other important bodily functions. The dried leaves and flowers have a mild calming effect when smoked. In some users, the effects have been noted to be similar to the cannabinoid THC found in Cannabis, except that it has a much less potent high.