The Greek Age of Bronze
1600 - 1100 B.C.

All the Mycenaean warriors drawings and figurines are based on archaeological evidences (pottery, fresco, paintings, sculptures, weapons/armours etc.) coming from Greek late helladic period 1600-1100 B. C. and Homer's descriptions in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Achilles and Hector; duel among Warlords 1250 B. C. Reconstruction based on Homer's description compared with archaeological evidencies

Achilles and Hector (Trojan war 1250 B. C.); Metal figurines from SOLDIERS

Achaeans and Trojan warriors (Trojan war 1250 B. C.) Metal figurines from Pegaso Models

Ajax Telamones with old fashion Dendra style armour (Trojan war 1250 B. C.). Selfconstructed plastic/putty figurine based on Homer's description and archaeological findings

Achaean warrior of Millawanda (Miletus) (Anatolia 1300-1400 B.C.). Selfconstructed plastic/putty figurine based on archaeological findings

Achaean warrior (Trojan war 1250 B.C.) Modified resin figurine based on archaeological evidencies

Achaean warrior (Trojan war 1250 B.C.) Modified resin figurine based on archaeological evidencies

Achaean warrior of Millawanda (Miletus) (Anatolia 1300-1400 B.C.) based on archaeological evidencies

Presumed late Mycenaeans helmets (1200-1100 B. C.) based on Homer's description and archaeological findings.

Late Myceanean helmets (1200-1100 B.C.) based on archaeological evidencies.

Late Myceanean helmets (1200-1100 B.C.) based on archaeological evidencies.

Myceanean helmets (1300-1200 B. C.) based on archaeological evidencies

Early Myceanean helmets (1600-1400 B. C.) based on archaeological evidencies.

Achilles' son Neoptholemus wearing his father's armour (Trojan war 1250 B.C.) Oil painting based on Trojan war tales.